Month: April 2023
balls at rest
there are other pics that show off Mr. Alain Jourdan‘s lovely balls – him grabbing them, them falling out of running shorts, and more, but I just love the “balls at rest” pose – especially the one on the right (and shown again, below) You’d like to touch, to smell, to lick, but first, just sit back and admire them
more balls, please
ahhhhh –
Nick Battle – we’ve determined he’s done no film work, eh? too bad! Would love to see those balls swinging!
by the inch
the moment just before it sproings out!
I know I have a category for “90’s porn” – as I must cuz, um – Aiden Shaw!!! – and of course some others – but 90’s COLT, other than Kelso, Ray Dragon, can’t think of anyone else from that period from COLT that I get off on.
if I was clever, I could fake title what he’s reading
In On A Limb
So I’m working on a videography (which these day I try to include a magazinography?) on Greg Dale – but he’s in like 25-30 films, plus at least 10-15 magazines, so I work on it a bit, edit, save, and think I’ll come back to it later, and weeks, months later, some more, then weeks… you get the idea – so last night I’m trying to shape it up a bit – I’ve got 2 or 3 video clips, 5-8 good pics, but then I actually pause to watch the first clip, and oh no – this needs it’s own post!
wow! they must’ve loved this performance, it’s in at least 4 collections (that I know of) within a couple years – co-starring Rick Lee (who at first glance looks like he’s been in 4 films – alas, it’ just this one!)
let’s go to the videotape to check it out:
“God, is that all he’s got? Hope it’s quick” – then smhmgmmd dirty talk nice jock, etc – but really? How often do we hear this “sigh, let’s get this over with” dialogue!
– that’s where the still images are from
and these Rick Lee’s pants? Those are some big bell bell-bottoms!