talk about sitting in the drafts folder – I purchased this VHS sometime maybe between 2006 and 2010? I “won” the very competitive eBay auction, got the shipment, and it’s been in a box every since. It came out in 1981, making me 20 at the time I saw it – I remember nothing about it except I liked seeing Mr Harrison on the tube. (your guess which tube I am referring to)
Should I try to dig it up and digitize it? Or did someone already do that on youtube?
Gregory Harrison: Not For Ladies Only
For Ladies (and Certain Gentlemen) Only

16 replies on “For Ladies Only”
I saw a few clips from the TV movie listed on youtube, one was sort of a highlight reel with scenes of Gregory and the other strippers doin’ their thing. I thought he was hot in Logan’s Run (what little I remember about that show) and then in the opening sequence for Trapper John MD when he pushed the shower door open with that smile on his face. Remember that? It was a highlight reason to at least watch the credits when the show came on, even as a kid every time the door opened my eyes reflexively darted down:
Pernell Roberts and Richard Locke – separated at birth?
That show was loaded with hotties–Gregory Harrison, Pernell Roberts, and another one, Charles Siebert, who had a full carpet of chest hair that would often peek out from the top of his open shirts.
oh my! never watched that show – how did i miss THAT!!
In retrospect the number of times I watched the credits to Trapper John just to check out Gregory wet in the shower, was a pretty clear indication that I was going to turn out gay. I’m guessing that must have been from an early season episode, that’s how they would typically find those little mini-gifs on credits for TV shows. It would be even better to see it full screen instead of just one of the three shots of him in motion — and of course, a director’s cut that showed the parts below his belly button ;)
I vaguely remember TV guide covering this Gregory Harrison strip tease in an article. It was around 1981. It must have been on cable for TV guide to cover this. He was prominently featured in his speedo.
Per this article, it aired on NBC on 9 November 1981. Which must have been considered quite racy for one of the big three networks during that era:
Apparently, For Ladies Only was a NBC television film & quite racy at the time given the subject matter; however, the film ending is unrealistic as the Harrison character goes back into legitimate acting rather than the porn world. The real world would have him coming a huge gay porn star (and sleeping with gay men for money). He’s also straight as the film keeps hammering home with the women he sleeps with for money.
I need to find this & see if its available. I don’t think it is.
Gregory Harrison never did it for me. That said I would never have said no to an assignation with Pernell Roberts or Charles Siebert. Preferably together!
Squee! Suddenly, I’m a 12 year old girl. OMG, a mini-poster was enclosed! I would have bought this just for the mini-poster.
Wow, I had such a hard crush on Gregory Harrison and it was from St Elsewhere. Pernell Roberts did not catch my eye at that time. I was too young maybe? Or he was too old? My Pernell Roberts would’ve been from Bonanza with the hairy chest peeking out of the black cowboy shirt. Oh yes! Basically, ALL the men on Bonanza. Except, I never really watched Bonanza.
But back to Gregory Harrison. I’m certain I jerked off to (the memory) of his shirtless scene many times. Then later this (probably) terrible male stripper movie came out. I was 11. I don’t remember anything about the movie except that I probably came across (hrmm) a photo somewhere and that was good stuff for the spank bank.
And it had Marc Singer in it too, but I don’t remember him being unclothed. The Beast Master!
Mmmm, great memories! Thanks BJ.
My parents wouldn’t allow me to watch the film, although it was an NBC movie of the week due to the subject matter. This is also pre-V & pre-Beastmaster Marc Singer. Singer became a bigger star after these films.
I would also have been in bed 9:00 PM.
Since I didn’t see the film, I was really confused why Gregory Harrison was virtually naked in TV guide. I kept looking at the pictures though.
The subliminal message is Gregory Harrison is not gay!
I know! In spite of me wishing for him to be gay.
And I just saw him on TV on 911! as someone’s dad. He still looks so hot though.
For Ladies Only isn’t available on my cable service. I looked. Just said Gregory Harrison & his movies propped up on the screen. Some made for TV films are accessible while others are not. The Midnight Hour, which aired around Halloween 1985, isn’t available either.
If anyone was wondering about that Gregory in the shower clip from the opening credits of Trapper John, the scene appears in wider screen from the pilot episode (linked below). About ten minutes in Gregory is in the shower singing Amazing Grace, really well I might add, when Pernell Roberts comes into the room in his scrubs to tell Gregory how well he did in surgery, and how he’s got a great pair of hands. As Gregory smiles and kicks open the door he says ‘thanks, the rest of me is kinda cute too’ as he starts to dry off. Of course they don’t show the full monty but I’m with Johnny L., I swooned hard at how sexy I thought he was then, like a lovesick puppy. I didn’t even know what all I wanted to do with him yet but I knew that I desperately wanted to see below his waist, especially if he was so unashamed of his body. Squeeeee:
YES! Trapper John MD. That was it. Swoon! Thanks Zephyr!