this post would ordinarily wind up in the drafts folder, languishing for months, if not years…. but I’m working on something completely different, so in the meantime, here you are, wondering why I am showing neither cock, balls, butt , butthole, or any of the other body parts I like to feature – today we are looking at this carpet, because I HAVE SEEN IT IN A BUNCH OF PHOTOS BUT HAVE NEVER FIGURED OUT THE CONNECTION, BUT PERHAPS IT’S PAEAN STUDIOS?????
and now I am seeing a bunch of PAEAN pics with this carpet – harder to notice in the Black & White photos because, well, we are looking at the men, not the backdrop. But I can’t believe I’ve missed THIS ONE, below!

now I have to find more pics of HIM from PAEAN!!!
5 replies on “does the carpet….”
YES! That carpet has been to the moon and back in gay porn mags. I want it the way you always want the t-shirts.
Paean is definitely part of the connection.
Honestly, I’d bet it’s just a piece of fuzzy fabric that they used to sell in fabric shops. In the ’70s, they always had some of that fuzzy Muppet fur material for costumes. I remember going with my mom when I was little.
Thus, there may not exactly be a pattern or connection. However, the color and pattern is unique. Maybe there was one photographer who kept that in his bag of props/set dressings and he’s the connection? But since photographers were often not credited in these old mags it might be hard to track that. I’ll leave it to you.
Great comment above, from Johnny-My Pet-Llama! As usual! : )
Ah jeez, BJ! You do this to me all the time! You go off on a tangent, then your obsessions, become my obsessions! : |
Yet I admit, they’re interesting and curious, not to mention amusing! : )
I love this distinct theme of savoring porn pictures with “comfy blankets”, and fur/shag carpets! It definitely has a camp, retro feel! It must have started in the psychedelic ‘60s, from the drug influence!
Don’t get me started on waterbeds and lava lamps! : )
Of course, no surprise that this ties in, with your werewolf fetish! Notice the main, magenta coloring! Makes me think of Sherbet – definitely drug induced! : )
Paean Studios really did seem to have a field day with this setting! : 0
# 1 – I appreciate that you’ve now come to celebrate, “Jean-Claude” aka Ric Drasin – previously unheralded! This makes me KNOW, that you actually like bodybuilders! They’ll be forever associated with gay porn! Not exactly a mystery! : )
On this same theme, I posted this question on June 19, 2022. You never answered. Was it because this wonderful picture; is in black and white? To repeat:
“Now here’s my last mystery. Don Talon also appeared below in a Paean layout, with a bearded guy with curly hair. I whittled the names down, to either Marc or Ladd. Do you know which name is his?
*SWOON* I love this picture; so romantic and passionate – sex on feathers! Notice how fluorescent, Talon’s tan-line is! The rest of his body is so dark! : )
Yes, I know he’s wearing a toupee, but so what! He’s so rugged and masculine, that he’s entitled to being a little vain! : ) “
(Hope these links work! Sorry if the spam filter kicks in!) : (
Anyway, to continue; bear with me! This eventually ties in, all together. : )
Notice in both these pictures, the setting seems to be a tight, enclosed area. I’ve noticed a distinct, similar influence; for Paean’s so called “Encounters”, in their décor and dark settings – trashy! : |
Notice the aluminum background in the first picture with Jean-Claude (I prefer the dash symbol, a la Colt Studio. C’est bon, n’est-ce pas?).
I’m sensing a television, sci-fi series inspiration. : 0
Both “Lost in Space (1965-1968)” and “Star Trek (1966-1969)” had a similar, camp appeal – adventure! Both pretty loony in a deadpan style, that featured great theme music, and crazy, cheesy settings and costumes! : O
Who can forget the fun, catch phrases like “Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!” or “Beam me up, Scotty…”! And don’t get me started, on the T.V. designed, school lunch boxes! (Did you have one?)
Both of them took place in outer space, but like “Gilligan’s Island (1964-1967)”, it was obviously located on a television set – suspension of disbelief! : )
I bring this up, because of the Paean set limitations, of a porn budget – pure kitsch!
Look at this “Encounter” picture below. It’s supposed to take place in some sort of space cave. The aluminum background material, doesn’t even reach up to the water stained ceiling – pure studio! It’s so satisfyingly cheap and cheesy – love it! : D
But aside from those two television references, what I suspect truly inspired Paean; was a particular hit film, which also had sexual “encounters”, in enclosed areas – quasi soft-core porn! : )
No doubt, you’ve heard of the campy, sci-fi, sex comedy, adventure film, “Barbarella (1968)”! Have you’ve seen it? I don’t know any queer of my age, who hasn’t! It has the same décor and settings!
It’s based on a scandalous, 1962 French “adult” comic series, created by Jean-Claude Forest! “Jean-Claude”! What a coincidence! The heroine is like a female “Flesh Gordon”! : D
Jane Fonda has pretty much disowned it. This is a shame, since its influence is pretty remarkable! She looked beautiful in it! RuPaul loved it! In interviews, he said he actually want to BE, “Barbarella”! : )
WARNING: It is okay, BJ! There’s no actual female nudity, below! The plastic breast plates; are part of her costume. No need to get upset! Check out the décor! : )
zephyr should know this! One of the characters is an evil scientist, played by Milo O’Shea, with the name “Dr. Durand Durand”! Yes, the 80’s pop-group themselves, have acknowledged, this is where they got their name! : )
Another character is Mark Hand – the Catchman, played by the handsome Italian actor, Ugo Tognazzi. He rescues the female astronaut, from a near fatal ordeal! : 0
(You may recognize him as the “husband” character, Renato, from the French hit comedy film, “La Cage Aux Folles (1978)”. Michel Serrault, recreated his stage character Albin, the “wife”, from the 1973 gay stage play by Jean Poiret – original source. It was later adapted for the 1983 musical, and the comedy film, “The Bird Cage (1983)”) All these gay references, just abound! : )
BELOW – Notice the costumes worn by both Barbarella, and Mark Hand!
As payment for saving her, she agrees to have sex with him, “the old fashion way”, no pills. She enjoys it, but still considers natural love-making, to be “primitive and distracting”. : )
BELOW – The scene is pretty sexy and funny! Don’t worry BJ! I’m not going to show it!
But you’ll enjoy this! I thought of you, because of your werewolf fetish! To think this predated “Chewbacca”, by nine years! Don’t get too excited! His fur isn’t real! : (
(Scroll all the way down – three gif images!) : )
So what do you think? Am I out to lunch? LOL!
Ah, BJ! So many retro, campy, distracting, addicting, spacey, hairy, silly, wacky, sexy posts! : )
So little time! I’ll never catch up! : (
; )
P.S. : Oops! Typo! “The Birdcage”, was released in 1996! Sorry! : D
“you actually like bodybuilders” – oh! mon cheri! – it is not the builted body, but the stache, and chest hair! built bods, alone, don’t do it for me, but part of a nice package of hairiness, stachiness, etc, can be quite nice.