So I’m working on a videography (which these day I try to include a magazinography?) on Greg Dale – but he’s in like 25-30 films, plus at least 10-15 magazines, so I work on it a bit, edit, save, and think I’ll come back to it later, and weeks, months later, some more, then weeks… you get the idea – so last night I’m trying to shape it up a bit – I’ve got 2 or 3 video clips, 5-8 good pics, but then I actually pause to watch the first clip, and oh no – this needs it’s own post!
wow! they must’ve loved this performance, it’s in at least 4 collections (that I know of) within a couple years – co-starring Rick Lee (who at first glance looks like he’s been in 4 films – alas, it’ just this one!)
let’s go to the videotape to check it out:
“God, is that all he’s got? Hope it’s quick” – then smhmgmmd dirty talk nice jock, etc – but really? How often do we hear this “sigh, let’s get this over with” dialogue!
– that’s where the still images are from

and these Rick Lee’s pants? Those are some big bell bell-bottoms!

5 replies on “In On A Limb”
That’s some high quality voice dubbing right there. And by ‘high quality’ I mean awful and cringeworthy, like Huge or Summer Of Scott Noll or others like them. The vaguely disco soundtrack added in the background makes it almost camp.
Hot scene though, Rick is rather studly and while Greg was never my favorite looks-wise (the hair, mostly) there’s no denying he had a great dick. But in the scene Greg is the one wearing the jock, and he didn’t bend Rick over to cum on his leg. So maybe there was a part 2? Or else the other pics were magazine spread only.
Early video dubbing was awful & Scott Masters looked like he was learning with each film. It gradually got better with each video.
Scott Masters has to be the narrator since Nova & Nebula was his baby. He used various aliases until he settled on a porn director name.
Hall of Fame material.
Nova Video went bankrupt then Scott Masters associated with Catalina Video for much of the decade (1982-1990’s). Scott Masters & William Higgins were the Catalina directors often finding new talent for the company.