you’d think with all the free time – (site was down from Monday around noon, and not back up til Friday afternoon (actually, that Friday post was up for about 30 minutes in the wee hours of Friday morning, until I messed up a password / wp-config file) ) – I’d work on some posts, some scans, some organization… well, unlike previous outages, I had NO ACCESS to the wordpress dashboard panel to work on drafts; but, the good news was that the site itself (www.bjland.ws – go ahead, click, it’s me 10+ years ago – any of you ever enter through the front door, or are you all…. I digress) where was I? The site itself was working, but not the “blog” itself – which is, of course, probably over +90% of the content, and where new stuff generally goes.
And since I just get basic hosting, getting help from tech folks meant emails, waiting hours, more emails, and meanwhile I did some cleaning up of old files, but also may have delayed the recovery by some mistakes I made by going too fast out of frustration.
Many thanks to folks who contacted me via email or social media to alert or wonder what was up – and sometimes the site has gone down without me being aware – but in any case THANK YOU.
so – here, up top is the wonderful Rodney James helping out (Lee) Ryder (“elder”) from Tightropes No. 1 magazine – wish I could locate the film! Below, 2 pics I am not happy about, as I hate the insets – I just like clean images on this here porn-crazed rambling blog, but I don’t know basic photo editing stuff like how to white out the insets without it looking awful – this is where you cum in. If you think you can give a helping had and edit for me, click each image which will take you to a must larger file size of them – and you know howto reach me – bjland – gmail – make sense?
oh, yeah – hard to find pics of Karl Hansen (seen here playing doctor with Derrick Stanton) – may well be his only film, so would love to have “cleaner” versions of these

4 replies on “helping hand?”
Karl Hansen was THE most convincing character in that scene.
Maybe one of the best predecessors of the actual doctor genre.
Bald patch, beard, hairy.
Need to list anything else?
Thank you for all the great content over the years. Email me if you have technical issues in the future. I will try to lend a hand/ear.
Wait, I thought I had that mag, but I’ve never scene that particular photo of the incredible Rodney James. I guess it’s just a partial set. Damn. Photos of him are few and far between. I would love to see the scene as well. If I ever come across (that never gets old) I will let you know.
I think Karl Hansen is totally new to me, at least he feels new right now. Super hot furry-balding-bearded daddy. It’s almost like Nick Rodgers with fur and beard. Anyway, I love it.
Great photos! Thanks BJ. Dunno’ if I can help with technical stuff like you mentioned- I am still trying to figure out how to join two pics together (like the top and bottom of a centerfold scanned separately). Actually, that’s not true. I am not still trying. I gave up. Years ago I could do some magic with Photoshop, but no more. I can’t even afford photoshop.
Thanks for all your hard work. You’re a beast!
Wow this whole page is fucking amazing!!! I am a huge fan of vintage gay porn. I have also made quite a bit, some of which is approaching vintage stage at this point. I started in 1997. Perhaps you have heard of Diktek?
Anyway. Very nice job on this page man. It’s my new go to page when I’m feelin’ nice & queer!