Brian Dexter and…..? The file name says “COLT” which might be wrong, and “Steve” – I think it’s a Target photo, but I only see Brian modeling with Glen Dime, Tommy Russo, the couple Michael and Phillip, and “Doug”
here – you look – Brian Dexter on BJland
6 replies on “Brian”
The full name you gave to this pic is:
Maybe the 22_02 is a clue, as in a post you made in February 2022 (or a file you acquired then)? I scrolled through your archives for that month (that was when you devoted a few posts to Getting It which I remember) and I saw this post where you were being a tease about who it was, but eventually Johnny identified Dick Trask’s ass spread open as he splays on the hood of his car, with a wrench in the back pocket of his shorts:
It doesn’t look like it’s Dick Trask in this pic with Brian and I could be way out in left field (wouldn’t be the first time) but maybe my comment will remind you of something else about it.
nice try, but NO NO NO to Dick Trask! The W-22 is more of a clue than the 22_02, as I may have added the _02 if I cropped, or if there were 2 in the series. I am sure it’s nabbed from an eBay auction, and Brian and Steve was what the selling was suggesting, and from COLT.
COLT photosets have a coding like the W-22, but the list linked to doesn’t have that specific number
…..ah, I located more from the series – but gotta run to.. WORK!
It was Colt set W22 “BRIAN and STEVE” consisting of 8 B/W 5×7 prints selling for $5.00. Its blurb reads “No, not a dance team, just two superb male bodies that meet in the shower and take it from there and we take you along for the view. How these two devils love to tease.”
I have a note that Steve is Colt model Steve Hellman and he may be identical with Colt model John Archer. Don’t know where I found this info and not at all sure about these identifications anymore – some models changed their looks and names a lot.
YES!!! i think I found scans of most of the series
(Hope these links work!) TA-DA!
I GOT IT! I GOT IT! Oh, how I love to gloat! Do I win anything! Eat your hearts out! ; )
You’ve posted this before! Here’s a better angle, of his profile – mystery man!
Tell me, this isn’t him – Steve Nettles! He was on the cover of In Touch Magazine, October 1973 issue!
He was also in a special issue, dated January 1974 – cover!
Here’s another page! Notice the ratty hair, big nose and chin, and quizzical eyebrows!
His face doesn’t really do anything for me – kinda dopey! But his body really is nice! : P
Oh, Mary!
Hey “Buddy”, I’ve no reason to doubt you, but are you sure your information is accurate? I think BJ, may be right. It does look more like Target. Then again, Brian Dexter; posed for both studios!
Hey, BJ! I asked you this before, but you never answered. Did they sell In Touch magazine, on the East coast? I think that Vector magazine, wasn’t sold here, on the West. But I could be wrong.
As for Brian Dexter, I thought he was just divine, and adorable! Ah, he seemed so sensual and cuddly! I mentioned this before. He reminds me of Tony Zerega, though they don’t resemble each other.
And also, Morgan Black – the same deal! They all have soulful, warm eyes – friendly! : )
Let me thank everyone who replied to this! It always makes the conversation lively!
Oh, how I love to show off! It pumps me up! I’m on a roll! : )
“I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it! I’m about to lose control, but I think I like it!”
(You do like the Pointer Sisters, hey zephyr?) : D
“Don’t stop me now! I’m having such a good time! I’m having a ball!” (Or Queen?) : )
Ah, BJ! So many challenging and FUN posts! Especially, when I win!
: ) (Yes, I know I need to be knocked down, a peg!) : |
So little time! I’ll never catch up! Not with all these distractions! : (
; )
I have often wondered who that guy is. I have 2 or 3 photos of these two, but never an ID. I appreciate Buddy’s suggestions, although I’m not sure I agree that John Archer and Steve Hellman are the same person. Steve Hellman is close, but I think Obsessed’s suggestion of Steve Nettles (aka Steve Nelson) is much closer. I think it’s a match. According to GEVI, Steve Nelson was known to have modeled for Colt, although he does not come up on their website. That means nothing though. Lots of Colt models are missing from their website. It really frustrates me. The model profiles are complete fiction, added only in the past 5 years. Do you think they’d let me go in and overhaul it? Ha, even I don’t know enough about Colt to do that. At least I could put some dates on some of those names.
Well done, everyone!
FYI: one other model that Brian Dexter appeared with is Bill Eld, in Target Ramrod No1.