Director: Dick Martin (1975)

Pedaling Muscles (1975) – starring: Kentucky Man, Joey Vox, Erik Kahnler, Mike Stern
– OK, so I admit – its the bicycle shorts, and the name – Kentucky Man – that got me intrigued on this one – which one is he/which shorts is he wearing?
2 replies on “bicycle”
I have noticed many gay porn films of the 1970’s often parody the 1950’s-1960’s documentary films.
I didn’t even know that they were using official bike clothes back in the ’70. Some of them are in actual bike shorts, my favorite are the yellow/orange striped ones. But others are just wearing torn jeans shorts. Very hot.
I looked at the GEVI profiles and they weren’t much help. It looks like there are two sets of model names.
Sadly, the quality of the film clip makes it really hard to ID them by face. You can only see some facial characteristics like sideburns. Frustratingly, they are not shown taking their togs off. It just cuts from b-roll footage of them biking to them totally naked. Same thing after the sex. They go from totally naked to back in their cycling gear.
I wish there was a magazine to go along with this. That would really help.
This would be a serious challenge for anyone who might want to tackle it. I’m not sure I’m up for it.