As many of you know, I have been cleaning out my harddrive of dupes and whatnot, and any clips where I also have the full movie digitized, I delete – but first I check the pornblog, especially for “WMV” files (which I convert to “MP4” files), and delete after knowing it’s already up. Back in 2010, I posted this clip – Mike Morris is better than banana – and then recently replaced it with an updated mp4 version. I was unaware that I was replacing the Pieces of Eight version, with sound and original soundtrack with an apparently silent version – which may well have come straight from an 8MM film, which was then converted to tape in one of those awful compilations, like from EZ Rider, or Grandpa’s Favorite Porno Loops.
Anyway, t’s a bit complicated, but here goes – the short film, Desert Fox with Mike Morris and Dave Daniels was released in 1978 as an 8MM short – like a bunch of others that Halsted and his partner Joey Yale produced. Sometime later, two “movies” – VHS/BETA releases included this short in both Pieces of Eight and California Fox. Pieces of Eight attempts to string the 5 or 6 loops together with a vague storyline of Rocky Genero (a.k.a. Dan Pace) as a stripper whose vivid fantasies while reading skin magazines helps him get ready to go onto the stage. But then California Fox is also released, with that overlapping loop – Desert Fox, plus another, The Legend of Big Meat, and the two California Lineman loops – but no attempt at a cohesive storyline.
So – all that and 2 copies of the Desert Fox loop – big deal! BUT BUT – why are they 2 different lengths?? The one above, from Pieces of Eight adds a bit of the intro from the film, “Rocky” looking through the porno magazine Desert Fox – but as you’ll see below, the silent loop is actually 2 minutes longer, and I can’t quite figure out what the difference is in terms of content – so, kids – whadyathink?