"vintage" porn stars Close Up Productions

not Lee Ryder

Ryder and superhot Rodney James from the magazineTightropes #1 (1982) and the film Tightropes at the Officer’s Club

2 replies on “not Lee Ryder”

One of my recent porn reviews was for Head Trips, which has the scene with (not Lee) Ryder and Greg Girard as the final ‘father’ fantasy. Until I wrote that up I don’t think I realized that every sex scene in that film has at least one uncut dick, sometimes more than one. Which as you know, was nowhere near as common in American porn of the 70s and 80s as it would become later. Ryder had the hooded dick in that scene and was hot himself, but I developed more of an appreciation for Greg after watching that pairing, he was very sexy to me in his porn years and sported a wonderful dick. I found some pics of Greg at retro studs, before he grew his mustache, and he was going by Gil Gerard for a spread in Skin magazine. Same lovely thick cock though, on display in one of the 3ways in Rangers as well though I think he had the facial hair in all the Surge films he was in.

The line from Head Trips that made me laugh the loudest was at the very end, right after Greg is done fucking Ryder: ‘oh dad, this is even better than when mom came in and taught me the facts of life!’

I wish the scene in Head Trips, Rodney James would top the son. I prefer the mature male be the top.

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