who you may remember from such films as:
- The Big Box – (1980)
- Wanted – (1980)
- Rawhide – (1981)
- Gayracula – (1983)
- Tightropes 6: Beefcake Bodybuilders in Bondage – (late 80’s?)

Ray Medina – AKA Julio Campas (for COLT), J. W. Stone / Ray Vega (for Steve Scott’s Wanted) – just this handful of films – I still have Wanted and Gayracula (uncut); but alas, sold Rawhide as well as Tightropes 6. Too bad he wasn’t in an additional scene in Gayracula (the “dance” with balls popping out of butt his butt took away from the eventual sex, 8 minutes inclusive); the scene in Wanted may well be my favorite, thanks to Wrangler’s performance… I do wish I had hung on to Tightropes 6 – my auction description at the time: “COLT / ZEUS Muscledaddy – 30 minutes of Ray Medina – some time on a motorcycle, then a sling, and more time with him being massaged, groped, etc. OK – while the Wrangler scene is my fave, the COLT clip has to be the hottest overall – just sweat and mouths and mouths and boy parts – and the way Ray looks in those jeans!
who you may remember from such magazines as:
- Mandate – December (1981) – cover – uncredited! – “Danger Zone”
- HONCHO September (1982) – uncredited! – “heat”
- HONCHO January (1983) – uncredited! “Spit Shine” spread
- Wanted – pt 1 – from SURGE – with Jack Wrangler from the 1980 film