someone over winter break posted links to REX pornstar portraits in the comments section of my Erotic Art post (where I promised to post a lot more erotic art, then didn’t, so that post got gobbled up with comments discussing various artists, like Rex!) asking for I.D.’s (OK, I was going to leave it as “someone” just to irk Obsessed, but it was Obsessed – thanks Obsessed!) – and while I didn’t get a chance to respond yet, another commenter (thanks, texbearjoe!) pointed out that you can purchase prints from the artist himself – how cool is that?
Even cooler, REX the artist/seller includes some awesome background in the text of the auctions, here’s a snippet – “Entitled BILL ELD it was created on Folsom Street in San Francisco in the autumn and was completed on November 25th 1985. It was commissioned by ADVOCATE MEN magazine as part of a series on famous porn stars. As such, it shows REX as portrait artist in a elegantly designed portrait of pioneering porn star Bill Eld (1945-1985). This image first appeared in ADVOCATE MEN magazine and later in the self-published REX portfolio LEGENDS in 1986.”
There’s more, so check out the links/auctions – REXWERK at Adult Stuff Only

and he doesn’t just cut/paste same description, you get background on each print, like this one – “Entitled COP COCK it was created in Greenwich Village New York during the spring of 1983 and was completed on June 13th of that year. The image first appeared in the self-published portfolio REX MEN.” – again, that’s just a snippet. Check out this particular auction here: ARTIST PRINT: REX – COP COCK
and of course, the artists’ website – REXWERK – check it out
13 replies on “REXWERK”
I found this ad for the Pleasure Chest, could have been through you but more likely just scrolling through a scan of a 70s or 80s magazine somewhere. Hope you can view this:
Rex is among the better gay erotic artists of that era, nice to see you devote a post just to him. And I’m glad he’s still around and selling his work through various sources, though I thought his website was pretty clunky and it refused to work for me as an ‘https’ which made me a bit nervous going there.
I’ve got many hundreds of gay art images saved, the ones who got big enough (ha!) to merit their own subfolders are: Etienne; Harry Bush; The Hun; Josman; Julius; Kent; Roger Payne; and of course, the granddaddy Tom of Finland. And a massive folder of unknown artists as well.
Oh, the Pleasure Chest. I thought that was such a horrible store. It disappeared without my noticing it, and I was none too displeased.
I only ever visited the one in L.A. on Santa Monica Blvd. once, they had a huge selection of all kinds of stuff. Most of it too expensive for me, I think I bought a pair of underwear and a magazine. That was 90s probably.
FYI, Rex died this week according to the Bay Area Reporter. Here is their article about him:
Ah, BJ honey! Thank you so much for this exclusive post! Sorry for the late date. It’s the usual mantra. I’m always pressed for time and sleep!
As I’ve said before, I’m definitely a fan of REX, despite the images, I can’t stomach! There’s no denying, he was quite an artist – such detail and depth! Aside from his incredible aesthetic, his main aim; was to shock and disturb – S & M, leather, fetish.
I put him in the category of such transgressive artists like Genet, Brecht, Rimbaud, Verlaine, Francis Bacon, Marquis de Sade, Mapplethorpe, Wagner, Fassbinder, etc. They’re definitely not nice guys!
Your post of “Erotic Art” was just fabulous! Not to mention, crowded, 36 replies!
I wanted to continue with the same theme of homoerotic cartoons, that you’ve posted, but I had to jettison the idea/project. The great website, daddyshere.com has been discontinued! POOF – gone forever! So I can’t link examples. What a shame – endless content! : (
I had definite opinions on artists like Harry Bush, HvH, Blade, Domino, Douglas, Patrick Fillion, Joe Johnson, George Quaintance, Josman, Julius, Mike Kuchar, Logan Kowlasky, Matt, Bill Ward, etc. – all interesting!
I’m less enthusiastic about artists like Etienne, Hun, Kent, and Roger Payne – overrated. To me, Lord Iron, Olaf Odegaard, and Richard A. White aka RAW, were just copycats – unoriginal!
Oh well. I least I was able to identify all ten portraits of REX’s “Legends”! That was endless fun and fascination! Thanks to everyone involved!
Presenting Order:
John Holmes (expired)
Bill Eld (expired)
Lee Ryder (expired)
Michael Christopher
Chad Douglas
Matt Ramsey aka Peter North
David Grayson
Ray Fuller
Al Parker (expired)
Johnny Harden (expired)
Thanks for sharing the news of REX, passing away, zephyr! Your links have been incredible! As they say, it all comes out in the end. FYI – Here’s more information about the recluse:
Here’s a very short interview with REX, that’s also worth reading. It’s only two paragraphs, but endlessly fascinating!
He cites Tom of Finland as an influence, but also mentions how he differs from him. “I work the other side of the street.” Not only that, but REX used ink to draw, while Tom used pencil – interesting!
He’s not quite accurate, though. I don’t really think that Tom of Finland; used blond men as his prototype. REX only drew brunets.
May REX the artist; R.I.P. His work will live on forever! : |
Thanks again for thinking of me, BJ! You know I’m a whore for attention! Even when it’s to troll, punish, or irk me – love it! : )
; )
Wow, you found all ten of the porn star matches with Rex’s art, that’s outstanding! I remember that post but not in too many specifics, I do recall that I correctly guessed Matt Ramsey based on the face / cock combo. A few of the other names were never big stars, David Greyson for example I remember but mostly just from Brother Load and possibly a few magazine shots.
I’m so scattered lately, I mentioned to BJ not too terribly long ago about another artist who did sketches of porn stars, I think they ran in Manshots? And during the interview segments, each drawing would be divided up into thirds, with the face near the beginning, the torso in the middle and the dick at the end. Kent, could he have been the artist? If they ran in Manshots it was probably credited somewhere, ok I do know one place I could check…
See this link with an insanely long url, from the April 1996 issue. They interviewed Ken Ryker (remember him? I liked his dick, as did everybody I knew then I think) and the top third of the drawing accompanying his interview is one of the pics scanned. If you click an image and open in a new tab the images are nice and big:
But not to sidetrack you in your revisiting the topic of erotic art Obsessed, so nice to see you even if I get scolded, or scold you back. BJ has his focuses for this site but has dove into the art pool a few times.
I’m not surprised to hear that about the daddy’s here site though,. I always got creepy, borderline dark web vibes from that site and was careful not to save anything directly, maybe just take a screen grab if there was something good.
My first comment above had a pic by Rex that worked when I uploaded it to imgur but it too has vanished, they did a culling of porn and even removed some pics I left there that were mostly SFW, so their censors erred on the side of caution I guess. Imgur had been associated with reddit before reddit allowed image hosting directly on their site, they then made their site more independent and wanted to ease away from the adult stuff I guess, anyway I’ll wrap this up.
Take care Mister Obsessed, kisses – smooch – smooch!
#1 – BJ honey, I forgot to thank you for archiving this portrait of Bill Eld, for posterity!
As I’ve said, the link I used for your Erotic Art post; is no longer available, at daddysphere.com – expired! So technically, six of the ten REX portraits, are still visible on Bjland – fabulous!
“This image first appeared in ADVOCATE MEN magazine and later in the self-published REX portfolio LEGENDS in 1986.”
Let me also thank you, for correcting me, and setting the record straight! Honestly, who am I to scold you, for mistakes, and overlooking important details?! Especially when yes, I do the exact same thing!
(I’m still not going to stop! It’s just too much fun – incorrigible!) LOL! : D
Mercy, my memory isn’t as steel-trapped, as it once was! Somehow, it was branded on my brain, that these images were first assembled for “Inches Magazine”! Makes sense, doesn’t it? All the ten models; were well-hung!
I checked out GEA. The first issue of Advocate Men was June 1984. And yes, a number of early issues; DID feature the art of REX! In hindsight, it most likely WAS; where I first discovered him!
I also checked out REXWERK.com for his “portfolios” – six publications listed! Thin magazines – only ten to twenty pages included! So maybe I did, list all the “LEGENDS”! Could there be more than ten? I doubt it. Thanks for that link!
For the record, REXWERK uses the dark image of Al Parker, as he appeared in “Flashback (1981)”. Notice the way he’s posed – leaning back, and the dark setting. This was the first film Parker did for his new production, Surge Studio. Kip Noll is also prominently featured.
But the actual cover for the portfolio; features the smirking portrait of Chad Douglas – easy guess, sinister and appropriate!
The formal 1986 title is “REX LEGENDS: Famous Porn Stars – EROTIC ART FOR THE CONNOISSEUR”.
I’ll have more to say about REX, in a future post! I can’t seem to get him out of my system! He’s like an addiction! No, scratch that! He’s more like an infection! Am I right? LOL!
I’ll also get back to you, zephyr-breezy! Promise! Lately, your links have been incredible! xoxoxo
Hope that you and BJ, as well as Johnny-My Pet-Llama, were able to read the short interview above, with REX – fascinating!
Ah, BJ! So many never-ending posts! : |
So little time! : (
I’ll never catch up! But here’s trying! : )
; )
Greeting zephyr, my breath of fresh air! Blow me! : D
Once again, you pull me back in! I thought I would be through with this post; but you keep charming the pants off of me, with curiosity and fascination – can’t resist! : )
Wow, I have to say for the last couple of years or so; your links have been, just incredible! Where do you find them, and how do you even start? : 0
I have to admit that at first, I just relegated you to the weird guy, who enjoyed porn music. (!) (?)
But since then, you’ve really proven yourself to be quite a “pornoisseur” – just amazing! And to think, you’re considerably younger than me – yet so informed!
I wish BJ had the search engine, where I could read ALL of your replies. I’m sure I would learn even more! Atkol Forums used to have this feature, before they quit.
But let me try to get back to the subject of Erotic Art!
Here’s probably the Manshots cartoon, you mentioned above.
Could Jerry Douglas, the editor, have employed various illustrators? The drawing of Ken Ryker looks quite different in style, than this one below, of Donnie Russo. BJ tends to dismiss 90’s porn, but both of us, were fans of this “Guido”! This really does capture his appeal in a nutshell – so rude and raunchy!
“not usually that big on posting erotic art, but this one really captures Donnie Russo, if you ask me.”
I totally agree! You think that “KENT”, might have been the artist? I think it looks more like the work of “MATT” – total fan! We both may be wrong! : (
BELOW – I have more to say about Donnie, here! The links still survive! A lot of viewers don’t seem to realize, that’s a parrot tattoo on his left pec! To think, Parisian wasn’t aware of him! : |
I still can’t get over the dichotomy, of how much he looks like a macho dude-bully, who would bash queers; instead of actually enjoying homo-sex, himself! : 0
But as usual, I digress…
Wasn’t Manshots incredible?! I regret that I had to give my large collection, away! So much great content – lots of interviews and great pictures! It was heaven, for porn geeks like you, me, and Johnny-My Pet-Llama! I wonder if Parisian ever read it. Were you a regular reader, BJ?
You may already know this. I didn’t realize this fact, until after I got on Atkol Forums in 2011. At one point, Jerry Douglas was also the editor of STALLION magazine (1982-1993), before he started MANSHOTS (1988-2001)! Thank you GEA!
Knowing this, you can now recognize how “Manshots”, became a spin-off! They had lots of the same features – porn interviews, action stills, reviews, history! If I had known this, I would have collected more issues of “Stallion”. Owning both magazines; would have been like a gay porn encyclopedia! : )
Jerry Douglas (1935-2021), really deserves to be venerated as a porn legend! It’s a shame, that he’s somewhat unheralded, in comparison to other figures in all-male porn! : (
His legacy and contribution, can never be underestimated – director, editor, historian, pioneer! : 0
We ALL owe him! Am I right, BJ? : )
BJ, honey! Don’t blame me, for blabbing! zephyr brought up Ken Ryker, not me! He’s the enabler, and culprit! Him! Him! Him! I can’t help myself – victim! : | I’m just riding on his “wind”! ; )
So BJ, what did you think of “Ken”? Wasn’t he a doll? I’m sure there were SOME of his assets, which you enjoyed! Even Barbie, would have taken notice! Her plastic boyfriend; had nothing, down there! : )
Of course, I remember Ken Ryker aka “Bill Flagstaff (Colt)”! Like the April 1996 Manshots cover says, “INSTANT SUPERSTAR”! How could I not? He pushed, so many of my buttons (6’4”)! : P
Yeah, he was somewhat, a lackluster performer. But like other, manly porn stars, I cut him a lot of slack! No surprise, since I’m a self-described “Alpha Hunter” and “Vertical Size Queen”! : )
His appeal was actually rather subversive! He looked like your regular, All-American, college jock – wholesome! But with extras! Comedian Bruce Vilanch; always mentions him as a favorite! : )
I’m trying to be concise. Here below, I mention Ryker in detail. I mentioned the two times I found him memorable. Two great photos included – those powerful legs! : 0
Developing great legs; are especially hard for tall bodybuilders! Porn star, Erik Rhodes (6’3”) for example, was never happy with his. So Ken deserves special commendation – worth every effort!
(Scroll down. Hope these links work!)
I didn’t discover this until recently. Chuck Holmes of Falcon Studios, wanted to sign Ryker to an exclusive contract, so that he would tour and publicize his brand. But it turned out, he was way too shy.
So they went with Tom Chase, instead. I find that rather endearing – modest. Thanks zephyr, for the free link to “Seed Money: The Chuck Holmes Story (2015)” – truly appreciate it! : )
(Though I did find it; rather disappointing – not enough depth!) : |
As we know, Ken Ryker, did a considerable amount of print work. Like his films, they vary in quality. Thank you smutjunkies!
I like his Colt work – hot! It’s interesting and amusing, how territorial Jim French was. He insisted that his models; had alternate names (Bill Flagstaff).
But in the December 2001 issue of “Unzipped Magazine”, is where Ryker really shines – wonderful! He looks divine, in his natural state – dark hair and furry! I posted one above, in the BJ post titled “legs”.
I can’t resist posting, four more pictures – sexy! Remember BJ, I’m not to blame! zephyr made me do this – no control! He’s the one who deserves to be fingered! : /
Let me start with this winning close-up, of his face – hazel eyes! *SWOON!* : )
He’s actually quite a looker! His big ears are endearing!
He seems so chilled here – warm and fleshy! Imagine going to bed, or waking up to this big lug, lying next to you! Love the texture of his skin, and the hair on his rump! Tan-lines are forever! : 0
Wow, he looks huge here – a towering giant! “Fee-fi-fo-fum!” Yeah, the manly, aggressive stance; is kind of square and corny – crossed arms. But it still turns me on! Despite the trimmed bush! : /
He makes me think of the Genie from Aladdin. “Your wish is my command.” It won’t involve magic!
Apples – Ken Ryker is temptation! I agree he should smile more – just lovely!
Okay, I better wrap this up. I’ll never take you for granted, BJ! So many great porn websites die, while yours; survive! “The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away.” : (
Let me thank you zephyr, for that amazing, Brazilian porn website “Acervo”, while it lasted! Now it’s also gone! It was incredible! They had various issues of “Adam Gay Video XXX Showcase Magazine”! It was almost as good as Manshots! They also had lots of Colt magazines! : P
Maybe I live to see the day, when all gay porn publications, will be available on the internet!
Let me thank you once again, BJ honey; for this appallingly self- indulgent post – just ghastly! You know I’m a whore for attention! : )
Let me also thank you as well, Mr. Z – stay cool and breezy! I still say you’re guilty of corrupting me! Just kidding! Take care, kisses-smooch-smooch! : )
Ah, BJ! So many never-ending posts! Not to mention, self-indulgent and redundant! : |
So little time! Made more difficult by the irrestible replies, of zephyr and Johnny-My Pet-Llama – pleasant! I miss Parisian! : (
I’ll never catch up! But here’s trying! : )
; )
quickly, sure, massively wonderful cock – and yes, that is not all – prefer the hairy, non-Flagstaff edition. of course. but sheeeesh! the hugest cock, and he still has that bad crotch haircut in too many pics! Really? we can’t see his cock unless you mow down his pubes???
I do a lot of digging around for the links I’ve found, so I can include them in my write-ups for anyone interested. Of course BJ’s site here is a goldmine especially for the 70s and into the 80s films and actors, less so for the 90s period. Though I did find a few helpful links about Donnie Russo for a recent review here. Thanks, I err on the side of nerdiness about that and figure there must be others who enjoy the stuff I land on.
You could be right about Matt being an artist used by Manshots, or maybe we both are. Since at the zeus site I linked above, they have selected page scans of a few other issues. For the December 1996 issue of Manshots they had an interview with Mike Nichols, another big-dicked 90s stud I remember liking, and if you look closely at the second image here:
… you see a face shot of Mike, hands behind his head. Then the fifth image is the art sketch of that same pic, and for this one it does day ‘Kent 96’ in the upper left. So that tells me that Kent did at least some, but possibly not all, of these triptychs in Manshots.
(If I was you I’d be all jumping around and gloating — Ha ha! I was right! Why does nobody ever listen to me? Hello?!?!?! :D I’m just teasing you of course though we all know and love that about you, well the first part anyway). (oooh snap!)
The one named artists can be even more challenging to keep track of, especially when they go by different names: Rex, Sean, Matt, Kent, Etienne / Stephen… I did find this site with some more of Kent’s work, I like his realism and yet of course the exaggerated length and girth of the dicks he drew:
What else did you say? Oh Ken Ryker, yes he was a major stud. I loved that downward curving dick, those are the most fun to suck while kneeling in front of the owner. That way the shaft slides right down the throat, or so I’ve heard ;) Dicks that curve up are easier to deep throat if you 69 and get on top, then it can slide right down the old gullet.
Ken had a great body and lots of fur, so I’m not surprised he landed on BJ’s radar even if he represents an era after his area of expertise. Love your pic links and how you describe the details in them, always noce to correspond with you through poor BJ’s blog. Can’t you just imagine his eyes glazing over when he sees that one of us has unleashed another tsunami of words? I can. Take care dear Obsessed, smooches right back to you and I’ll do my best to stay ‘cool and breezy’ :)
A few more pics of the art of Rex that I just found at the link below, a leather gear catalog called Communicate No. 1 from 1980. It only has scans of a few of the pages but includes some Rex greeting cards as well as other drawings. If you select the page you want to view from the thumbnails below and then right click and open a new tab from the viewer, the images are nice and big. Should BJ, any other readers and especially dear Obsessed possibly want to see these.
I can’t believe I missed this post! I love collecting vintage erotic art, and I am such a huge fan of Rex, with his distinctive pointillistic style. And his art is not too easy to find. So this is great. I don’t think I’ve ever seen his portrait of Bill Eld. Incredible.
And then between Zephyr and Obsessed, there is so much to investigate in the comments as well! I’m going wild. Thanks guys!
I wish I was better at finding links to post myself. Or if WordPress had a way for us to post our own photos in the comments section. I have buttloads of photos! Lots of lovely photos! (Anyone get the reference?)
Thanks BJ!