Arcade (1984) – Director: Jim West (1984) “precondom” – full movie is 65 minutes running time
Starring: Eric Stryker (AKA Noel Kemp, Mike Kelly), Nick Rodgers (as the Security Guard), Kevin Hunt, Jose Castiore, Phillip Todd, Joey Roma, Chip DeLorme, and Zed Michaels
We’ve all been there, doing nasty stuff in a sleazy porn video shop, when the knock on the door comes – and in this movie, it’s mustached and hairy killjoy Nick Rodgers, the security guard, patrolling the area in order to prevent any hanky panky from occurring. Suspecting something might be going on in a (rather spacious) video booth, he pounds on the door. (Or sometimes we hear the less intrusive barking mantra “more quarters, gentlemen” at the politer venues – but I digress.) Here, the 4 men have had enough, so they confront him, ripping off his shirt, then using a knife to cut him out of his jeans! I had forgotten just how menacing Eric Stryker is here with the big knife! – and where in those tight jeans did he stow that? And the menacing music! Knife going up the jeans, towards his…. I can’t watch! Don’t hurt Nick’s gorgeous cock!

….cue: Frankie Goes to Hollywood’s Relax and Eric and Nick get it on.
Meanwhile, the other 3 have sex nearby. Why? Don’t get me wrong, I like the pairing of Eric and Nick, but why have the 4 guys “get back” at Nick, only to back off and let Eric have all the Nick-fun? Finale involves Eric on the porno arcade’s floor (you’d think it would be Nick, but Eric is the star of the movie, appearing in all the scenes!) as all them men finish up around him.
“Arcade”, original theme song, performed by Jake Coletti, written by Jake Coletti and Jim West (scroll down to last video clip / promo)
and don’t forget to check out this reddit review – he digs the theme song as much as i do!

One reply on “security guard”
If this had been made a year earlier it might have been shot on film, and I think it would have been better if it had been. There are a few dark spots (I know the locale depicted is often dark) but the audience always wants to be able to see the good bits in bright light and effective camera angles, and this doesn’t always deliver in that sense. Still Eric was extremely hot then, and Nick was still too so it’s definitely worth watching for that.
The longer clip is outstanding quality, both picture and especially the audio. If it took you longer than normal to transfer it to this format that may have been why. But the sound on the theme song clip is only through one ear, as was the clip from the review. I think the song is awesomely bad, ‘so bad it’s good’ territory but can’t remember if it plays in full at both the beginning and the end. Thanks again for giving me the ID on Tour de France also, that one sounded familiar but I had trouble placing it. Definitely related to the rest from that era, the Dead Or Alive, New Order etc. tunes and of course Relax.
“We’ve all been there, doing nasty stuff in a sleazy porn video shop…” whoa, was that you on the other side of that glory hole? ;)