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Brian Adams

who you may remember from such films as:

  • The Big One (1988)
  • The Main Attraction (1988)
  • G.I. Mac (1988)
  • Hard Men 2: No Strings Attached (1988) – non-sex sexy dancing?
  • (Surge Men Are) Better Than Ever (1989)
  • (Surge Men Are) Very Receptive (1989)
  • The Rites of Summer (1989)
  • The Rites of Fall (1989)
  • Handtools 1 (1990) – solos? is it a compilation from elsewhere?

so maybe I overdid it a bit with the pics – 20??? I rarely do that! it must be the stache! and while this isn’t my favorite clip of him, it’s what I got handy. I really need to digitize both G.I. Mac (it’s a solo scene, but if I recall correctly, pretty sexy) and of course, The Big One – just to see Brian as a TV anchor (or reporter) doing it with the cheesy earthquake effects.

Brian Adams on GEVI

from (Surge Men Are) Better Than Ever, with Joe Cade and David DeBello (1989)

who you may remember from such magazines as:

  • Stallion November – (1988)
  • MANDATE, August – (1988) – COVER
  • INCHES, September – (1988)
  • Advocate Men – October (1988) –
  • Men of Advocate Men – March (1989)
  • Advocate Men – June (1989) – cover
  • Manshots Vol. 1 No. 6 (June) (1989) – — G.I. Mac feature
  • Advocate Men Letters – (1989)
  • All-Man, October – (1988)
  • Skinflicks Vol. 9 No. 2 (March) (1989)1989
  • Cocky Obsession

wow – you got this far! If you want to see an abomination, check out the 20th Anniversary box cover for The Big One — ewwww!

13 replies on “Brian Adams”

Great post BJ, lots of big high quality pics. It seems Brian did a photo spread for Inches also, not sure of the month/year but there are scans of those pics here:

I loved Butch Taylor and would bet that their scene together in The Main Attraction was pretty good, as the stills you posted here would indicate. So that clip would be interesting if you happen to have it, but you have mentioned The Big One before and I think just the plot and non-porn parts of that one would be fun to see also.

Pic #11, where he’s leaning back and it looks like his yellow work helmet is resting on his knee – what on earth is he holding in his hand? At first I thought he was snapping a selfie with his cellphone but then I realized that technology didn’t exist yet! Some kind of work tool to match the theme of the photo shoot I guess.

Final thought, sorry for being so wordy this morning – Brian was in my elusive white whale episode of Donahue from October 1988, where he had a number of gay porn actors on that show. According to my notes: Brian Adams; Joe & Justin Cade; Al Parker; Richard Locke; Kevin Williams; and Tim Kramer. Maybe even a few others? I’d love to see that in full someday.

thanks for the tip on INCHES magazine – downloading / converting it to jpg as we speak – YES! thought it was a cellphone, too – I am 99% sure it’s a can of…. beer or soda. It’s not my magazine, but someone’s scan, turned into pdf form, then turned into jpgs, so a certain loss of quality.

AND YES! we must find that DONAHUE Episode!

Quite clearly a can of something that has been blacked out post production to remove the identity of the product. Strange to have him pose with it in the first place. Pepsi anyone?

INCHES – September 1988 – but guess what? It’s only the 2nd and 9th pic are from the INCHES spread…. I am pretty the sure the rest may be various ADVOCATE appearances… #5 and #6 for sure… which is great.

That blog is a pretty handy resource, the line of names along the side of the page makes it convenient to find specific guys when wanted. But I’m pretty sure he just snags pics from wherever and doesn’t make an effort to put them in any order. I only noticed the Inches text below the second pic, which is lovely, that was how I knew Brian had done at least one other magazine layout. You’re welcome though :)

I love the hair on guys from that period, gel, streaks and highlights. I’m sure more money went into hairdressing then it cost to shoot a layout or video!

Hi Steelcity- I was just gonna’ write about the bad hair from that time. Now I’m not sure what to do.

I love, love Brian Adams. He is undeniably hot. I love his furry, beefy body and his ‘stache is divine. I love his hair too, I guess, because I love him. But seriously, what were we thinking? (I had dyed hair and an effing perm. I can’t even look at photos of myself from that time)

Yes, thanks again BJ for a comprehensive profile of one of my old faves. There are so many great pics here. I love the ones with Butch Taylor, another favorite of mine from that time. Why was I so into blonds back then?

Brian Adams never failed to get my attention back in 1988. I was officially 18, so had less fear about going into video rental places with the back room. That’s where I wanted to be, although I was a little shaky. If I saw Brian on a box cover, that was going home with me. He was mine for a whole 24 hours. Looking back, I’m thinking: hey, little Johnny, maybe take a real guy home? But now I’m remembering that I lived with my parents then. I had to smuggle the video tape in- a full grown man would’ve been a lot more challenging. Hey, I figured things out eventually. Sort of. Still obsessed with gay porn. Hmmm…

Spanks for the memories, BJ!

Oh, I forgot. I have mags to add. And remember I could be wrong.

Advocate Men – Oct, 1988 Vol4 No1 (an ad on page 2 “The Big One” and the feature “Brian Adams: Studio Shots” with photos by Catalina in the bike outfit)

Advocate Men – June 1989 (also in bike shorts, WTF?)

Wait, you posted photos from both of those, did you forget to put them on the list? Or am I slowly going crazy? Something is goofy here, hope it’s not me. It probably is me.

ha ha ha!@ good catches – now you see why I am always asking for an intern??

might be easier to mention which advocate Men he isn’t in from late 1988 into 1990!

added them – and always into corrections/additions – one reason I added the magazine list when I’m doing videographies

thanks for all your input

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