"vintage" porn stars

I’d buy that for a dollar!

I’m sure I’ve posted Peter Bronsky before – just stumbled upon this scan of 2 identical (but slightly different) brochures.

ha! joke’s on me – I posted the exact images!

One reply on “I’d buy that for a dollar!”

Another Target Studios model/performer IDed!

Not really of course- we already knew about Pete Bronsky because he was in the Bullet collection videopac #2. At least that’s how I know him- I had them all on VHS. His only film, sadly, and it was a solo JO. The film also has Tony Russo, but I can’t remember if they ever appear on screen together.

My goal of several years has been to collect photos of all the Target men and any Target mags/films in addition to the ones I already have. I feel like Target was a close cousin to Colt. Jon Target helped create Colt Studios after all. Or maybe a bastard cousin? Because they went under before attaining any kind of similar status. I don’t know. I love Target. I feel like they could’ve gone further. I see them as a kind of gay porn underdog.

Anyway, thanks for helping!

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