IN TOUCH magazine published a Too Hot To Handle series – with the tagline: “THE PHOTOS In Touch COULDN’T PRINT” – implying they were racier, naughtier, or something – and while they usually weren’t any of that, they were still good quality pics, “leftovers” from the earlier sessions from the original magazine’s issue, and often on better quality paper if I remember correctly. First isue appeared in 1978, and ran through 1985, maybe? I’m sure you recognize some of these men.

IN TOUCH also did at least one other magazine series, IN HEAT, same era, also often better quality print than the newstand regular issue of IN TOUCH.

13 replies on “too hot to handle”
The last pic, its Erron and?
ummm perhaps you commented on wrong post?
Yes I did, dumb move, sorry :(…
ID on the guy from the first pic, if you have it? I noticed his socks of course, and wondered if maybe he was in one of your earlier posts about those garments so I searched your blog and the word ‘socks’ brought up 51 hits! You’re well known for your appreciation of footwear ;) I clicked through to a few of them but couldn’t find a match, thought you might just know the answer although you didn’t tag his name when I hovered over it, as you did for Gordon so maybe you don’t know either. He looks a little familiar to me, certainly hot from head to toes and all points in between.
I wanted to comment on your great tribute to Obsessed and his blog which he doesn’t update too often, but I feel like he should have dibs on the first comment slot. If he drags his ass over here and sees it, that is! I’ve been impressed by his knowledge of some more obscure guys you’ve featured here, and the good natured ribbing the two of you long haul porn truckers have going between you.
his name is Danny; unlike in subsequent Too Hot issues, this one didn’t list original In Touch appearance – but I figured it out. Issue #20 (1975). I have that issue, I think, but it’s not conveneient ot gra – but will someday. THIS Too Hot has 8 pages of him.
I would be most surprised if gaypornobsessed was our Obsessed. I mean, look at the blogger’s posts – one or two sentences at most!
It seems as though I asked your commenter obsessed about that blog once, and whether they were one in the same. As I recall he either didn’t answer / didn’t see it or was coy about it, not sure why I connected the two in my head based solely on that word. Maybe the next time he swings through he can confirm it one way or the other, either way I’d seen the self-pics on the blog you linked to and thought he is quite hunky. Thanks for the ID on ‘Danny’ and the extra info, a bit too much bush for my tastes but love his low hangers!
Oh my God! I think I may have “jinxed”, Gay Porn Obsession.TypePad! For right now, it isn’t available! I hope it’s only temporary! : (
zephyr – my breath of fresh air! : )
Correct me if I’m wrong; but I believe this was the first of the three times, you asked this question. : /
Please forgive me for not answering, and overlooking your original inquiry! Who am I, to chastise both you and BJ, for not remembering MY replies? Let me assume the position – “Thank you, sir! May I have another?”
I’m doing my best, to be short and precise! Which BJ knows, is quite a challenge! LOL!
NO, I am NOT “Doug”, the owner of the wonderful website “Gay Porn Obsession”. The thought that you suspected as much; frankly, blows my mind – Yuk, Yuk, Yuk! : D
I’m the antithesis of this individual! I have dark hair and am considerably older! Because of physical health issues, I haven’t been to a gym, in ages! How I envy Doug’s physique, but not his tattoos!
That should have been your first doubting clue! I detest “tats”, though I do my best, to tolerate them! I consider them body vandalism, or skin graffiti! : /
“I mean, look at the blogger’s posts – one or two sentences at most!”
LOL! BJ knows me too well! I’m frankly incapable of being terse, modest, or humble like “Doug”! I need to shove my opinion, down everyone’s throat! You need to hear about it! I must have the last word!
: )
#1 – I know I’ve seen “Danny” before. He’s quite a cute scamp! I’m certain he also uses other names. I don’t have a problem with “jungle bushes”, zephyr. I’m surprised you do. It’s only when porn torsos, resemble sweaters, that I have a problem with excess hair. BJ as you know; has a werewolf fetish! : )
#2 – Thank you BJ, my sweet! I don’t believe I’ve seen this picture of my beloved, Gordon Grant! Despite his hair, which tends to be a recurring issue, it’s still a hot photo!
I believe this a publicity photo for “Dirty Words aka The Crotch Watcher”. I believe that this was the first complete film, produced by Falcon Studios; which had a theatrical release. Everything else earlier, was strictly through mail-order.
I’m rather surprised that “Doug”, doesn’t have a post about His Majesty! He is after all, into vintage porn and muscles. I use the handle “Obsessed,” because I’m obsessed about Gordon Grant! To this day, no other star has impacted me as powerfully, or profoundly, as he. : 0
My first reply to Bjland ages ago; was about him! I’m forever grateful that BJ is also a fan, and posts about him often. My first response to Atkol Forums in 2011; was also about him. There I used the alias, “Purple Reign”.
Joe Gage.com doesn’t seem to be in use anymore. You guessed it, my first post there, was also about my beloved. There I used the name, “GMan”. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the alias.
: )
I considered using the handle “Obsession”, but it conjures up too many memories of Calvin Klein.
#4 – Wow, BJ! Who is this guy? What a great photo – his expression! Love his face, curly hair, and full mouth! And especially his “skin torpedo”! Too hot to handle, indeed! I bet he’s thinking: “Brace yourself!” : P
#5 – Ah, Chris Gray/Grey aka Marc Gray, is always a delight! But I prefer him, without the mustache.
Hey BJ! Do you what’s wrong with GEVI, lately? They only list two credits for this bumpkin! It’s so incomplete! What happened to his films with Catalina Video and Matt Sterling? Something must be wrong with the data algorithm! This is also the case, with other performers as well! : (
#6 – Who dis?
#7 and 8 – Yeah, Mickey Squires is always a delight, as well! : )
Hey BJ, I asked you this before, but you never answered. Did they sell “In Touch Magazine” in the East, since it was a West coast publication? I don’t believe that “Vector”, was sold here on the West coast.
Don’t worry zephyr! I’m going to “drag my ass” to other posts where you mention me! I’m truly honored and touched, that you think of me! I love having my ego stroked! Thanks! : )
Until then, please be patient. ..
Stay cool and breezy!
Oh BJ! So many great posts, so little time! You’re my Gay Porn Addiction!
; )
I knew that I had left at least one comment here wondering whether you and the blogger of ‘gay porn obsession’ are the same guy. It’s none of my business, I can only assume that the similarity of yours and his use of variations of that word was what caused me to connect the two of you, apparently in error. My bad. By the way I too had checked on GPO’s blog earlier, and it was down when I did so but seems to be back up and running. Still no new posts in almost a year now, but functional and visible.
Of course BJ sees all under the hood here in terms of the comments that are left, but for those of us who visit we aren’t privy to any notifications or anything of the sort. So it’s certainly possible that you told me I was wrong, and I either forgot or didn’t see your response. I’d guess that at least a few people see my name in the comment section, and start scanning with their eyes, if not avoid it altogether due to the walls of text that tend to come out of me. I do try to read yours when I see on the bottom of the page that you’ve left a recent comment (or two or more, as I do too, poor BJ having to put up with us chatty cathys) but I don’t always follow you to all of your destinations either.
Gay porn of the past truly interests me, and there are parts about which I feel like I’m pretty knowledgeable, but BJ, you and some of the other guys here really put me to shame with the breadth of what you all know and remember.. Especially about the 70s guys, magazines and films. I may not always remember everything you say but I do try to absorb it as best I can.
Sorry for the mix-up, thanks for the explanation too. And I got a chuckle out of BJ’s snarky ‘did you see how short those blog posts are?’ comment as well :D Drag your ass wherever you see fit, you certainly don’t need my permission or approval to do so. Cheers bud.
i HAVE been looking into making comments searchable, and have yet come up with nothing. If anyway sees anything compatible with WordPress, I’d be happy to try it. Lucky for me, from my wordpress dashboard, I can search comments!
Hi Everyone!
I love these lengthy discussions! I have been sick for the last 4 days, so glad to be back here.
Obsessed, No6 is solo artist Scott Taylor, although I think that photo was taken when he was just Scott Hampton (which I think was his real name). I’m a huge fan.
I told BJ that I didn’t realize “Too Hot to Handle” was an offshoot of “In Touch,” but with his description above, I’m starting to remember. Honestly, why call it that when the photos clearly were not “too hot to print.” Not even close. If you say that, I wanna’ see something so hot it’s almost disturbing! Anyway, enough complaining.
I love all of the men pics here!! Just a terrific sampling of THTH. And I’ll always love the community here on BJLand.
Great post, BJ! Thanks
Ooh, wait. I forgot.
Did we figure out the ID of no4? I feel so close. The name is on the tip of my…well, both tips I guess.
Also, regarding GEVI problems. Since the website changed, this has been happening to me to! Sometimes when you go into a performer profile, you have to check what type of performance category you are looking at. For instance, if you’re in “Online Episodes” you won’t necessarily see the performer’s full videography. You have to click on Movies, or Film Shorts. It depends on the performer. If it’s a performer who is new within the past year, it might be ALL online episodes. If it’s a vintage or retro performer, you will likely need to make sure you are looking at the Movies category to get a full listing of films/videos.
I’ve likely over-explained, but I hope this helps.
NICE! Thank you. What a beauty.