"vintage" porn stars

not this DOUG

working on a post with a lesser known Doug, thought Doug Weston might keep you occupied for a bit – link is to other Doug Weston posts here. I like the sweatshirt with spooge stain pic above best; the one below, we’ve seen a million times (NOT complaining!)

16 replies on “not this DOUG”

I’d pick A Matter Of Size, French Lt.’s Boys and The Bigger The Better as mine, though he’s blink-and-you-miss-him in the latter. First of many dicks hoovered up by Brian Hawks in the t-room. Gayracula is a great one too though.

Because of Doug in “A Matter of Size” I still have a fetish for a man being naked with only a black polo shirt. I’m not mad about it.

Weston is shirtless is a few films, but when he keeps his shirt on, I wonder if he’s hiding his stomach? Could be the director told him to keep his shirt on.

In ‘A Matter of Size’ He kept his shirt on because he had a bit of a spare tire compaired to the other two.

He used to be a regular at The Numbers on Sunset around 1984. He was a straight guy hustling all he could at that time. Pretty much a mess.

Weston doesn’t look as fit compared to the other models in his scenes. That’s what I suspected. Eating too many Ho’s-Ho’s.

OK OK OK – we found shirtless Doug – believe it or not – here on BJland –
Doug Weston
– (quelle surprise) now, we can get in there with a microscope and measure body fat, but, ahem – no. holds up pretty darn well with no shirt topping our buddy Max Montoya!!

I have a spread where Doug Weston is totally naked & he’s in good shape. The shirt thing is weird & can be distracting. I presume he wasn’t in shape at the time & the director told him to keep his shirt on.

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