NOVA films pornoclips

very liberal

“Tell me Glenn, just how liberal are you?”

from a film I’ve written about several times before – Something Wild

4 replies on “very liberal”

Well I did volunteer for Ted Kennedy’s campaign :D

Within the past few months I reviewed two of Nova’s few films that had live sound, this one as well as Boys Town: Going West Hollywood. And they’re both pretty good, it’s curious that they waited so long to catch up to all the other studios recording with sound by that time. Both shot on film, both bareback (or pre-condom) fucking and the sound makes it less like you’re watching a porno version of a Charlie Chaplin movie.

Robert Walters, who founded Nova and directed most of their scenes, became known as Scott Masters by the time Nova folded, and both he and John Travis went to work for Catalina. But by the early 90s Catalina hired a new boss who tried to rewrite their contracts and take away some of the perks those two were getting, so John and Scott walked away and founded Studio 2000. In those Bijou blog entries written by Josh Eliot he talks about that time spread out over a few of his posts, it’s pretty interesting.

But back to Something Wild, I was lucky in my review that I found what seems to be the complete film and not a dreaded Midnight Men edit. That scene you posted a few minutes of, is the one with what seems to be stolen instrumental rock music, as opposed to the rest which all sounds like incidental snippets. If you ever run shazam on that and pick up who the music is let me know please.

The guy on the internet archive has scans of the glossy mag with pics of two of the scenes from Something Wild, the last scene in the tent as well as the one with Greg Girard, who was of course in a few Surge films like Rangers and Head Trips. I always liked him, nice big dick and on the younger side but well past his twink years by then. This link starts at the beginning of the mag and so you just click through the 30 or so pages to see it all.

(and I agree with what you told Obsessed, as the saying goes: don’t feed the trolls)

(Mercy, I truly hope this REPLY works!)

Sheesh! Sorry for the redundant reply, but I got kicked off repeatedly, on this particular post! Something seems to happen, when you copy and paste, or browse and link too much, from another tab or website – technical glitch! It’s the third or fourth time, this has happened to me! I was also browsing through the ARCHIVE.ORG link extensively, that zephyr provided. Could that have been a factor, also? I’m going to do my best to be concise, by directly typing into the comment box – arduous! Good advice, zephyr! Sorry in advance, for the expected typos! I’m not going to try, and edit myself – too exhausting!

Anyway, I truly love “Something Wild”! There’s a special place for it, in my heart! Most of it, truly works – charming! Even the title song is catchy! This, along with “Take Down (1992)”, are two of my favorite films, featuring “hotties”! There are others, but these two, come immediately to mind!

With the exception of Wade Davis and Ron Collier (too cocky), the whole cast, seems so wholesome and clean-cut – cuties! Davis with his vacant eyes; seems a little creepy, but he’s still a hot performer! Collier is the epitome, of a Old Reliable model! : /

Glen Armstrong, with his straight hair, puffy lips, and snub nose, was such an endearing dofus! I love his hang-dog expression – crestfallen! He had such a deadpan charm – warm! He should have made more films!

Of course, both Scott Avery and Randy Page; were quite beautiful! No doubt, they must have matured, into quite handsome men! I’ll talk about Brian Michaels/Bobby Madison later! Thanks for the continuing post, BJ – so convenient!

Thanks for the info. & the ARCHIVE link, zephyr! I also like scrappy Greg Girard – interesting! Not a bad actor! He just misses being handsome, because of his eyes – high cheekbones and dimpled chin! I have to wrap this up! I’ll continue on the current B.M. post – same initials! : )

; )

I thought Greg was hot in each scene I’ve caught that he was in, the stash makes him look somewhat older than he may have been when he made them. Great dick too, which isn’t everything but it’s a nice big piece of the puzzle sometimes!

The archive link is from his massive U-Z collection, I just happened to stumble on the pics from that mag and wanted to let BJ and any of us who saw it know. Oh and I’ve had issues from time to time where I click submit and it gives me an error message here, luckily by going back to the previous page my words are still there most of the time. So if that happens I’ll copy it into a new doc, delete it from the comment box, refresh the page and just try again, and it usually works the second time. May have to do with having tabs open of adding links as you guessed. But I type all my thoughts directly into the comment box as they come to me.

-I can hear BJ saying ‘well if every comment from you guys wasn’t a damn short story it might not time out!’ which, ok that would apply equally to both of us ;) I’m just glad he allows us to go off on tangents and provide detailed comments here, he’s a sweetheart beneath the sometimes gruff exterior.

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