Jeff Stone, photographed by Phil Flasche
Jeff Stone, photographed by Phil Flasche
what’s wrong with this picture(s)? The more detail, the more points!
there may be hints in this previous post, but I’m looking for specifics here.
Right Away, Sir! (1978) – (BRENTWOOD FILM #700) w/ LT. NELSON (Bob Benson) and Private Yeoman Wolfmeyer (Wolfie)
You can easily tell who I favor in this video, right? But seriously, I’m following the dialogue / set up (3 minutes in all – which is super long for porn) – and the quiet as the “kid” works, Lt. Nelson watches, but then the squeaky chair somehow gives him away! So strip below the waist, it’s hot in here, then, um, put the belt back on, around your shirt waist, then continue working while I .. get more comfortable, and jack off? mmmmm, mkay!
at some point I noticed that Paul Barresi was in a lot of Stroke magazines; and I started nabbing pics in a folder, but alas, hadn’t always documented which issue it came from! So here’s my attempt – of course, reader’s input always welcome and appreciated! Not (yet) looking for every Barresi magazine, just appearances in STROKE – of course, if a non-Stroke magazines is the source of the Stroke appearances, glad to have both pieces of info.
Not everyone likes my edit/crop style (pimples, folds from the magazine, unattractive skinny blond yougin’s…) but you know the answer to that one – include a link to your awesome porno-crazed blog!
The pic above may not seem his sexiest, but something about the “Dad pants” all high-waisted, some awful polyester blend…. reading the sports page…
more Paul Barresi on BJland; or more just “Barresi” (more hits)
recently came upon (heehee) this clip with Clay Russell – I’ve seen the pics for years from a magazine (which, of course, I can now only find this one image, below, after searching for over a week!) – but I am stumped on who made the film, what year, the partner’s name, and – by gosh! under 6 minutes it definitely seems incomplete. I’m certain the stills showed fucking, but this clip doesn’t. Maybe comparing the title font to other 8MM’s???
update: co-star (servant) is Ted Roberts
more of him on BJland
you’d think with all the free time – (site was down from Monday around noon, and not back up til Friday afternoon (actually, that Friday post was up for about 30 minutes in the wee hours of Friday morning, until I messed up a password / wp-config file) ) – I’d work on some posts, some scans, some organization… well, unlike previous outages, I had NO ACCESS to the wordpress dashboard panel to work on drafts; but, the good news was that the site itself (www.bjland.ws – go ahead, click, it’s me 10+ years ago – any of you ever enter through the front door, or are you all…. I digress) where was I? The site itself was working, but not the “blog” itself – which is, of course, probably over +90% of the content, and where new stuff generally goes.
And since I just get basic hosting, getting help from tech folks meant emails, waiting hours, more emails, and meanwhile I did some cleaning up of old files, but also may have delayed the recovery by some mistakes I made by going too fast out of frustration.
Many thanks to folks who contacted me via email or social media to alert or wonder what was up – and sometimes the site has gone down without me being aware – but in any case THANK YOU.
so – here, up top is the wonderful Rodney James helping out (Lee) Ryder (“elder”) from Tightropes No. 1 magazine – wish I could locate the film! Below, 2 pics I am not happy about, as I hate the insets – I just like clean images on this here porn-crazed rambling blog, but I don’t know basic photo editing stuff like how to white out the insets without it looking awful – this is where you cum in. If you think you can give a helping had and edit for me, click each image which will take you to a must larger file size of them – and you know howto reach me – bjland – gmail – make sense?
oh, yeah – hard to find pics of Karl Hansen (seen here playing doctor with Derrick Stanton) – may well be his only film, so would love to have “cleaner” versions of these