more randomness for you – from a folder labeled “000Augauctions” – don’t know if the magazines, books, or videos these images are from were ever sold, or are still in boxes, sitting in limbo… meanwhile… enjoy!

more randomness for you – from a folder labeled “000Augauctions” – don’t know if the magazines, books, or videos these images are from were ever sold, or are still in boxes, sitting in limbo… meanwhile… enjoy!
4 replies on “000Augauctions”
That’s how you label folders!? Jeez, the obsessive compulsive who’s in charge of my laptop would never put up with that. Oh wait, that’s me.
Seriously, you’re still cleaning out the hard drive, hunh? Well, I don’t mind. These are little gems. I wish I could clean out my hard drive.
Frank Trigner’s and Tony Nero’s dicks are insane on my brain!
The “Rays” are both very hot in different ways. Medina really does it for me though.
Tom Steele’s dick riding a motorcycle is pretty hot.
And the classic JW King and RJ Reynolds in the locker room is really delicious. Why wasn’t RJ Reynolds as popular and well-known as JW King, I wonder? He was just as hot.
I have no idea what that folder name means or how it connects all these great pics, but I appreciate you sharing them.
Thanks BJ!
I meant, “seriously” as in “on a more serious note.” Not, seriously, why are you still cleaning out your hard drive. Just FYI.
I should learn to proof read. I’m usually pretty good about that. Being OCD-ish and all.
RJ made much less gay porn than JW did and that is probably the main reason he wasn’t as popular or as well-known. He did a lot of straight porn (where the men are secondary to the women), even though he strongly leaned gay in his personal life. One of the straight porn magazines noted that he was popular with a lot of women stars back then and he kept getting work in straight porn because of that. He also got the chance to act more (as in doing dialog/playing a character) and that was probably a plus too, since that was also an interest of his.
Such a shame that RJ and JW died a month apart and so young. Both were nice guys by all accounts.
I’m with Johnny, the pic of Tom Steele on the motorcycle is wonderful. I know I’ve mentioned him before, he’s pretty late in the era in which you focus the bulk of your content but I always liked his looks, ass and dick of course included. There are stills from the movie Tom did called Undercover (with Doug Niles, another porn crush of mine from that timeframe), where Tom is sitting in a wooden chair with armrests, holding binoculars in front of his face with one hand, and his big boner in the other, that’s a great shot too.