Many of you know I dig Joe Roberts – in fact you can see more Joe Roberts in BJLAND – but I didn’t realize I had one of his short films on a VHS tape I bought some years ago on the street, a West Village street fair, one of the few left that actually had folks clean out a basement and try to sell their stuff on the street (with minimal socks and sausage vendors, as well). At the time, I hesitated to make the purchase – not just becasue of the inconvenience of carrying around 2 tapes (what was the other one?), but more so because I was dating someone who, as it turned out, was a bit too hung up on my interest in vintage porn and my blog discussing that (and other rambling things!) But I bought it them anyway, while he was looking through another merchants stuff…

So, I finally digitized the tape, and below you can view this particular short film starring Joe Tharp (AKA Joe Roberts) and Daryl Paige. Gosh, I’ve even posted about A Good Day’s Work previously, but without the video. Enjoy!

Now, if you’ve read all the way to the bottom, do you think Daryl is thinking the whole time, “I need to take that comb out of my back posket and fix my hair” ???