
His Britches

Too Big for His Britches

Too Big for His Britches (1987) this scene: Joel (Matt Christy) dreams about two guys he just saw cruising each other – Jeff Turner and, Chad Douglas (music by Jungle Eddy? “some of the original music from Biggest One – see Reddit review link below) – pay attention to their hair!

REDDIT review

8 replies on “His Britches”

Gevi’s music credit for Britches is wrong, if you watch the closing credits you see that Jungle Eddy edited the movie and nothing more. Just before that it has two music credits: “music by Pornosonic” and then “additional music by San Francisco Music Works & Multiman”. So I have two assumptions:

1. Woody at gevi didn’t know how to list that many music credits and/or got confused, so he carried the Jungle Eddy name down to the music field by mistake.

2. There’s a bit of music or audio borrowed from Biggest One I Ever Saw (which did have music by Multiman) that is heard in Britches. And it seems the most likely scene where that audio is heard is at the beginning (after the radio bits) when Matt Christy is jacking off to the picture mag of Dave Connors from Biggest One, then chowing down on Bill Harrison’s cock sticking through the camo pants while he’s fantasizing in the shower. So it’s like an extension of Matt’s fantasy for the director to have taken that music from the earlier film and used it again.

I’d guess 90% of the music in Britches must be by Pornosonic and/or SFMW but I’d have to do a side by side comparison to tell exactly what he lifted from Biggest One, which wouldn’t be stolen if he credited Multiman for it again. The audio in Biggest One morphes into different sounds a lot, some get looped again and it contributes to how trippy that film always seemed to me.

Of course you’re right about Jeff’s big bushy beard on the street, then I guess he stopped for a haircut and a shave before he did it with Chad. Hard to say if that was accidental or deliberate, though you’d think somebody would have caught that and made it consistent. Jeff was as hot with the beard or just the stash, I’d have done either version of him and walked around with a big smile on my face afterwards.

Thank you so much for this, BJ honey! The first picture featuring Jeff and Chad, doing it doggie-style, is especially nice – hot! : P

Actually, the hair continuity in this porn loop; isn’t inconsistent. In a narrative, when a dream or fantasy is introduced, all bets are off – endless possibilities! Remember the outrageous Bobby Ewing revelation, in the T.V. soap, “Dallas”?

The 80’s, definitely was the decade of big, silly hair, for both men and women. It’s when the “mullet” peaked! Both Jeff Turner and Jim Reeves; were hot guys featured on this DVD/videotape, box cover!

I have a soft spot for both “Too Big for His Britches” and “Tyger Tales (1986)”. Ronnie Shark aka Bill Harrison, directed both films for Tyger Studios, a sub-division of Fox.

Neither film is Chad Douglas’ best or hottest, but it’s the only time he actually shows some affection! He does some uninhibited French kissing here, with Jeff Turner! In “T.T.” he does the same with Pierce Daniels! In all his other films, he just tops, using his partners, as his “bitch”. Always scowling or snarling! : |

A number of his “bottoms”, show visible pain, because of his fat, kielbasa meat – beer can size!

These two films, made me warm up to him. The smoke though in “TBFHB”, is a little ridiculous – cut!

Apparently, he actually was more affectionate, personable, and versatile in real life, than he was on-screen. Like Val Martin, Bill Harrison, and Glenn Steers, he was an exclusive “top”, who later died from A.I.D.S.

Here’s a rare picture of him smiling – handsome! : )

He wasn’t a favorite of mine, but I did enjoy him – very masculine! Definitely not a Porn Divo! His powerful presence is undeniable!

The artist REX; considers him a “Legend” (previous link)!

I read somewhere; that he was of Puerto Rican descent – accurate? To my ears, his accent sounds French.



I’ll elaborate more on this subject, on a later meme. I’m not partial to facial hair, but I do admit; some porn icons, really benefit from it. It’s a strong feature of their appeal and identity.

From the 70’s through the 80’s, you had a number of dark, swarthy, “ethnic” bull-studs, who seemed very worldly and tough! I call this group, “The Smoldering Mustaches”! : 0

They include Bruno, Kyle Hazard, Paul Barresi, Dan Pace aka Rocky Genero, Roger, and Ed Dinakos. They all seemed rather shady, and slightly hostile. Not a trace of innocence! They contrasted quite radically; with the porn stars (mostly blonds), that seemed more wholesome, ethereal, or friendly.

Devils and villains are always depicted with dark hair – beards and mustaches. I consider Chad Douglas, to be the most recent, of this porn batch.

Of course, dark facial hair isn’t a rare thing, in all-male porn.

But I wouldn’t include such brunet stars like Justin Cade, Malo, Richard Locke, Joe Markham, R.J. Reynolds, or Jason Steele, etc. in this clan. They all seemed too friendly, or had more depth or gravitas. “The Smoldering Mustaches”, all seem very comfortable, wearing leather.

Since Chad Douglas, I can’t really picture any more recent examples, which fall into this category.

Of course, you don’t need a mustache, to look shady or corrupt. I’m a closet fan of Lito Cruz! I think he’s the devil – irresponsible! He was doing bare-back porn, before it was acceptable – no PrEP.

This Argentinean looked so immoral and contemptuous! But I still found him hot – guilt feelings! : (

Even his dick, looks like a snake!

As I’ve said before, the big head, can’t tell the little head, what to think. God forgive me!

Gay Porn Stars, good and bad, I love them all! : )

Ah, BJ! So many good and bad posts! : )

So little time! : (

; )

As usual for me as of late, I got here too late and there’s not much that hasn’t already been said.

For some reason, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Britches, despite it being on my gay porn “wish list” for years. So many hot performers! So this is really a treat. Based on this scene, I’m obviously gonna’ have to get my hands on the whole movie.

It’s an incredibly hot duo, definitely not a typical Chad Douglas performance, which is not a bad thing. As hot as his other scenes were, I loved seeing him with a guy like Jeff Turner who is not a blond twink. No offense to blond twinks or their fans. I used to be a blond twink.

Also, the kissing and the closeness of their bodies as they are fucking was just so hot to see. Very intimate.

I also love the pics in the post, especially the 1st one.

I noticed another continuity issue: Chad has an armband tattoo in the street scene, which is missing in the fantasy sequence just like Jeff’s beard. Definitely filmed out of order. Following Obsessed’s theory, if the fantasy was all in Matt Christy’s head, perhaps he preferred mustaches to full beards and didn’t like the armband tat, so he edited them out?

Really great stuff! Thanks BJ!

Oh! I also thought it was interesting to see Bill Harrison directing a fantasy scene with an all black background, perhaps as a nostalgic homage to his scene in Black Velvet with John Traynor. Both scenes, so hot!

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