I know I should do a better quality scan of the actual magazine – stored in a porn box in the porn basement – but alas, lazy, and this will have to do for now – from In Touch #61 a quick photo of Mr. Grant with a shorthand telling you to get more pics of him in In Touch #45, and Too Hot To Handle #8
3 replies on “rafting”
Jesus Christ, BJ! I don’t have time for this, but I can’t resist biting! Thanks a lot (double meaning)! : )
Yeah, I’ve heard that he was from Alaska. But I don’t fully trust any information, about him. He never gave any interviews. Any information is always provided, third person – mysterious! : (
TOP LEFT, CORNER INSET – But this part is true:
“…he became a legendary porno (sic) star whose name alone can sell a film.” : )
*SIGH* Even when His Majesty is lying down on a floatation mattress, it still seems like he’s sitting on a throne – regal. He was muscular, but still so poised and graceful – a Porn King! : 0
He never looks passive, even in repose! Here he is floating again, but from a different angle – poetry in stillness. : D
This time, he’s lying down on a diving board – awesome! Be still, my heart and dick!
It’s fascinating that quite a number of his still photos; involve water. He’s as grand as the sea!
I believe officially, our pictures are from Man’s Image. It’s the only publication of his, which I never owned. I’ve seen a quite number of pictures from it, online. But I can’t verify, if I’ve see ALL of them.
I hope one day, all of his photos from Man’s Image; will be posted together on Retro Studs. Hey, it could happen! The number of complete porn publications; shown on that site, is amazing! Please do it, Buck Naked!
In my book, Gordon Grant will always be number one! I first discovered him in 1977, when I was 18.
Yes, I can vividly recall, the time and place. It’s quite a story. But I’m not going to share it, here. There IS a limit, to my self-indulgence! Believe it not! : )
But for the record, he was my first introduction, to Colt Studio! I quickly learned that studio, was the gold standard in porn! : P
“QUALITY – When you see it. You know it.” Indeed, one of Jim French’s, magnificent men! : 0
Hat tip, to Camille Paglia! Thanks for the inspired quote, below! : )
As I’ve said before, “At his best, Gordon Grant, simply is.”
Ah, BJ! So many great posts! So little time! : (
; )
Obsessed and Gordon, floating on a raft
(ok so it doesn’t rhyme…) ;)
He was a stunner for sure, head to toe and all points in between.
hi pairing with Tony Romano was spectacular wish they could have shown more