Santa’s Cummin (1996) – For those of you who’ve contended that Xmas and porno don’t mix, here’s a great example of how you may well be right! Now, before you click “play” just be forewarned – it’s worse than you remembered! (if you ever saw it) If you really can’t bare it, just fast forward to about 18 minutes in, turn up the volume, and well….
and don’t forget that you can still go on Ebay and find the Stryker Doll – including the Santa version of Jeff!

4 replies on “Santa’s Cummin”
Wait, hold up – not only a pic of Stryker (with his face visible) but a clip too?? Something is amiss here, my top three guesses:
1. one of Santa’s elves spiked your eggnog
2. I clicked on the wrong bookmark and went to somebody else’s blog by mistake, or
3. you’ve been hacked
That clip is extremely cheesy, like a large cheese lovers pizza with extra cheese, cheese baked into the crust and cheesy dipping sauce on the side. Delivered by a hunky uncut delivery man who hadn’t bathed in a week. Jeff smearing his hole against the glass is something I’m not sure I ever saw before, and could probably have survived never seeing in the first place. Along with that monotone running commentary, wow this may even top the cha cha heels clip for holiday groaner territory! Well done ;)
BJ! Thanky for this wonderful XMAS offering!
I decided to review this opus just before Xmas this year and it truly lifted my spirits. Quite offbeat and Jeff was so committed to his performance that it’s utterly watchable in spite of the corniness factor. I emailed Woody at gevi a few edits and notes for the scene descriptions and he even credited me:
oh my! your dedication!
for those who’d like to see your review – Santa’s Cummin’ (Stryker Productions, 1996) on reddit