Tony and Derek find each other at one of the popular gyms in San Francisco. Eyeing each other’s muscles, they start to fantasize on what it would be like to have each other’s hard cock in their mouth, or rimming two mounds of muscle, or ramming a huge cock up a willing torso and pumping ass. The climax of this film explodes with hot cum shooting across rippling hard stomach muscles.
Pumping Iron (1975) – or earlier?
OK – so who’s up for figuring out these popular San Francisco gyms that had all the sex in the 70’s?? oh… probably all of them, eh? would be fun to figure out the names of the “gay” gyms back then – where’s that Gay Guide I’ve been meaning to scan….?

One reply on “Pumping Iron”
Maybe Tony & Derek were at the same gym / bathhouse Brian & Vaughn visited, and sucked on a bunch of dildos?
I’ve mentioned the internet archive before, and the fact that they have a large collection of old Bay Area Reporter newspapers. The collection starts at the beginning, early 70s and goes up to around 2004/05, seems to be complete with every page scanned, and it’s free. And you can search either by date or specific words or phrases – if you change the default ‘search metadata’ to ‘search text contents’ which is how I’ve been able to find so many of John Karr’s wonderful porn reviews for what I’ve put on reddit.
I mention this just to say that scrolling through a few issues of the B.A.R. would be a good way to see the names of the bars, baths and gyms horny gay guys were visiting in the Bay area, just by honing in on the ads or reading the articles. It took me a while to get the hang of the search functions and how to enlarge each page (zoom in and open in a new tab if you want to save anything) but you could play around with that, if it sounds like you might be into it.
By the mid 80s a lot of the baths and sex clubs had closed, we all know why. But the years before that are full of mentions of the clubs and establishments popular with the gay guys there at the time. Link here: