who you may remember from such films as
- Hot Beach – (1979) – Fox Studio w/ Tony Regalia
- Leather Bond – (1981) from the Muscle Up collection from Fox Studios, w/ Tom LeDuc
- Cowboy’s Dream (1983/4?) – Sunblazer Studio – solo

Tex Murdock, one of the few classic porn models who I like that look amazing both with all their body hair, and with it trimmed (same for Ledermeister )- and don’t get me started on ‘stach and beard!! Looking good in all his looks!
Modelling works seems to have been primarily for Fox Studios, plus some excellent work for Sunblazer Studios. Colt work appears to be very very thin; in fact, I could only find 2 COLT publications with him in it, a single photo each, and he’s on that motorcycle – the one you also see in some Fox Studio photos. And while looking at publications, I came to realize that the July Numbers from 1981 has a different photographer – one I’d never heard of – Jim Brock! and while Numbers isn’t my favorite for photo/print quality, there’s some nice pics, include some butt shots! MMMMMmmmmmm!
publications –
- Lethal Meat – (1979) – Fox Studios
- Mandate – (November 1980) cover and photospread, from Fox Studios
- Colt Leather Calendar – (1981)
- Stallion – (March 1981)
- Numbers – (July 1981) – 5 pages plus index photo – photos by Jim Brock!!
- In Touch for Men #59 – (September 1981) – 6 pages from Fox Studio
- Torso – (October 1982) – 12 pages from Sunblazer
- Sun Power – (1982) Sunblazer Studios
- FOX CALENDAR – (1984) – Fox Studios
- All Muscle 2 – (1987) – Fox Studios
- Colt Studio Presents 11 – Leather Tour de Force – (1988?)
- Leather Masters – (1990 ) Fox Studios
- FOX: VIDEO MAGAZINE 1 – (1993) – Fox Studios
- Jock Collectors: “Men of Sunblazer Studios.” (1993) – Sunblazer Studios
- FOX PHOTOSETS – (?) 021 (solo) 022- (w/Tony, presumably Regalia)- Fox Studios

Tex Murdock on GEVI
these are the Numbers photos from Jim Brock, followed by the only 2 Colt photos I could find – the final one, also on the motorcycle (I hope it was his, and not just a prop!) from Fox Studios / Mandate.

6 replies on “Tex Murdock”
Tex Murdoch’s facial features completely changed with just a beard & the full beard & mustache. They could be 2 other different people until he opened his mouth to talk.
I’m surprised Murdoch went the adult model route given he could have been a mainstream model.
Yes, the other model is Tony Regalia; They did several photo shoots together including full sex scenes.
Oh, BJ! You’re killing me! You’re killing me! But ah, so sweetly with your song! : D
I really don’t have time for this! But Tex looks so mouth-wateringly, hot and juicy; that I have to bite – bait! : P
You’ve posted about Murdock before – black diamond stud! This previous image below; is rather cute! Is he starting a campfire? : )
But let me especially thank you, for this full celebration! Can’t get enough! He deserves it! There are only two comments here, so I can now, hog up the replies! Hope these links work, since they’re so beautiful! I have to share! Most, you can enlarge! : )
AD INFINITUM: I like them rugged, and I like them handsome! And if they’re ruggedly handsome, then I’m over the moon! Tex has got to be, one of the most beautifully virile men, to ever appear, in all-male porn! Another god amongst men! The ‘70s and ‘80s studs, truly rocked! “… classic porn models”, indeed – the gold standard! : 0
#1 – This image is glorious; the wind blowing through his thick, dark hair – dashing! : O
Handsome Devil: The thick brows, dimpled chin, cheekbones, chiseled mouth, etc., leave me breathless – so sensual, mysterious, and exotic! Who, other than Hugh O’Brian; can get away with wearing, yellow, bathing trunks? (We miss you, Parisian!) : (
The pictures he took with Fox Studios; were easily his best – Lethal Meat! Jim French; really should have showcased him more, for Colt – paltry! As I’ve said before, I prefer him, without the beard. : )
But I DO agree with your analogy, to Ledermeister! Hairy or smooth, they both sizzle! Bodybuilders will inevitably, “manscape”. I do wish however, that they wouldn’t trim their bushes! Let it grow and blossom! LOL!
Here’s another tame variation, on the first picture – modest. This time, he’s wearing a jockstrap – nice!
I like this b & w one, too! The bathrobe is a nice touch – classy! Like the one above, he’s smoking! Get it? LOL! : D
So many great photos! Sorry, I know this is self-indulgent and greedy! But I need to post this image below, to help me cool off! Wet or dry, he’s so refreshing! Even when he smokes! LOL! : )
(I want to be on the safe side – limits needed. Watch out for your spam filter!) : |
Please forgive me! But I simply MUST, include these two, other FOX photos – absolutely beautiful!
(I corrected this, for grammar and spelling.) On another blog, an anonymous commenter replied:”I can just smell the Aqua Velva – or maybe it’s Hai Karate. Either way, they’re worth the whiff.” – I just love that – retro style! Indeed, Murdock is very smooth, in both sense of the word! : D
BELOW – The only thing, marring this otherwise perfect picture; is once again, the trimmed pubes. But it’s still marvelous enough – lustrous! Damn, he’s gorgeous – great body and profile! Top to bottom, he’s chiseled to perfection! : 0
For the record, I’m not too crazy about his mustached “Sunblazer Studio” photos. Aside from the facial hair, he also seems too baked. Too much, “sun power”! Or maybe it’s just, the saturated color. : |
#8 – But I do like this b & w, butt shot in the shower! It’s the flip side of my 5th link! : P
#9 – This other Sunblazer photo, is also hot – color! Does Club Miami, really have nude lifeguards? I’m there! “Save me! I’m drowning … in your sensuality!” LOL! : )
#5 – Bodybuilders are forever – muscle buddies! Tony Regalia aka Rick Poston, was also a classic porn hunk!
As I’ve said before, because of his suggestive, duo photo-sets with Colt and Fox, I also consider him a porn star!
Others will disagree, because he never actually had homo-sex, at least, on screen – simulated. If I can only live to finally see “Hot Beach (1979)”! Someone must have a bootlegged tape! Maybe when both Tex and Tony have passed on, it will be released! : (
#6 – *SIGH*! Do you really think; he had blue eyes: Photo-shopped? That logo is truth in advertising! His bush here seems natural. I would imagine that his used, torn T-shirt; would still gather, a high price! : )
BELOW – I wonder if you have these two, locker photos. If not, go right ahead, and “appropriate (i.e. steal)” them! : )
This one, is especially wonderful – erection! What a great body – luminous! Tan-lines are forever! : P
This one isn’t as great. The color is off, and his face seems too glossy. But it will do – same theme! My high school locker; was exactly like this – same ugly, green color! I can smell it! LOL! : )
Too small – I wish this one was closer, since the color is so beautiful! Tex is part of the scenery! : D
These last five links; are fun and fascinating! : )
#12 & 13 – I agree with your assessment, regarding these photos by Jim Brock – not exactly flattering! : /
Once again, the color is off, and you can barely see his eyes – sleepy, stoned? I’m sure they were taken much earlier, than the July 1981 Numbers Magazine issue. Tex seems very young here, and soft – pudgy! : /
As I’ve said before, some handsome men; really do come into their own, as they mature. It’s not so much the case, with women. The passage of time; is often needed, in order to refine and cultivate, their looks – seasoned and ripe! Like fine wine! : )
This happens with both porn, and mainstream stars. As a young man, Jack Wrangler was pretty geeky and gawky! : |
How I love making analogies and comparisons, to mainstream actors! Nothing will stop me! : D
Others online, besides me, have also made the observation; how much Tex Murdock, looks like actor, Timothy Dalton! He’s like a ripped, less refined version – brutish! : )
Dalton of course, is more handsome, because of his wider eyes! Like Tex, he’s also tall, dark, and devilishly handsome – satanic beauty! : )
BELOW – The resemblance here; is rather uncanny – delicious! : P
But like Murdock, Dalton wasn’t always, as attractive – similar trait!
I didn’t really appreciate Timothy’s young looks; in his very early, film appearances – too skinny and pretty! He looked like an elf; too fey, precious, and ornamental – a total lightweight! : |
But something magical happened, around the time he reached thirty! His faces filled out, and he became more rugged – stunning transformation! : 0
This 1983 picture below, is when he played Rochester; for the superb television adaption of “Jane Eyre (1847)” for the BBC – miniseries! This version of the Charlotte Bronte novel is still very popular!
At age 37, he’s at the peak of his beauty – just gorgeous and daunting! At the time, I thought he was the most handsome man in the world – Damn! : )
Dalton (77) and Murdock, are also close in age! If Tex is still alive, he would be around 76!
Anyway, others have pointed out, that Tex Murdock’s real name; is Ron Hensley – famous bodybuilder! I feel it’s my mission to educate you, BJ honey! Hope you appreciate it! ; )
I found this Facebook image below, from February 18, 2020! For an old geezer, like Timothy Dalton, he also still looks great! Scroll down! : )
Okay, I’d better stop this endless, self-indulgence! Though I can still add more! I’ve previously gushed about Tex Murdock! Thanks to BJ, you can find out more, from my previous two comments, here below:
Endless thanks to you, BJ honey! You know I’m shameless! : )
Ah, BJ! So many great, gorgeous, self-indulgent posts! : )
So little time! I’ll never catch up! : (
; )
“I’m not too crazy about his mustached “Sunblazer Studio” photos.” – and then how many Sunblazer pics did you swoon over after that statement??!!
and if one weren’t paying close close attention, it would see that you were saying TEX hadn’t had gay sex on screen, and that skimming reader might try to point you to the Tom LeDuc link in the post…. but heck, you were talking about….. someone else??