Gosh darn it! I thought I was working on a neglected drafts folder post – but apparently I posted back in 2021? – First I wanted to verify that my copy (actual copy pictured above) was the shorter version (digging thru boxes in basement, plugging into VCR, it is!) Then realizing the “clip” was over a gigabyte (it’s the whole film) I decided to make a more manageable filesize, and now while the version on my desktop plays fine – this version, below – only plays sound???
4 replies on “aaarrrggghhh!”
Thanks for all your efforts though! Sorry it didn’t go well.
This is the Hand-in-Hand film “Jack?” It’s a pretty great title. I’ve never seen it. Which scene was the clip supposed to show? Oh wait, it looks like the whole film! Really sorry it didn’t work. Oh well.
still working on it – meanwile, if you click through to the original post – JACK – you’ll see a link for the full Jack 1.1 gb download
Your clips lately have great picture and sound quality, which is of course optimal. But if you’re frustrated by how long it takes to convert the clips or the file size (not to mention the issue with this post, which I get audio only too) then you might try tinkering with the settings. Especially if you have it set to transfer everything to HD. There should be options where you control that kind of thing on your end.
thanks – I was only worried that the large file sizes would mean difficulty viewing – not everyone is sitting at home with high speed internet. Interestingly, today I discovered THIS particular problem – somehow “downsizing” the file to “mobile” viewed fine directly on my PC, but not the uploaded version on the browser in the actual post! (if you click through to the original post, I have restored the working file) – so still tinkering with the tools!