down the rabbit hole….. “S.F.O.” – San Francisco Orgy! (1983)
I gotta say, while the quality of the film ain’t that great, I must say having Eumir Deodato’s Shazam and Bachmania playing, but with plenty of groans and slaps – and the creaky bunkbed!! – mixed in – it’s great! – go ahead, hit play but minimize the browser and just listen!
This all started when I was trying to figure out who Frank Reed is, saw he was in this film, only in the group scene finale, and wooooah! The closing titles have pics matching faces and names! But cross referencing with GEVI, I got confused.
Adam Gray, check. Cliff Ford – well, not the black guy ID’d on GEVI, but the pic shows someone definitely in the scene, tagged with that name. T.J. (Thomas) – nope. Kevin Scott – yes! (This hairy fucker is INTO IT!); Frank Reed – yes.
OK, I officially give up – let’s just post the labeled face pics and you tell me who’s in this scene