seen him in other magazines – this from a 1974 issue of Body
seen him in other magazines – this from a 1974 issue of Body
i don’t usually post cummy pics, but heck, it’s monday
kinda of a reminder / placeholder to do more research into Paean Studios – The ad above from a 1975 In Touch magazine made me realize they were around before I had thought – what I think I have on my hard drive and hard copies of magazines are from 1977 at the earliest… This ad reminded me Jean Claude, possibly better known in COLT photos, was in LUSTY No 1, which I ignored in the several posts I’ve made on that digest-sized magazine – but you’ll see an image below from when I sold that magazine (why? WHY???) ….. more…..later?
GEVI (Gay Erotic Video Index)’s page on Mark Bitler; who, allegedly has only done this one film – The Idol – it just has to be the wrong photo – as I am sure the man playing “Terry Walker” – the “idolizer – who makes love with Kevin Redding in the final scene – is this guy – who sometimes goes as “DOUG” (in photo shoots) or… just look at the curly-haired jockstrapped guy in the photo below….
Mark Farrell in that one film other than The Idol – so my videography/magazinography (spellcheck, a little help?)
who you may remember from such films as:
who you may remember from such magazines as:
the above 3 are all from that same film – Chemistry Lesson
Below is a pic from SPREE, which is mentioned on the GEVI page – I guess if I weren’t so lazy, I should do a videoclip from The Idol so you’d see DOUG/Mark Farrel is our guy – and perhaps BITLER is his real name, or his porno de plume for just The Idol and it’s just the wrong pic at GEVI????