"vintage" porn stars


IN TOUCH 1980 calendar – but I’d say most of these guys are clearly 1970’s – maybe not Scott Taylor or Keith Anthoni, who both had more porn work in the 1980’s

so many questions…. like which old queen’s house did Keith Anthoni pose in with those paintings? Who was the photographer’s assistant who lovingly tossed straw on Don Byrd’s body? Why does Mark Wolf look like he’s mangling his cock? other questions we need answers to?

4 replies on “1980”

The queen who invited Keith over to pose on his couch is in the kitchen making up a big plate of spaghetti for the follow up shots :D And Mark just seems to have a death grip on his dick to make it as hard as it can be, same as Scott (and Keith, to a somewhat lesser extent).

Of the ones you didn’t share, the guy on the upper right of the cover looks most familiar to me, hope I don’t guess this wrong … Mark Rutter? I’d like to see that one, whoever he is.

Oh OK, obviously I wasn’t sure about that one. I’ve been watching so much vintage porn lately that the number of guys who fall into the category of ‘oh that’s … what’s his name’ is ever expanding, noticing it with music and other things I thought I’d know forever as well. He is cute, though he seems to be sucking in his stomach so maybe that’s why he didn’t make the cut, anyway thanks for the answer (and the bonus pic).

Zephyr covered a lot of what I had to say, including Keith Anthoni’s intimate relationship with spaghetti.

I think it’s funny that In Touch felt they had to specify on the cover that this calendar is for adults. Really? Not a kiddie calendar?

I feel like that picture of Rod Davidson is the only one in existence. Could that be true? I need more!

I love that photo of Scott Taylor. He’s a longtime obsession of mine. I never noticed the lovely freckles on his shoulders though. I guess I was distracted by his beautiful cock.

BJ, I think you are right on target with the dates of the models. I know the Paul Baressi pic is from a photoset which appeared in part in the Aug/Sep 1975 issue of In Touch. That exact photo wasn’t in the mag, but it’s clearly the same background.

The photo of John Thomas (which you didn’t include in your post, maybe b/c he’s a blond? and who appears on the cover in the bottom left corner) also has him “mangling” his dick in an effort to make it appear as big as possible. I feel that he succeeds.

Great post BJ! Thanks.

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