Director: Toilet Training (1979) – Bill Adams, Johnny Dawes, and Gary Sikes – images form the magazines Full Throttle and Men’s Room. The last few pics in the Men’s Room magazine imply a 3-way, but it’s got a couch in the background, and wasn’t in the film – so perhaps it was just a photo shoot.

4 replies on “Toilet Training”
(Hope these links work!)
Boy, the ironies and coincidences; really abound in this post! : )
For the record, despite a number of exceptions; I’m not really a fan, of public bathroom scenes – Yuck!
This one doesn’t change my mind – gross! The sound quality is pretty bad. I think it’s too rough and mean spirited – no eroticism! : /
I still remembered it though. I was surprised to see Johnny Dawes, in a Falcon loop! Notice how dark, his hair is. This loop doesn’t take advantage, of his genuine, acting ability. : (
But what I really remembered was discovering Bill Adams – so handsome and built! His look is pretty generic, but still very masculine and hot! I much prefer his other Falcon loop, “Hitchhiker (1978)”. One of the publications was called, “Hard Riders”. The other one was “Buckeroo #1”.
Vince Clark doesn’t seem too bright. But it’s still a hot loop! Bill Adams here; is a lot more friendly and giving. : )
You know how I love to segue, BJ! Bear with me, as I hijack this post! ; )
It’s pretty appalling, how even porn studios themselves, can be so inaccurate and sloppy! Falcon Studios, had another hot performer, also named “Bill Adams”. On their website, they actually claim the two guys, are the same man!
As you know, “Phillip”, didn’t only work with “Michael”. He was my favorite, of the famous duo! Grrr!
He appeared with the other “Bill Adams”, in “Badlands (1974)”. The magazine was called “Ruf Country (1977)”.
Actually, both Phillip and Bill resemble each other. But “Adams” is lean, and way taller, with straighter hair. It’s a toss-up, as to which “Bill”, I prefer. The younger one is more handsome, but the older one is taller – one hit wonder? : 0
Nothing gets me off, than watching two, rugged, masculine men; enjoying each other – mutual pleasure! Lucky number: “69”, feels divine! : P
I believe “Badlands”, was edited for the loop. Only Phillip gets fucked.
While in the publication, they both do – flip-flop! : ) : P
Here’s the loop, along with others.
BJ honey, you may or not know, that “Badlands”; was also the title of a 1973 movie, starring Martin Sheen and Sissy Spacek. It was about a young couple, on a crime spree, inspired by a true story!
“Badlands”, was also the name of a 1978 hit single, by Bruce Springsteen! I’m certain zephyr, already knows this! : )
And get this! “Badlands” is the alias, of one of your readers! Check out the five replies, on your left column! : O
From his ad hominem attack, it’s clear that he doesn’t respect me, or MY opinion – “Trade performers? Get over yourself queen.” : |
Ah, BJ! So many great, interesting, and coincidental posts! : )
I so appreciate, that almost all of your readers, are friendly and courteous! : /
So little time! I’ll never catch up! : (
So I’ll just ignore the negative! : D
; )
“that almost all of your readers” sorry about that – i was not sure what to do about that; ignore is usually best. But am sorry! I’ve only banned a couple times, and edited out nastiness only once or twice – but let’s not let that deter us from enjoying our porn, and each other! thanks for being a long-term reader/commenter extraordinaire!
Ah, BJ honey! You’re the best – a true gem! Yeah, you’re right! It’s best to ignore him. Actually, your track record is pretty pure, and incredible! Only one bad apple, in all your years of posting! At least it is, to my personal knowledge.
As you know, I’m pretty self-deprecating, myself. I’ve referred to myself as a “queen”, on more than one occasion. It’s not what he called me, but the tone. Are we not among friends? : |
I totally welcome dissent. It makes the discussion, lively. Lord knows, we don’t always see eye to eye. But we respect each other! Even when I tweak you, you know it’s all in jest! One can disagree, without being disagreeable.
I’ve been tempted to join the Datalounge, but I just can’t – all that snark, bitchery, and bile! It’s worse than “The Boys in the Band”! “May you die in a grease fire!” Jesus, what is that?! Sadly, it’s not a rare thing, in “our” community. : (
That’s why I’m always loyal to your website! “Most” of your readers may be “dirty”, I included, but they still manage to be classy! They take after their gracious host – PARTY! : D
You’re welcome! And let me thank YOU, for your incredible blog! May it last forever! And above all, thanks also, for being YOU! XOXOXO
; )