for weeks I have been seeing this handsome pair all over interspaceweb, and of course Ron Cameron (who I must’ve mentioned here before – perhaps once or twice) I figured out right away – – but the other guy – the other guy – who the f is he? Don’t think he’s been in any porno films, but photographer Michael Hoare paired these two hotties, and the pics of this duo appear in IN TOUCH 49, ZIPPER #18, HONCHO February 1980, and gosh knows where else. I give up, maybe one of y’all know who this guy is!

5 replies on “Ron and… and… and???”
I love these, thank you
This one has been killing me too, for a long time. I can’t understand why it’s so challenging. This Malcolm Hoare set seems to have appeared all over the place- why then is it so hard to ID this incredibly hot man?
The Search Continues…
this is him, right? different photographer – Phil Flasche (fake name?)
OMG, that’s him!
Awesome! Still no name though. But I can’t believe you found him. I was starting to think he was European or something and therefore less likely to be IDed. Of course, he could be, although he’s not uncut.
I need to figure out how to make a folder for him with out a name to go with it. Malcolm Hoare Model #1?
The guy you are talking about is me. . I still live in SF, photos were taken in 1978.