who you may remember from such films, well, as: Paul Howell, or Rocco de Vega, or Rich Parsons, or Paul Tischler, or….
who you may remember from such films as:
- AMG film shorts – T series
- AMG film shorts – B series
- Just Porkin’ Around
- Drive, He Said – (1981) – found in the collections: Drive, He Said , and Big Brother is Watching You
- Spanking Pairs – (1981) – AMG
- Wrestling Pairs – (1981) – AMG
- Muscular Athletes – (1981) – AMG
- The Wilde House – (1983)
- Tony’s Initiation – (1983)
- Therapy – (1985)
- Move Over Johnny, Here Comes Big Dan – (1985)
- Faces – (1985)
- Making It Huge – (1985)
- What the Big Boys Eat – (1985)
- Sex-Hunt (Vivid) – (1986)
- Eagle Pack 2 – (1987)
- All Grown Up! (OR) – (1988)
- Wrestling 43 – (1989)

not at all the type of guy I would usually post about, but the Advocate pics were very very familiar somehow; when I started digging, and saw he was in Therapy as some nerdy preppy guy – but then in Move Over Johnny that same year (1985) as a leather bottom guy… I kept going. Alas, the Move Over Johnny clip kept malfunctioning, and here we are months later…
edit: hours after posting, another draft videoclip wasn’t working (frame height was off, and… tech stuff) somehow, after downloading, trying, rejecting, and trying again several programs, I think I got it! that clip is below – it ends abruptly, but 15 minutes of a 40-minute scene, you’ll thank me… plus a 1986 interview from Hot Male Review
anyway, enjoy the clip(s) – and as usual, additions, corrections, etc – always welcome!
who you may remember from such publications as:
- PLAYGIRL May 1979
- STROKE Vol 4 No 3 (1984)
- ZEUS PRESENTS: Rocco De Vega, Clayton McCloud, Cory Gunn (1984) –
- ADVOCATE MEN / MEN Sept 1985
- JOCK – May 1985
- Hot Male Review March 1986 – pics and interview
- Hot Male Review – Aug 1986
- NUMBERS – Aug 1986
- Hot Male Review – Oct 1986
- COLT Studio Presents #9 – All American JOCKS – (1987)

12 replies on “ARTURO BARDEWYCK”
Arturo’s other porn aliases make more problems for his appearances. He changed his name for each company. He’s Arturo for Colt. Rich Parsens for Surge. Paul Tischler for Old Reliable, Athletic Model Guild. Rocco De Vega for Zeus. Paul Howell for His most consistent names are Paul Tischler & Rich Parsens (His Video, Surge, Eagle).
For some reason I got Arturo mixed up with Chuck Burton. Burton is a top in most of his appearances. When Burton doesn’t top, he gets his dick sucked by another guy.
Chuck Burton also appears Tony’s Initiation (He gets his dick sucked while on a trapeze swing).
Firstly, excellent profile BJ! So thorough, as usual.
I don’t mean to rock the boat, and I can’t go down this rabbit hole this morning, but I agree with David that there might be some confusion about these aliases. If I remember correctly, Woody at GEVI has confused Arturo Bardewyck with Chuck Burton to some degree. Unless he has updated things since the last time I investigated this. I did a deep dive on this last year. I believe that the names Paul Howell and Paul Tischler are Chuck Burton, not Arturo Bardewyck. But I think Arturo did use the alias Paul Howell once, in Nova’s film loop “Drive, He Said.”
From my notes, these are the aliases I attribute to Chuck Burton:
Chuck Burton (Nova),
Paul Howell (Nova, Rollo Productions),
Jay Deems (in I’m Watching You #1 mag),
Paul Tischler (Old Reliable, AMG, Rollo Prod)
These are the AKAs I believe were used by Arturo Bardewyck:
Rich Parsons (Cosco, Eagle, HIS, Vivid, Rage, Horizon, Surge, Vidco)
Arturo Bardewyck (Colt)
Sharkey White (Rollo Productions)
Rocco de Vega (Zeus)
Of course, this is just my opinion, and it’s all based on visual IDs (when available to me). It’s my personal theory. And I still haven’t figured it all out completely.
BJ, your profile seems very accurate though. Well done. I just have some contrasting ideas about the aliases.
The interview is great. Thanks so much!
thanks for the tip on the alias – I feel I may want to edit or even spell it out more clearly. I sold my copy of Tony’s Initiation years back – would lvoe to get a free/cheap look at it again
Bijou is selling Tony’s Initiation DVD.
My pleasure, of course!
The magazine “Sex Circus” has 5 pages of photos from scene 4 of “Tony’s Initiation,” and most of them show Chuck Burton (to my eyes it is definitely him with his sexy little mustache and not Arturo Bardewyck) in the center swing.
That’s my take on Tony’s Initiation. Wish I could post a link to that mag or something. If I get a chance, I’ll send BJ the pics. Of course, it would only be on topic if they proved that it is Arturo Bardewyck. I definitely don’t mean to be diverting attention from the original subject of the post!
You can find the Tony’s Initiation orgy on Boyfriend TV. I can’t find any other scenes from the film.
(As usual, I hope these links work!) : |
I also didn’t want to fall down the GEVI rabbit hole. So I’m glad Johnny-My Pet-Llama and David, clarified all the different aliases; so I don’t have to – confusing and inaccurate! Thanks! : |
Oh, BJ! I really don’t have time for this! So behind schedule! But as usual, your posts are so compelling and irrestible! I have to bite! This year, you’ve been just incredible, with your themes! So informative and thorough! You actually surpassed “Smut Junkies”! They don’t provide video clips! Thanks! : 0
I’m well aware of “Mr.” Arturo! He’s very vivid and distinct! There’s an interesting dichotomy in his wide, fleshy face. Author Edmund White made the keen observation, that a lot of gay Latin men; look either exaggeratingly butch, or nelly. Bardewyck looks both butch and nelly, simultaneously – incredible! : O
The shape of his face and smoldering eyes, remind me a lot of Puerto Rican astrologer, Walter Mercado. Walter was a total queen – died in 2019! : O
BELOW: Bardewyck is a bit of a chameleon. At different times, he can look more masculine and ripped.
Jim French appropriately enough, used him for some Colt Leather, calendar photos. Despite the silly dog collar and black, zippered pouch; he actually looks very handsome and rugged here, in this B & W photo.
From Arturo’s listed resume, we can see that he was pretty prolific, in both print and film! Great job, BJ honey! I’m guessing that his 1979 Playgirl layout; was his first print assignment, involving nudity, right?
He looks pretty interesting here – lanky, bearded, with thick curly hair! Here, he really reminds me of actor, Chris Sarandon. Sarandon was Greek in ancestry, and Susan’s only husband. : )
As we know, his later photos; would get trashier! : O
I’m guessing his first porn film was in 1981, using the name Paul Howell, where he played a chauffeur. “Drive, He Said”, was originally a 1971 film; where Jack Nicholson, first made his directing debut. Nova Films, obviously stole the title, a decade later. : )
Okay, now that that’s out of the way, can we talk? As I’ve said before, there are certain porn stars that I admit, are a guilty pleasure! I enjoy them on a base, visceral, primitive, animalistic, level! They’re so nasty, raunchy, trashy, sleazy, exhibitionistic, uninhibited, and yes, disgusting – I love it! LOL!
I tend to prefer stars that provide me with a certain warmth, charm, coyness, or awe. But you’re not always in the mood for romance. You want to get down to business – pure unadulterated lust!
“Wham, bam, thank you man!” “Push, push, in the tush!” : P : )
That’s where stars like Antony Gallo, Lito Cruz, Ray Medina/Julio Campas, Brutus, Jon Vincent, Barry Hoffman, Tico Patterson, Ace Era, Donnie Russo, Blue Blake, Bull Stanton, etc. do the trick! Forgive me, Dear Lord! The devil made me do it! LOL! : D
Arturo is such a butt-slut! And he loves it! You can tell that his rectum gets a lot of mileage – a total sex pig! I don’t think he has a shy or modest bone in his body! His big ass is so tempting! : /
Jim Bentley is far from my favorite porn star. But in “Making It Huge (1985)” he has a great, prancing scene with “Rich Parsons”; where they start off doing aerobics, while wearing headbands – campy!
(Bentley also has a great scene with Rydar Hanson, on a workout bench – hot!) : P
However, my favorite scene with Arturo aka Rich Parsons, has got to be in “Faces (1985)” – pure sleaze! He and Tico Patterson is a match made in heaven! Or should I say, hell – so sinful! It’s my favorite Tico scene, as well! So nasty and exhibitionistic! It’s a wonder that Parsons doesn’t squeal like a pig! : )
Both degenerates; and they know and love it – appalling! : |
Things get interesting at the five minute point. You can fast-forward. “It is just…!” as Joan Rivers, would say! LOL! : )
I’m a lapsed Catholic, but this post, makes me want to go to confession! It’s been decades! LOL!
Ah, BJ! So many lurid, lascivious, licking, guilty, appalling, nasty, exhibitionistic, licentious, corrupting, immoral, sinful, degenerate, sleazy, raunchy, disgusting, decadent, lustful, base, primitive, animalistic, kinky, and yes, enjoyable posts – great! : / : D
So little time! It’s exhausting! I’ll never catch up! : (
Thanks again! Happy New Year, you Smut Junkies! : )
; )
Great links! Thanks Obsessed.
so much here – but this intrigued me most – in “Faces (1985)” – pure sleaze! He and Tico Patterson – I looked briefly at that film, and there was so much cutting in and out of pairings, it didn’t seem like it would work for a clip here – if anyone looked at the Move Over Johnny clip above, i nipped at at 16 minutes – it went on for 40!! ugh
Love the sleaze, hate the cutting in and out between pairings. Ugh!!
and again – too much to reply to – “Despite the silly dog collar and black, zippered pouch” – alas, it’s not a zippered pouch, but dumbass is wearing it inside out – that’s a seam! but in the hunt to see WHERE it can from, I’ve added COLT Studio Presents #9 – All American JOCKS (1987) to his magazine list – I only found 2 pages, one of which is the one you link to