"vintage" porn stars pornoclips

actual size

The Shaft (AKA Black Velvet, Bill Williams(?)) (1973) – AKA Black Velvet, pt 1 (oral) Black Velvet, pt 2 (anal) – eventually winding up on FVP021 (Falcon Video pac) but originally produced/distributed by um, Brad Chapman / Priapus / The Odyssey Club starring huge Bill Harrison (AKA Ronnie Shark when he directs) and John Traynor (AKA John Coletti when he directs)

Black Velvet – Dubbed the “film of films”. It stars “Big Bill” of Bijou fame and Playgirl discovery John Traynor (whose supporting role is remarkable)! ”

From the music you can tell its the Falcon version – same tune in all those promos/cumming attractions, right? ya gotta give it to Mr. Coletti (heehee!) – being born with a big cock isn’t a major achievement, but knowing what to do with your partner’s humongous schlong, well….. !!

I hope the graphics department got extra credit for the schlong without a body (or balls) imagery!


working on it?


a lot more work to do, and chances this will go down again – but it’s been an exhausting, disheartening few days.

does FUNKY stuff in both Firefox and Chrome browsers! freezes links, or takes you to a non-BJland page!