Fred Halsted

gay times

just testing to see if print clear enough for reading – I’ll look to post entire interview soon…

11 replies on “gay times”


Is this really, the same man? : |

Okay, let me calm down. It’s safe to say, that we ALL have pictures; that are less than flattering. Alas, that includes portraits of Porn Kings – Mercy!

Is this GAYTIMES photo, really from 1976?! He looks so old and DORKY! I’ve always said; you can’t underestimate the importance, of good photography – the angles and the lighting! : O

It’s no wonder that the old Hollywood system, insisted on glamour shots! This should also apply to porn!

This is rather unsettling, because in some photos; he actually doesn’t look all that bad, with long hair – hippie rock star!

This really shouldn’t surprise me. There have been other pictures, where he looks pretty bad. : (

BELOW – This has to be a put-on, right? Fred looks chunky, and his eyes seem dead! : (

I used to be wrongly grateful, that he didn’t grow a mustache. I have to thank you, for shattering that illusion! This photo below, let me feeling, well, “BIZERK!” : |

BELOW – If there’s an uglier picture of Fred, I really don’t want to know! : /

Okay, in the long run, it’s probably better to know, than not know. I have to grudgingly admire, your integrity. You are indeed, an objective journalist. You celebrate porn stars, at their best, and worst – strong medicine. : (

If nothing else, this is indeed curious and interesting. Look forward to when you post the entire interview. : )

Parisian isn’t around anymore, so I’m going to go back, to using this word again: “OY!” : )

Thank you, I guess. Just kidding! You know I love ya, BJ honey!

; )

there’s a lot to respond to – the photo is from the 1976 issue of “best of Gay Times” so likely it was taken sometime earlier, but I don’t have any of the regular issue to see when it may have originally been published. I think he looks fine! Now, this image alone, with no other info, not knowing who it was, etc., I would probably not stop; and OLD???? OK, we must have very different ideas of what “OLD” looks like, or is – I’ll leave that one at that.

and yes, unless you control every image ever taken of yourself, there is no way to avoid “less flattering” – so point taken. But I disagree that this isn’t flattering.

Unfortunately, our friend Parisian (alias of Patrick Mullins) died on Aug. 12. He was a great friend and exhuberant character who wrote a book (Illegal Dances of New York City) and a fascinating literary blog of the same name ( and a second short-lived blog ( He led a charmed, full life studying piano at Juilliard, meeting great personalities of 20th century art and living between Paris and NYC.

He was a regular here going way back, that is sad to hear. The first thing I always associated with him was his fondness for the word ‘prick’ which he sometimes even capitalized. That and how (along from our dear Obsessed as well as myself) he could leave novella length comments if the topic interested him. Thanks for the info.

(Hope to God, these links work! I’m saying a “Hail Mary”!) : |

Okay, I may have been a little “inartful”, when describing Fred Halsted above, as looking old. I probably should have used the word: drab, frumpy, dowdy, moldy, or maybe even, antiquated. : )

I still stand with my assertion, that the picture is unflattering. : /

Let me be very clear though. I make a definite distinction between a guy looking “old”, and appearing “mature”. No one is more of a champion of males “of a certain age”, than I am!

As they say, to be young at heart is a mindset! : )

I’m very much a homo! I think men can look attractive and desirable, way into their ‘60s; provided they take care of themselves – silver daddies!

I applaud the relatively new phenomenon, of older men in all-male porn – hot! Who knew that so many elders; had such an exhibitionistic streak? They don’t want to be put out to pasture, just yet! : )

I think “May-December” pairing in gay porn, are often very moving and sexy – Daddy/Son! : P

“Intergenerational can be sensational!” to quote Joe Gage! : )

Let me indulge, by listing three of my favorites! I’m certain that you BJ, and some of your readers, are familiar with these “gentlemen” (future post?)!

I think Anthony London is just fabulous! I’m sure you appreciate his “chest carpet” – frisky!

What do you think of Jake Mitchell?

And of course, Derek Steele is just phenomenal – great performer! He proves that age is just a number!

Anyway, like other porn stars, Fred Halsted was sometimes malleable, in looks. At his best, he looked divine! My first two links posted at the top, show this. I also posted three, which were “less flattering”. LOL!

Joe Gage seemed to have captured the peak of his beauty, in 1978! That’s why the 1976 photo, is so startling to me! What a difference! : |

I’ve been meaning to post these three photos of him, when he was even younger! I hope they work! This seems like a good time and place. This is from an “In Touch Magazine” published in 1973.

Wow, his face looks so young, lean, and angular! And of course, that sensual mouth! : 0

This one is from a morbid website. Could it also be from 1973? It’s a little grainy, but still fabulous! It’s always important to focus your eyes, when posing! Once again, that mouth! : 0

I also like this one, very much! It’s a very casual shot of him, directing. He always seemed so naturally sensual! Love his open shirt, tousled hair, nose, chin, and of course, that mouth! LOL!

To think he was only 47, when he died. : (

I hope this proves; that at his best, I was his biggest fan! : )

; )

we could go back and forth forever, but I won’t – but moldy? really? as far as the old farts you link to, meh. nothing against them, they just aren’t interesting photographs to me. With some context, they might be.

moving along – the last 3 links, of Fred – that’s another story – did you notice two of them are by photographer Richard Sullivan ? I’ve been collecting pics in a folder for a future post, as I really like his work. He must’ve know Fred well before El Paso but there are a few pics by Sullivan of others from the film (Locke and Morris). The last one? I’d like to know who the stached guy is! Perhaps its noted in William E. Jones’ book on Halsted?

Bonjour, “admirer”! ; )

Let me echo the sentiments, of both BJ and zephyr, and I’m sure OTHERS, who enjoyed Parisian’s replies! Thank you so much! He will indeed be missed! : )

I’m honored that I was the catalyst, in you reporting the sad news. I’m truly heartbroken. : (

I knew something was amiss. I noticed his absence, especially when BJ posted the latest meme with Toby (Colt), who I’m sure was his favorite porn star! We both also loved Giorgio Canali! : P

He was a lot of fun – so literate, charming, funny, and sophisticated! I used to tell him repeatedly that he was so “au courant”! We got into some lively and lengthy discussions, about movies, music, handsome men, and of course, PORN! I learned many interesting things from him. I’m guessing he was older than I was, because he seemed to know all my cultural references. I was delighted to inform him of things, as well.

He was one of BJ’s readers, which I enjoyed immensely, and look forward to reading! He not only tolerated my bloviating, but actually enjoyed it as well! No wonder a favorite!

As I told him, we queers are nothing, if not opinionated!

Yes indeed, an exuberant character, not to mention bawdy! I forgot to thank him for introducing me to the word, “Virilia”, a classier word for prick! I said he was a “hose-monster” which delighted him! I couldn’t believe he never heard the description before! So that makes us even! LOL!

I browsed through some of the content of his blogs! Thanks for listing them! Yes, it does sound like him! Glad to know that you’re a legitimate source! Look forward to reading more, while it’s still up!

Au revoir mon ami, Parisian! Rest in peace now – thanks for the memories. : (

Don’t be a stranger, “admirer”! Thanks again! : )

; )

As far as Fred H., well as the saying goes, opinions are like assholes in that we all have one. I’d agree that both he and Joey Yale looked better in some pics than others, which is true for pretty much everyone. Joey was definitely still residing in twink land in LA Plays Itself, but aged into a decent looking slight blond guy in the years after. Aside from LA Plays Itself the first image that pops into my head for Joey is him chomping on a big piece of gum in the opening and closing scenes of A Night At Halsted’s, in the lobby of the establishment. I’d like to think Joey might have helped choose the selections from the brilliant soundtrack heard in that one, since I’m not sure Fred would have cared too much.

Fred received so many accolades for LA Plays Itself, and deservedly so, it’s an all time classic gay porn film that raised the bar for what was possible. But I think he let that notoriety go to his head in some ways. And either thought he could coast off the fame in anything he decided to do afterward, or else the alcohol / drug abuse that he even acknowledged in some ways, took over his life.

It was no doubt a draw for later porn movies to be able to claim ‘starring Fred Halsted’ or ‘directed by Fred Halsted’ in terms of drawing interest from gay audiences, but to me he was never that good looking, or hung, or personable in how he came across onscreen. Erotikus is fascinating for the older clips it shows but Fred’s solo moments in the director’s chair … I’ll stop short of calling them cringe but he seems disinterested and almost bored at times, and doesn’t look or sound very into what he was expected to do. And his later films lacked the impact that LA had, whether not being able to maintain the standard he reached or just a sense of apathy.

He absolutely earned the elevated status in the gay public mind that he got post-LA Plays Itself but there’s only so much anyone can milk from one big claim to fame. Especially if he spent as much time reaping that attention as he did in seeming interested in trying to achieve it again. That’s just where my brain goes when I see pics or clips with him in it, all of our mileage likely varies and that’s equally good and bad I suppose.

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