Winter! more time to dedicate to my hobby, pornocrazedrambling, and today (which was yesterday, as I didn’t post this the day I wrote it, but the day after, which is today) I finally digitized my VHS copy of Karatekock Warrior – Chris Burns’ 1988 solo film for Palm Drive Video. If you recall, I’ve been holding on to this tape for years, initially hoping to sell, but finding so little info, I waited, and waited, and well when I finally found some info, this from it’s director, Jack Fritscher: “Looking through my viewfinder, I saw what Erich von Stroheim saw in Norma Desmond descending the staircase in Sunset Boulevard: the proto-plasm of a living ghost. He was a sweet man, but his sex appeal had died. His videos for both Old Reliable and Palm Drive sold, literally, zero copies.” – OUCH! sooooooo excited to have the 1 of zero copies out there, I knew I couldn’t sell! Of course, it barely hit me how rough this assessment was. So, one day I may post the video – but meanwhile, at the end of Chris’ 62 minutes, are some previews – and here they are for you
Speaking of PDV – have any of you seen the documetary, Raw! Uncut! Video!?? It’s just a few bucks, streaming on VIMEO. OK, OK, I’ll admit I haven’t seen it – I keep waiting for it to tour out here – but I think I need to stop holding my breadth, and just enjoy some alone time with it on the TV one afternoon, or late night.