director: Enrico Montenegro (1982)
Starring: Darren Duke (as Sebastian), Jesse Jones, John Fell, John Schaft, Jack Anthony, and Bosh (as John Bolton); special appearances by Bob Shane and Roy Garrett
(special thanks to International Stud, NYC and SOMA Gallery, NYC; Sebastian’s drawings by Yves Anthony; written and directed by Enrico Montenegro, who is also the director of photography)
Robert Richards
so…. I checked my list of VHS porn and Forbidden Portraits was there, but the coding on the list was a box I just couldn’t find in the last 3 days. Of course it’s in a box up in a storage space above my closet, under several other boxes, behind like 5 medium size backpacks (who knew I had, or needed so many!), and possibly broken fan and a VHS player (player only – a good friend lent it to me years ago, he got it from his Dad who got it from a mattress salesman who would bring his own videotape player to play their promotional tape in folks’ homes….. but I digress). got the box down, sorted through, found the video box you see above, and
Feb 2016
update – November 2022 – So the above is where I left off 6 YEARS AGO! – sheeeesh! the video has since been moved from the porn closet to the porn basement, and I must’ve watched it long enough to get some “screen shots” but really, where was I going with this post? To figure out if Yves Anthony is the nom de porn of Richard Rogers? who’s portrayed by Darren Duke? – who is Sebastian in the film?
I give up – let’s just pull this out of “drafts,” edit a bit, and hit “publish”
Forbidden Portraits elsewhere on BJland
oh, and a reader ID’d one song from the soundtrack – Yellowjackets – Matinee Idol