The Boys of Company F. (1984?) – directed by Raymond Goodwyn (his only film)
Starring: Rick Donovan, Jeff Richards, Bob Carson, Jim Higgins, Joe Reeves , Charles Hammond, Tom Dreyer, Rick Evans, Sam Powers, Jim Highland, David Gilbert
I’ve always thought the date 1984 seemed late, given the look of the film; and my old cassette actually has 1985 as the date. But maybe it was produced only as early as 1982 or 1983… ’83 being the year Rick Donovan first came on the scene in Sailor in the Wild (in the scene where Leo Ford does all the work, and makes the scene work!). You’ll notice this promo says this is Rick’s first film – so something delayed the release. Anyway, while Donovan is the sergeant barking orders, and he’s in the orgy finale, he’s barely in the film, and scene 3 is arguably the best scene – with hottie Joe Reeves and Bob Carson, where Joe barters sex for a chopper part he desperately needs.

hmmmpf. Actually re-watching the scene, meh! I guess it was the setting / setup that seemed hot (army barracks, bare mattress, Joe Reeves look as his face is buried in the mattress), but I think our resident reddit reviewer is correct – “so rote” – the “top” was just so uninterested in what/who he was doing – and it’s Joe fuckin’ Reeves! Stills are much hotter. The promo, I still like the promo clip.

music by Richard Kinner
One reply on “F troop”
The setting in a barracks was what excited me the most when I first rented this tape, like that potential made up for some of the so-so sex. The Joe Reeves scene is all right but they don’t have that much of a connection, which drags it down.
My top scene is the 4th one, with the sergeant saying ‘you know what a target is don’t you?’ to the private, and they do it on the leather couch. Did you see my theory, and what do you think?
-this film, Jeff Richards as the sergeant from scene 4
-from Doing It, Mike Marshall (the guy in bed with Michael Christopher when the younger brother and friend spy through the doorway)
-and as both Mike Weldon and Brian Nichols in the films Huge 1, Games, Gold Rush Boys, I Do and Fantasize.
All the same guy? Gevi links the Brian and Mike W. aliases together and not the other two, but I think he also looks an awful lot like the sergeant from scene 4 of Company F. As well as the one ‘doing it’ with Michael C. on the bed. The thick hard dick of course sticks out (as it should) but also his prominent nose, especially in profile. And the era matches with all the other known films.