The Grease Monkeys (1979) – this scene – Nick Rodgers, Kip Noll, Lee Marlin – fair warning, this is NOT a sex scene, but just a fun portion of the movie, where you get to see the guys goof around with each other, “dance” and of course someone will notice something about Lee Marlin. Enjoy

16 replies on “one more minute”
Lee Marlin looks A LOT like Montana Jordan here- Montan’s on ‘Young Sheldon’
Wow, he grew a mustache on the way to the club!
You’re right, I don’t know that I noticed that before! Lee was clean shaven in most of his films but sported a bushy stash in at least The Boys of Riverside Drive, and maybe some others too. Every Nova scene I can picture him in his face was smooth.
Trucker Approved!
This is a fun segue between the sex scenes, those often get overlooked by the guys who are mainly focused in on the action sequences. I don’t think I ever saw an issue of Data Boy magazine, which one of them picks up at the disco. Were they mostly (or all) written descriptions of scenes, maybe a few details about the companies and directors etc., and few if any pics? That’s been my assumption about them, but I bet they would be informative especially now.
Ah, BJ honey! You’re always so sly and wonderful, not to mention coy! ; )
AD NAUSEAM: Your generosity and graciousness; can never be underestimated! : D
I just LUV it, when I inspire you, and or when you give me a credit, or a shout-out – acknowledgment! Actually, it’s more like a “whisper-out”. Shhh… “Someone…”, “You know who…”, “… a reader”, etc. I know why you do it! You don’t want to stroke, my insatiable ego! Don’t feed the gluttons! : )
Thanks for the clip! You saved me time; having to look and browse! Boy, both you and zephyr, really set me straight! I thought for certain, it was at the end! Just goes to show you, that even “I”, am not infallible! Can you believe it (YES!)? Please, no *SPANKY-SPANKY*!
I just love seeing men, being playful and goofing off – fun! A sense of camaraderie; really comes out in this movie – sexual and otherwise! I even love it, when this trio, attempts to “dance”! LOL!
When Kip and Lee, take off their caps to wash up, their thick hair looks like it was sculpted, to resemble helmets!
Whatever Lee Marlin does, he still looks masculine! Even when he acts like a “dork” – SINGING TELEGRAM! Eh, zephyr! ; )
I’ve really built up a deeper appreciation, for Nick Rodgers, because of you and your blog! : P
Weren’t the ‘70’s, incredible?! Such a sense of liberation, and sensual abandon – bacchanal! Of course, the party couldn’t last forever! It all came crashing down! I’m practically a shut-in now, due to my job and age. ZZZzzz…
Do gay bars and bookstores, discos, baths, and porn theaters, even exist anymore? I haven’t been to West Hollywood in ages!
Mechanics will always be a staple; in all-male porn! It’s like “service” men, pizza or other deliveries, doctors, classrooms, barns, military, cops, cowboys, jocks, lockers, and pool sides – clichés! (Did I miss anything?)
GEVI list seven movies with “Grease Monkeys”, in the title. Sexual euphemisms and innuendos abound: jacks, screwdrivers, socket, lube, grease, oil, pistons, spark plugs, motor, hose, tube, hot rods, hydraulics, tools, etc.
Anyway, in regards to “The Grease Monkeys (1979)”; I’ve been meaning to bring up, two things! Maybe you or your readers; can back me up on this! Eh, zephyr? : )
I love this movie, but two things really anger, and frustrate me! : /
You’ve had numerous discussions on how porn films, are sloppily edited, compiled, and presented – especially for video! I totally concur – appalling! Porn may not be an art form, but it still deserves some level of integrity and respect! : |
The first sexual act in this movie; has Nick Rodgers jacking off! He even dry humps, a truck tire! But the second; was the hottest scene in the movie, but not anymore – scorching! It’s been BUTCHERED for VHS and Beta! I know, because I originally saw it in a porn theater, as I’ve said before!
I was infuriated when I rented this again, and noticed the cut – more like a CHOP! I felt like my memory was mugged! The scene used to be twice as long! New viewers have been unknowingly, cheated! : (
Viewers can easily tell. Both you and zephyr, should know. The scene has a hot, mature trucker, driving in his huge MACK, into the gas station. He has that sexy “redneck” look – shades and a slight pompadour. The credits list him as “Tom Ross”. I’m pretty sure; he was a “One-Hit Wonder”!
He walks into the garage, almost catching “Ace”, pulling up his pants! But he still notices that his fly is open! Ace then says something like, “Come on here, Ray. I have a new “hot rod”, that I’ve wanted to show you, for a long time.” (!)
The inevitable happens! I wish the sound was better! It’s still pretty raunchy and nasty!
Ray sits on the grounded tire, then start sucking Ace off! Rodgers’ voice is especially nasty and hot, in this sequence – whispering! But then there’s a SUDDEN jump cut, to Nick fucking Tom Ross on the tire, missionary style. What?! The continuity is crazy! : (
No sensual build up or suspense – flagrante delicto! WHAM BAM! You can see it online! But the unedited version of this scene; was so much more hot and satisfying! : P
They should have left this scene intact! I admit “Grease Monkeys”, is pretty long for a porn film. There are a lot of scenes. But this sequence was so wonderful! Now it’s lost forever! Is there an unedited version? I only wish and pray! : (
There’s one sequence, which especially slays me! : P
It’s shot through Nick’s point of view, as he sits on the tire, and leans back. Tom Ross is in close-up, grabbing Nick’s huge dick, straight up! It’s the only part of Nick, that visible in the movie frame.
You see Tom licking, tongue sliding, slobbering, and sucking Nick’s cock, like it was a lollipop, or a large Popsicle! Leo Ford couldn’t have done it better – COCKSUCKER! : D
The original also shows more passion and intimacy! They’re both shown kissing! You can still see some of this, in the ending credits – truncated replay! Just thinking of this, break my heart! : 0
Now here’s the second thing. Everyone can tell me, what they think. I’m about 99% certain that Tom Ross, the film’s trucker, is an unheralded, yet familiar, Colt model! Yes, I do have a flicker of doubt.
: |
Both “The Grease Monkeys” and “The Rivermen (1981?)”, have hazy photography – same director, Mark Aaron. Early porn cinematography; wasn’t exactly high definition. : )
Plus the fact that “Tom Ross” is shot, from quite a distance, in a dark setting. And he’s wearing shades. So, you can understand my 1% doubt. If only I could see his edited close-up! : )
I say that “Tom Ross”, is none other than Colt cowboy, Ed Calhoun! Am I out to lunch? What do you think! Eh, zephyr? Both have the same hair pattern, build, coloring, height, profile, age, mustache, etc. etc.
(I hope this link works!)
I know you like him, BJ! This should ring a bell! Mercy, when do you have the time, to post on other blogs?! I posted the entire link, since you can’t steal individual images. As you know, Adonis Male is air tight – secured! No matter! I think ALL of Ed Calhoun’s fabulous work, is presented! : )
(Scroll down completely and expand, for full view! I doubt this link, will last forever.)
I mentioned him before, BJ! I take full credit, that you now know his name – screw humility! Remember, I compared him to country singer, Slim Whitman! : )
(Once again, scroll down for my comment.) : )
CONSPIRACY THEORY: Hey, you don’t suppose the video version, was deliberately edited; to appease, Tom Ross/Ed Calhoun – backstage negotiations? Could he have gotten cold feet, and regretted his participation? Posing for porno is one thing; performing, is another! Why, no scorching close-up? Hmmm…
Maybe it was edited, so he wouldn’t be as recognizable? There was a long span of time for me, between seeing “The Grease Monkeys”, and Ed’s Colt pictures – notably “Colt Studios Presents #14”. Thanks, BJ!
That’s why I didn’t make the connection, until recently! Thanks for the 11-20-’20 post also, BJ! Let me also thank Buck Naked! : 0
Am I still out to lunch; too late for dinner? Do I need a straight-jacket? Do I ask too many questions? LOL! What say you? : D ; )
Inquiring minds, want to know! Yes, I admit. I have a tabloid imagination! The latest scoop, on the inside poop! GOSSIP, GOSSIP, GOSSIP! LOL!
Let me take off, my tin-foil hat. LOL!
Ah, BJ! So many great, infuriating, mysterious, questioning, loony, intriguing, conspiracies, appalling, endless, posts! : )
So little time! It’s no help, when you’re a snoop! : (
Chime in, zephyr! : )
; )
P.S. Oops! I forgot to mention! One of Ed Calhoun’s Colt cowboys pictures; is a dense mistake, on Adonis Male! It’s from the famous Colt loop “The Bonus (1978)”. From left to right: Gunther Keller, Mike Davis, and Shadow! Ed Calhoun is not Shadow! But of course, all of you caught that! Right? Lick it up!
; )
I don’t know where to begin, but can’t (yet) tackle the question of WHETHER Ed Calhoun is Ray / Tom Ross – but, I will jump in to say don’t overthink the chopped up versions of VHS films. It is rarely that something is “edited out”, that takes a plan – some thought going into why someone is taking something out or changing, and it is usually more like a lost reel, or a spoiled reel (parts have deteriorated, and its just spliced back up with no ability to get the lost frames – of any length- back) or not knowing there’s a lost reel, not caring there’s a lost reel, having bought only 70 minute blank tapes to dupe from an earlier copy…. etc. Occasionally you get a real edit, like the watersports scene in Kansas City.
Furthermore, that the model/actor has enough pull to get something taken out is laugh out loud funny! “negotiations”???? hahaha to think there is any negotiations at all, let alone after something has been filmed – I’ll just leave it there.
To be continued….. (how long should the full movie be? My digital copy is 85 minutes, what’s yours?) is it Calhoun, and is there a full version out there?
Re: Obsessed’s theory that Tom Ross = Ed Calhoun, I do see some similarities in the pics you provided. On his face I focused on his earlobes (very small) his bushy eyebrows, and then the patch of rounded hair on his temples. It seems plausible but I am not very good at finding matches between photos, not as eagle-eyed as some regulars here are. So I’d be curious what BJ’s opinion on this is?
And as to your conspiracy theory, if you are right maybe it had more to do with Ed being under contract with Colt, or them owning his use of that name? I’m just spitballing but certain studios have done that in the past, which is part of why porn performers use multiple names which always makes things more confusing. For instance, Mark Rutter used that name extensively except in the Surge film Inches with Al Parker, where he went by Buck Stevens for some reason.
using a different name, yes, common, and if these 2 men are the same person – bing bing bing! But it wouldn’t explain the poor editing and/or chopping of the scene – “he’s under contract, so he can only appear in unauthorized films where his scene is ruined, and the hot making out scene is removed (but for that moment during the credits)”
now, on to find my own VHS tape to see if it’s longer than the 85 minutes digital I have on the harddrive
Sorry for the late response! It’s the same ole mantra! I’m always pressed for time and sleep! ZZZzzz…
“Furthermore, that the model/actor has enough pull to get something taken out is laugh out loud funny! “negotiations”???? hahaha to think there is any negotiations at all, let alone after something has been filmed – I’ll just leave it there.” : |
Now, now, now, BJ honey. No need to be so dismissive, and hoity-toity. Honestly, you sound like you’re channeling a nighttime soap, e.g. “Dynasty”: “Mon Dieu, it is but to laugh – Ha, ha, ha, ha!” : D
I did say it was a “Conspiracy Theory” – tongue in cheek (tongue in whose cheek?); not a fact. Now, you DO make valid points. I’ll admit; I tend to over think things that are important to me. But is it really so far-fetched; to think that certain porn performers have some, not all, influence in how they’re presented?
I probably should have used a word like: “understanding, agreement, suggestion, preference, presumption, etc.” instead of “negotiations”. I would imagine that the work contracts after video came in, were updated to reflect the change, post 1983? “The Grease Monkeys” came out in 1979.
zephyr already mentioned the tiff, William Higgins had with Jack Wrangler. Could he really have been such a “diva”? I remember seeing one of Jack’s films in a revival theater. The audience laughed upon seeing the film credit, for his hairstylist.
In no way, did I mean to “imply”; that “Tom Ross” would threaten legal action, like our beloved, Jack.
Director Wakefield Poole, re-shot an entire sequence for “Boys in the Sand”; because the original performer, demanded 20% profit for his participation, before signing the release form.
You notice, that there was no credit given to the cast in “Closed Set (1980)”. Director Joe Gage said that one of the performers; was the son of a famous celebrity.
Porn performers now, are probably more business savvy; toward what they’re entitled to, financially.
In an interview, Derek Stanton said he was now surprised, that porn stars actually had agents; like mainstream actors, when he returned to the screen in “Family Values (1997)”. What are the contracts, now like? You got to read between the lines. LOL!
You know I still love you, BJ! Air kisses: “M-wah! M-wah!” You’re such a gracious host, like Dinah Shore! (I doubt you’ll get that reference, zephyr.) : )
Even when you don’t address me directly (“that other guy”)! I’ll take what I can get! Consider your ass kissed! *SMOOCH!*
“You’re full of sweet surprises! You’re an inspiration! You’re a sweet sensation! You’re my invitation to HAPPINESS!” : )
Hey, BJ honey! Let’s pretend that you, I, and zephyr, are the Pointer Sisters! Except, we’ll call ourselves the “Pointless Sisters”! Let see, if we can shriek in harmony, like they do! : D
One… Two… Three… : “CUMMING!” LOL!
(“Oh, gimme some more. Ooh, keep it coming.)!” : )
Now, let’s be The Grease Monkeys, in our tight jeans; strutting down a Glendale Boulevard! : O
(“Honestly, BJ! Don’t you have any natural, dancing rhythm?”) LOL! : )
; )
Love this clip! Does anyone know the club where it was filmed? Also I am a huge disco lover and love the first 2 songs but don’t recognize the third song as the sex starts. Does anyone know the name of that song. Thank you and Happy Holidays!
club? no idea, sorry. Tunes – we got Happiness by the Pointer Sisters (12-inche version); One More Minute by Saint Tropez; and then Doin’ The Best That I Can by Bettye Lavette.
if you’re interested in porn review, music in porn, I highly recommend going over to REDDIT for this “group” (is that the right word?) – VintageGayVids
Back when I started redditing (verb) they were called ‘subreddits’ by most redditors (noun). At some point the prefix sub- must have fallen out of favor, and now they refer to the whole site as well as each individual section as ‘reddits’. But I don’t see anything wrong with subreddits, or ‘subs’ as shorthand.
I don’t know the name of the bar the trio go to, unless it’s maybe shown for a second right when they arrive. I do know that one of them picks up a copy of Databoy which is a periodical I know very little about, aside from seeing it referenced on gevi pages along with Market Reports Newsletter. Even if the mags were full of shorthand notations, ‘performer 1 late 20s, mustache, thinning dark hair…’ those would be entertaining to read.
Thank you so much! I know that third song too! I will check out your link too. All 3 songs are on my youtube playlist If you love disco (1973-1980) check it out at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9VLoLSo1jOcd6ICpMWJp1ucmEcJUQYY0 If any songs are missing , let me know! I add daily. Merry Christmas! Love your blog!