"vintage" porn stars

Michael Braun

If I were to have just ONE pic of Michael Braun, – this one.

a videography would be in order, right? Less than a dozen films…. of course, gotta include magazines…. no no – more drafts!

12 replies on “Michael Braun”

Where’s my ruler?

Okay, class…


This Porn Divo, Michael Braun (hairy and mature), is NOT to be confused with that other Porn Divo, Michael Brawn (younger and smooth). Both had great voices, and could act!

Kurt Williams from the 70’s (cobra tattoo; scruffy hair),

…is NOT to be confused with the Kurt Williams, from the 80’s (cute snuggle-bunny with thick eyebrows).

Famous Lee Ryder (long schlong),

…is NOT to be confused with Lee Ryder – Elder aka Ryder (mature with mustache).



Marc West (blue-collar),

…is NOT to be confused the Mark West (patrician).

Chris Stone (Latino hottie),

…is NOT to be confused with Chris Stone aka Jack Dragon (Hungarian bull-stud).

Are we clear now? Class dismissed.

Thank you,

Sister Mary Elephant (“SHUT UP!”).

; )

um, appreciate the lesson, but those 90’s and beyond guys – yawn! (Except Marc West, who’s ID I’ve been trying to figure out for a while after watching a video of him with his “son”)

BJ, honey! You’re welcome! : )

I’m only too delighted, to provide information, that you didn’t know! : 0

I know exactly what daddy/son scene; you’re talking about! It’s “Motel Sex (2002)” with brusque, Marc West, and Danny T – sleazy! : D

Like Jacque Strap, do I qualify as one of your “interns”? If so, I’m honored by the title! You know I’m such a pushover! (“Dog: pant-pant-pant!”) LOL! : )

I’m more than willing to kiss your ass (figuratively), but I don’t provide “Lewinskys”! I’m no Monica! That’s going past the call of duty! LOL! : )

“…but those 90’s and beyond guys – yawn!”

Okay, so I guess this is a slight; against the late, Mark West (patrician). I happen to adore him! He was among those porn stars, which were innately dignified. “Ass with class” as Lenny Bruce would say. : )

He had a lovely scene with Aiden Shaw (also classy); in Jock’s “Roll in the Hay (1994)” – great chemistry! They looked great together!

They’re room in my heart and loins, for all types of gay porn stars! : P

For the record, Chris Stone (Latino hottie), also had a lovely scene with Randy White (great voice); in Jock’s “Open House (1991) – also great chemistry! They contrasted beautifully!

You know, I wouldn’t dismiss the 90’s, so harshly. There was resurgence of macho porn, after a dry spell from about the mid 80’s onward – remember? I think A.I.D.S had something to do with it, but others might disagree.

I forgot to mention that to you zephyr, from our previous conversation about Roger. : )

The 90’s weren’t as great as Macho’s Golden Period (70’s – 80’s), but we did have beasts like Steve Regis, Donny Russo, Chance Caldwell, Ace Harden, Jon Vincent, Cole Tucker, Chris Steele, etc.

Hope you don’t mind me hijacking your post BJ, honey! You know how I love to segue! Your memes always make my memory and imagination, buzz like crazy! Light my fire!

You know this won’t be the last time! : D

Ah, BJ! So many great posts, bursting like a tsunami with possibilities! : 0

So little time! : (

; )

Ooh, ooh, Mister Kot-ter! Mister Kot-ter! I got another one:

Lee Stern, who you may remember from Brother Load, Shooters and A Few Good Men:

Is different from the Lee Stern who only used that name in Falcon’s Aspen 2, and was also credited as Matt Sullivan (in Heroes) and Lee Mann (in the Higgins films he did like Beyond Hawaii and Preppy Summer):

I’m sure there are lots more, especially if you extend it into the present. Far more recently I’ve found two different Jack Dixon’s and had to use ‘jackdixonone’ and ‘jackdixontwo’ when saving pics of them, so as to keep them separate. They’re both bearded and firmly into daddy territory (and share an affinity for cockrings around their fat dicks) but are noticeably different when looking at them side by side, one has a lot more tattoos for one thing.

(Sorry, late as usual!) : |

zephyr – my little williwaw! : D

This time, you suddenly blow me away! ; )

You never fail to charm, the pants off of me. I don’t know if that’s your intent, but let me make sure, my belt is buckled! LOL! : )

Leave it you, to reply with a T.V. comedy reference; after I posted with a pop, recording one – quick on the uptake! : )

Love the way, you phonetically imitated Horshack’s (Ron Palillo), Brooklyn accent! Can you also do his laugh? Jeesh, how old are you?! No matter. Compared to me, you’re a baby! : /

Yikes! Despite our age difference, you might actually know more about all-male porn (vintage & current), than I do – amazing! : |

I’ve “surfed” some of your posts, on Reddit. The ones that don’t need a user log-in. Sorry, I’m paranoid. : /

Like Parisian, you’re a man after my own heart! He likes gay porn and movies! You like gay porn and music! Your attention to minutia is quite astonishing – eagle eyes! : 0

I would have never picked these two “Lee Stern(s)”; least of all, their names & aliases – great, obscure observation! Not to mention, their full legacy.

Visually though, I remember both of them, quite well – cuties!

This example is sort of similar to the time, when I had to identify the names of Chris Champion and Cort Stevens, to YOU! My noggin still works – what a relief! Still, one can’t know everything. : (

Aside from being dark blond, both “Stern(s)”; also share a fascinating dichotomy. They manage to look both young and fresh, yet seasoned, at the same time!

Who knew that one of them, co-owned a porn studio, and directed?

You know I love Woody from GEVI, but he’s often careless and sloppy. He gave the wrong Falcon link, to the wrong Lee Stern – no Falcon credits. Doesn’t he read the resume he listed? : /

At least he wasn’t as bad as Smut Junkies. They consolidated both performers, into the same man! : /



I can’t resist posting this picture from “Delivery Boys (1985)”. Thank you, Vint70’-Lvr!

Lee Mann gets fucked by that little guido, Tony Stefano/Marconi. Stefano was a selfish little prick (figuratively), but undeniably hot! Look at the way; he purses his lips – tough guy! HE, I remember!
: P

I love when “bottoms”, arch their backs like that, for rear entry! I also love when they look over their shoulders; to watch their “tops”, in action! Both of them have glowing skin – great texture! Is it any wonder, why I hate tattoos? Tan-lines are forever!

Thanks for introducing me, to the “Jack Dixon” from TimSuck – had no idea! The jury’s still out, on what I think about him (mermaid tattoo). I want to be fair. : |

But with the more prolific “Jack Dixon”; you once again provided me, with another example – of how often we are on the same wavelength! : )

He’s far from my physical ideal – not exactly, a dedicated fan! Sleeve tattoos are especially gross! They make the skin look reptilian! I also hate lumberjack beards – Duck Dynasty! They make me itch! : /

I’m in a quandary, since so many macho porn stars, get tattoos! I do my best, to try and visually filter the stains out – Yuck! : /

It’s pretty hard! I need mental “Wisk Detergent “! (“I’ve tried soaking them out! I’ve tried scrubbing them out!”) : )

Dixon’s bald head is also pretty big! Notice, he always wears caps! : /

But since I’m an “Androphile/Alpha Hunter”; I’ve enjoyed some of his free loops, online – strictly on a visceral level. As they say, sex is all in the mind. : )

I can’t resist watching, genuinely masculine men, having homo-sex! : P

Even, if it’s just the “idea”; of them engaging in it. I still get off, though they may be, “ugly-hot”.

A deep, manly voice, with a masculine manner, compensates somewhat; for a less than physical ideal – muscle bears, rednecks, and daddies!

Another example is fat Will Angell – gross! Aside from the nasty tattoos, those nipples – ewww! Yet I still like listening to his deep voice, when he talks dirty: “ear-rotic”!

I take it like me; you’ve also enjoyed some loops, from Trailer Trash Boys – just a hunch! Et tu, BJ? ; )

zephyr and BJ, here’s to the next time, you make me nod in agreement – cheers! : )

Try to stay cool and breezy, in this winter season! : |

; )

I charmed the pants right off of you? Cool, now it will be extra breezy ;) I was a kid when Welcome Back Kotter was a hit in the pre-cable days, and caught many of the episodes at that age since my folks liked it too. I especially enjoyed the hot guys in his class, Barbarino of course and Epstein to an extent – I thought Robert Hegyes still looked pretty good when he showed up on later seasons of Cagney & Lacey. Washington not much – and Horshack not at all. But his huh-huh-huh laugh and the way he’d say the teacher’s name was sort of his shtick, like Flo saying Kiss My Grits on Alice or JJ’s ‘dyn-o-mite!’ on Good Times, etc etc. We had such a shared history still then, before there were so many channels and content niches for people to dive into.

But yes, your Sister Mary Elephant signature is what sent my brain back to find a reference from the same era, great minds think alike, regardless of how warped they might be! Mostly referring to myself but I think it’s like that Seal song (to use a later reference) ‘we’re never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy’ so I mean it as a compliment.

I stay logged into reddit and use it as my primary (pretty much only) social media outlet, and I have it set to show me all the NSFW content which is one thing that’s pretty good about the site. There’s a subreddit for everything, some may not amount to much but that concept exists as much for porn as for anything else, and a large enough branch of that porn is gay or at least male-focused. So I guess you don’t get to read my reviews, which I’ll say I’m glad BJ found me on there and links to some of them, which is flattering. And that I type a lot, just whatever my brain lands on which is why I enjoy writing them so much. Neal Cassady spontaneous prose, if Neal had embraced his queer side as much as his occasional fuck buddy Ginsberg did. That pretty much sums up most of them anyway.

The Lee Stern who went by Lee Mann for Higgins was a big porn crush of mine, around my age and I’ve mentioned him before in different comments here. As Matt Sullivan in Heroes he plays this shy (but super hot) student who crushes on his teacher Cole Tucker, along with Rydar Hanson. In Delivery Boys he’s in that sex scene you posted the pic to, but doesn’t get to show as much of his goofball personality as he does in Preppy Summer (the threeway scene and also when he’s the waiter under the satin sheets), and especially in Beyond Hawaii which I think is highly underrated. The original film, I guess later DVD versions mixed up all the scenes and added other footage. Lee was so hot in that one, I loved how he back stroked his dick to reach orgasm, thumb closest to his pubes which is unusual but I’ve seen other guys get themselves off that way.

After Higgins died a few years ago someone left an anonymous comment on the Sword article they posted, and alleged that an actor died while filming Beyond Hawaii and that Higgins had covered it up. I’ve never been able to shake the possibility that it could have been Lee, there were only six guys credited in that movie. And two of them (Cory Monroe a.k.a. Sandy Shaw who had a long porn career after) and Mike Gibson (who I suspect left that comment) were seen in later films, who knows if that really happened but I wonder about it sometimes. Lee’s last credits were all films that came out in 85, same year he was Lee Stern in Aspen 2.

The Jack Dixon without the arm sleeve tats is hotter to me, but I look at both their dicks and think they are both scrumptious. I like guys wearing cockrings anyway, they seem to have gotten a bad rep at some point but they enhance the whole package, if it’s a nice dick to begin with even more. It was just a more recent example of what you were talking about, the same name thing and one of the few where it put a crimp in my filing system for saving porn actors pics. Always nice chatting with ya obsessed, you crazed and knowledgeable fanatic you.

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