the above clip from Red Ball Express is one of my favorite Joe Gage scenes, and probably my favorite kitchensex scene. Trying to think of others… Johnny Dawes and Beau Matthews in Skin Deep, Jason Steel and Case Harden in Studbusters, Matthew Marks in Naked Lunch, Eric Manhester, Dean Chasen, and Billy London in Head of the Class, Tom Katt and Glenn McAllister in Full Length, Clay Russell and others in Snowballing, Todd & GReg in Heat (see pics above), Victor Houston in The Plumbers, Jason Ross & David Hill in Hot Summer Knights, Aiden Shaw and some soup in Mess Hall Maneuvers, Dylan James and Sam Crockett in The Deep End,Cougar Cash and Seth Tucker in Fast Idle, Jon Vincent and Tony Davis in…. um… and, apparently, nearly every Robert Prion video.
and what did you do on your Saturday night?
7 replies on “meet you at the spice rack”
I know I’ve seen some kitchen sex scenes too, you mentioned the first one I thought of, Head Of The Class 1. Eric & Billy ogling Dean while he dances around in an apron with his underwear-clad butt hanging out, getting down to Costello Presley and eating a banana before the other guys come in. That’s a pretty hot scene, both Dean and especially Eric were very sexy then, though everytime I watch that I think about poor Billy London, but I don’t want to bring this down …
It’s been a while since I’ve seen Morning Noon & Night, which is one of (at least) two films where Joe Gage has sex instead of solely being a director. Where Joey Lives being the other, and then possibly as a faceless dick in orgy scenes in some of his own films. I know he played a chef in MN&N in the scene he was in, did they do it in a kitchen?
Much later than anything you talk about here but of course there’s the “right in front of my salad?’ from that men.com scene that went viral a few years ago, with Jaxton Wheeler and Jake Porter, plus countless other more recent ones. I’ll show myself out now ;)
Joe Gage scene – i think is in dining room ? maybe. i think the food was on the dining room table and the living room floor – perhaps the kitchen makes an appearance, too
Roy Garrett and Bob Shane together were epic. Love this clip. Thanks for that.
god, I want to marry Manfred Speer, this photo so incredible. I need the Prick up my ass for the rest of eternity.
Yep! Well said.
What did I do Saturday night? The same thing as you! I was down a rabbit hole or two in Wonderland.
I love this post for so many reasons:
The theme is genius. Why is sex in the kitchen so hot?! But it is and as some of you mentioned, it’s still heavily in use in gay porn today. It’s hard to remember a favorite from the past, but wasn’t there is loop with Dakota & Ledermeister called “The Meterman” with kitchen sex? They at least move through the kitchen. Ledermeister as the Meter Man is invited in by Dakota through the back door which opens into the kitchen. Later they end up in what appears to be the living room, but I feel like they were in the kitchen for part of the scene.
Great photos, many of which looked familiar but I couldn’t ID, so thanks for the captions. I only wish we could get an ID on that adorable sailor with the ’60s tats and the sauce pan. I really love those Hollywood style, staged photos from the late ’60s/early 70s. I feel like he could have been a physique model in the late ’60s. At least we know the source was Body mag.
Where did you get the name “Todd” and “Greg” for the models in Urge No2? I don’t recall that mag having any identifications for the models. Do you recognize them? Because that is a very hot pictorial. I love the blond guy. Do you know which is Todd and which is Greg?
And the video clip. Such a hot clip, BJ. This isn’t the first time you posted it, is it? Not a complaint. I think my overall favorite part is the kissing throughout. You see real intimacy there. The music gets a little weird around 2:10 and for a minute you think you’re in a horror film, and then around 3:30 it rights itself. My favorite moment(s) is the scorching cumshots, particularly Bob Shane’s. And then when he’s licking the cum off Roy Garrett’s knuckles, well, I’m in heaven.
Didn’t Roy Garrett wear those same mirrored sunglasses in a number of scenes? Or did I just make that up?
Superb post! Thnx