Director: David Hurles – Old Reliable 45 (Best Solos) (1985)
previously posted in 2006 – Old Reliable – indeed! – and, alas, I sold the tape that year as well. Why didn’t I keep a clip of Eric Ryan, who was on the same tape??! Back to this guy – O.R. guys are generally considered amateurs, but only a pro can whack off successfully to this soundtrack!

19 replies on “Old Reliable 45”
hello! and who’s the lad in the video clip? Yow!
two clues (and I don’t know the answer) this tape was “THE BEST SOLOS from VT-25 through VT-37” – if you click thru to the old post from 2006, you’ll see the list of models – but again, I don’t recall this particular blond mustached man’s name
His other stage name is Bill Lake and he performed in three very early movies for Nova Studios, including “Beached” and “Voyeur Boys.” He is adorable and very young in those films, and a good peformer, too.
Bill Lake – who knew? well, YOU did! thanks!
He is “Mike Doll” in this movie.
I believe he’s listening to K-tel’s “Music to Go Limp By.” If you can jerk to Anne Murray, you’re a better man than I.
I literally LOL’ed at your comment, good one. And you’re right of course, Anne Murray never really inspired feelings of lust in anyone I’ve ever known. Though Steve Scott used Shadows In The Moonlight at the very beginning of Inches when Al & Steve Taylor wake up in bed together, before they jack off alone (Steve in the shower and Al in bed). By the time Al gets himself off the radio station has progressed from Anne, to Neil Diamond (Say Maybe) and culminates with Kenny Rogers (She Believes In Me).
Ann Murray’s most sexy song is “Shadows In The Moonlight.”
I tried to find his identity & went down a rabbit hole.
I found him, he went by Mike Doll. Pics here:
… and the same clip with the same music (though better picture quality):
Quite a nice dick on him, he had no trouble staying hard as a rock for his solo.
Well done Zephyr!
That’s a great site, isn’t it? I mean, if you’re into Old Reliable, which I occasionally am.
Thanks for the Mike Doll pics!
Thanks, I just pitched in as BJ’s research assistant, you must have been busy ;) He gave the essential clue in his comment above that he left a cast list on his original post from 2006, so clicking around on the list of names along the side at the Vintage Old Reliable sub led me to him. BJ did a post about that blog last year (and the blog’s owner thanked him for the shout out):
… which I only found after the fact when I searched the word ‘doll’ here. Old Reliable had such a stable of straight (or straight-acting anyway) thugs and tough guys, definitely a niche but very well known at the time. I would happily do a Mike for Christmas, stogie or no. I could always spray some Lysol after he left.
Thank you.
I heart all three, but how about the guy in the headless third pic? You don’t actually have to answer. I was thinking Tico Patterson, but too many tats.
My favorite OR guy (or maybe just my first- I have a lot of faves) is Mark Kovaric.
I also love this guy. “Miracle Man” aka David Moore and BTW Miracle Man is what is tattooed on his chest! He’s a freak and I love it!
Ooh, and Lone Wolf! Love the name alone, but this guy had an incredible cock! Check it out.
So many Old Reliable men ended up as big stars, or at least well known, such as Barry Hoffman, Scott O’Hara, and of course Eric Ryan as seen here.
Such a fascinating “studio.” David Hurles built a gay porn empire (of sorts) out of taking snaps of rough trade on his couch.
Thanks to BJ for everything and thanks to Zephyr for reminding me of that OR blog.
Headless *2nd* pic. Apparently, I can’t count.
I read Old Reliable went bankrupt during the internet explosion making his mail order business obsolete; worse, he suffered from some kind of eye condition & could not make new photos & videos. He died in 1993.
Who died in 1993?
David Hurles (aka Old Reliable)
Died April 12th, 2023. It’s well documented.
I believe he had a bad stroke in 2008 and lived out his years in a nursing home in LA.
He was still making catalogs and selling videos through the 90s.
yes! somehow I hadn’t noticed the comment that he died in ’93 – definitely not. In fact, one of the many reasons it’s a shame JOE GAGE disappeared is because he was working on a documentary on David Hurles/Old Reliable (which was way back in 2010/11).
Yeah, I was hoping something would eventually become of his documentary. Would have been informative and hot.
I noticed they recently shut down that vintage old reliable Joe Gage site. Unfortunate. I enjoyed their updates and just seeing that it was all available. Did notice there is still a Dragon site selling a sort of Old Reliable DVD/ streaming collection. I haven’t seen any of them yet but am curious. I think there are 4 sets of 4 DVDs each. Of course I am so old so I talk about the DVDs. The stuff also streams.
Anyway, love your blog and all you do.