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Cal Driver

who you may remember from such films as:

  • Chromes (1981) found in FVP024, Styles

Cal Driver – just the one film, and some of the magazine appearances are from the same photoshoot, if not same images (like some from Manacle appear in HONCHO)

who you may remember from such magazines as:

  • Doin’ It With Style
  • Manacle – (1980)
  • Uncut No 1 – (1980)
  • Mandate – (June, 1981)
  • HONCHO (July 1981)
  • Falcon File No. 11 (1982)
  • Inches Vol1 No2 (June 1985)

4 replies on “Cal Driver”

Beautiful man, love the fur all over front and back (as I’m sure you do too). And the big dick, not required but always nice to look it.

I’m not as knowledgeable about magazines as you and some of the commenters are, but I was looking through scans recently at different sites and landed on Manacle No. 1 from 1980. You mention Manacle in this post which was why I came here, plus there are no other comments yet, until now…

I love this pic, no idea who it is though so I thought I’d leave a link and ask if you had any info about him. How many Manacles were there anyway? If they ran pics of the guy below as well as these great pics of Cal it had me wondering more about it, if you know.

Zephyr! I can’t believe I missed this post. Cal Driver- sooo hot.

If BJ doesn’t mind, I think I can answer your question. “Manacle” was a one-shot, not a series, so no other issues that I know of. However, the photographer is Fred Bisonnes who of course is huge! Western Man had a series of one-shot mags by Bisonnes and other great photographers. The mags all have names like “Rivet” and “Strap” and “Cinch.” Come to think, they are not all one-shots, but the point is they were all in a similar style but with different mag titles and themes, like cowboys, working men, leather, etc.

The guy in the photo link you provided is one of the other Lobo Studios models in the mag, but he is uncredited. In my notes, I’ve referred to him as the Dutch Leatherman, but I don’t remember where I got that moniker. It’s probably not based on anything real. I guess somebody somewhere thought he was Dutch, and I jotted it down, but how would they know that? And why would I think that’s important? Wish I could remember. He’s a really hot guy though, isn’t he? He only appears in about 5 pages of Manacle, but two are in color and some of the pages have 2-3 photos of him grouped together. Unfortunately, I have not seen him in any other mags.

Actually, none of the models in Manacle are credited. The ones we know were identified by sight.

Here are my notes on Manacle:

Manacle No1 (published 1980)
Photos (& art) by Fred Bisonnes for Lobo Studios. Distributed by Le Salon. Other sources refer to this as a Western Man magazine, but there’s nothing to confirm that. Perhaps there was some relationship with Bisonnes?

Leather-themed hard & soft nude portraits by Hart (aka Bisonnes) of several Lobo Studios models; Ryan Reeves, Ed Collins, Cal Driver, Steve Mars plus unidentified Dutch Leatherman; & several uncredited (but by Fred Bisonnes) erotic leather-themed pencil drawings, as well as an anonymous dirty poem (“Lines”) illustrated with photos of the Dutch model. 16 color pages. 44 pages total.

That’s probably more than you needed to know, but I hope it helps!

BJ, please feel free to contradict or add to anything I’ve said.

everything you’ve said is potential wrong wrong wrong! ahhhhh, the ol’ late night “must comment on at least 4 posts” hit and run – see you in a week or two! (teasing – love when you visit!)

‘Everything’ Johnny said is potentially wrong (x3) ??? I was about to thank him for the info about the magazine anyway, and leave a link to where I found it. This site has partial scans of hundreds of mags but they’re only selected pages, so somewhat limited in what you can see makes that part a down side. An up side though, is that if you right click the main view slot and open the pics in a new tab they are nice and big, as the Dutch Leatherman (or whoever that is) pic was. Plus one other black & white page with a few pics of the same guy as Johnny said.

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