Mr. Gable appears to have been in only one film, a film apparently I’ve barely ever mentioned except as a punchline back in 2003, Falcon’s SPOKES. I only stumbled upon him while looking for something else in INCHES magazines, and now can’t remember what that initial search was for! Oh well. But it got me thinking, the film comes out in 1983, the Inches issue is 1986, includes only 2 pics besides the cover photo – seems a cover model should have something more substantial than just…. oh.
ok, i get it.

oh no! Only other time I mention him was this post – Pete Gable, is that you? – needless to say, I’ve gotten better in 14+ years since that post!
3 replies on “Pete Gable”
He was hot in “Spokes” Countless times rewinding the scenes with him & his huge brown uncut equipment.
Okay, BJ honey! You know I wouldn’t do this for anyone else, but you! I so want to comment; on other posts of yours, but you keep on distracting me – left field throws! : (
I admit, investigating this, was a bit of a chore. But baby, you’re worth it! Who am I to whine; when you put in so much work and time, for us to enjoy! For a while now, your memes have been on fire – totally fascinating and exclusive! : 0
Notice, I haven’t had time to scold you! How can I? When your work has been so exemplary! : D
Consider your ass kissed! Just don’t expect me, to lick it! : /
Like you, I’ve also been fascinated by this “Peter Gable”! Tell me, that isn’t an alias! We both know why his first name is “Peter”. But I’m guessing his last name was inspired by Clark Gable. They do resemble each other, somewhat. Yeah, I’m pretty sure he was a One-Hit Wonder!
Falcon’s original “Spokes (1983)”, is considered a porn classic! Notice how many sequels it inspired!
Woody from GEVI says he’s white. He does have a tan-line. But looking at his mouth, the hair texture of his bush; and the color of his dick and nipples – I’m pretty sure he’s biracial.
Back in the day, Falcon didn’t really feature that many performers, of color. Today, they’re a lot more diverse. Peter Gable makes me think of another, Falcon performer, who was also popular and multi-racial. Remember Brad Stone, from the 90’s?
MARCH 5, 2008 – “Peter Gable, is that you?” No, BJ honey; that other, dark prince isn’t him. Like you, I’ve also admired this prints-only model, from the 70’s. They do both resemble each other, especially in the eyes.
But Gable’s face is leaner, and more angular. While the other one’s face, is fuller and more round – fleshy.
Honestly, these names! He’s listed with the unlikely moniker of “Dirk Robbertze”, in most of his print work. That can’t be real, can it? I don’t think he did any “man-on-man” action, in either print or films.
He’s pretty popular. Aside from your blog, he’s also been showcased in Smut Junkies, Welcome to My World, Barefoot Male Porn Stars 2, Gay Erotic Archives, and one more that I’m saving for last. : )
Isn’t it great how various websites, can “appropriate” (i.e. steal) from each other! : )
His photos were featured in Honcho, and Mandate – February 1977. Roy Dean, that gay blade, photographed him for Foxy Lady – May 1975.
He also was a Target Studios model, under the name, “Reb”. See the “Javelin #1” publication.
Was “Masculin – Males U.S.A. (1979)”, a subdivision of Target?
Anyway, here’s the Retro Studs link, which features most of his print work. Thank you Buck Naked! Don’t forget to scroll, all the way down – three posts total! You can enlarge by clicking on each image. : P
As I’ve said before, look at his mouth, the texture of his bush hair, and the color of his dick and nipples. Just like Peter Gable, he’s also biracial. That’s rare for Target Studios, as I recall.
His skin tone is delicious – mocha! : P
I originally thought that he may be from Brazil. He looks like a precursor, of the Kristen Bjorn models. But if you read the texts, it says he’s from Pretoria, South Africa – fascinating!
Isn’t the internet wonderful? You learn something new, every day! : )
Thank you for these pictures from Inches magazine – fabulous! Didn’t Inches magazine, also feature the Legends portrait drawings, by REX? Was that what you were researching? : )
I especially like the second picture with Mark Hunter – cutie! He used the name Derek Fleming, for the Nova Films loop, “Box Boy (1982?)”. In “Spokes”, he really gets worked over – initiation! The whole cast fucks him!
Ah, BJ! So many great, and illuminating posts! : )
So little time, what, with all these distractions! : (
; )
ha! sorry to cause all that work, but if you hovered over the link – Pete Gable, is that you? – you might’ve noticed the titletag “top yes, bottom is REB”
a bit more REB, here, and yes, Dirk was a FOXYLADY cover model!
research on REX’s Legends series – yes, I discovered that those were actually in INCHES, and I can find NO evidence of them being in Advocate Men, but other work of REX’s is found in those pages….