90's porn boots porno pet peeves

thighs n stuff


porno pet peeves? yes. look closely

13 replies on “thighs n stuff”

I’ve never been the biggest Scott Randsome fan. I think it was just because the ’90s were full of hairless, clean shaven, muscle guys like this. I usually gravitated towards the few hairy porn stars of the time.

But here I think he looks damn hot. Yes, those thighs. I’d rather they not look like they’ve been shaved, but some men just don’t have hairy legs. His dick is delicious. His beefy muscles and thug-look definitely appeal.

Porno peeves? Bad haircut? I never liked his hair.

He’s got the sexy boots and sox. Dick shadow. Don’t you like that BJ?

Shaved/waxed torso? Again, maybe he was just naturally hairless?

His pubes look pretty natural (or am I not looking closely enough?) No postage stamp Hitler stache pubes here. They may be trimmed, but not badly.

Shaved balls? I personally don’t mind that. I know how goooood it feels. However, in photos I do like so see ALL the bush and hairy nuts are hot.

What do you see, BJ? Where’s the porno crime?

I was going to guess that he could be sucking in his stomach, which is a big no-no for our dear blogmaster. Maybe he’ll tell us if we beg and ask pretty-please?

I don’t like his hair much either Johnny, but it was a popular style at the time. His head doesn’t look big enough for his body, that’s what makes me think he’s not as hot as a lot of other actors from that era. Great dick though, I wouldn’t mind test driving that.

(Hope these links work!)

Oh wow! I totally forgot that you’ve mentioned this bruiser before, on February 27, 2021. Not only that, but I also forgot, that I responded the day after! I hope I’m not developing dementia! : |

It’s fascinating that your cut-off period, for vintage porn; seem to be the 90s! I’m not as dismissive of that period, as you seem to be. Granted, it wasn’t as iconic or canonical, as the 70s and early 80s. But in my opinion, it was still pretty impressive! After a dry spell, there was a re-emergence of rugged, macho stars!

Glad to see that two of my favorites – “Breezy Z and The Llama”, also share my reservation, about this ruffian! “Randsome” is a good name for him. He “captures” my attention, and compels me to enjoy him, against my will – victim! He first appeared on the scene in 1991.

As I’ve said before, I usually prefer a porn performer that allows me an emotional response – a rapport, warmth, charm, awe, fear, etc. But like Matt Ramsey, Scott Randsome is among those performers, which I’m willing to enjoy; only on a base, visceral level – shallow lust!

Other examples would be Derek Cruise, Alec Powers, Blade Thompson, and Aaron Austin. They all have hot bodies, boners, and butts! But their faces are less than stellar. They all have vacant eyes, though Matt Ramsey was cute as a chipmunk, in his youth!

You can’t do much with Ransome’s pugnacious face. He has eyes like a gargoyle. I’m afraid the words: punk, smart-ass, goon, thug, wise-guy, rogue, scalawag, hooligan, bully, brute, hood – come to mind. He always seems to be smirking or sneering – arrogant! : /

He reminds me a lot of actor Leo Gorcey, the leader of the “Bowery Boys (The Dead End Kids)”.

But yes, from the neck down (what neck?), he’s totally hot! He’s rather muscle bound, but he can still move. Viewing all his overriding, wrestling credits, it’s obvious he’s into dominance. Hot angry fucks – no romance!

These three photos, you posted here; are mostly flattering. But I have to agree with others. I don’t like his hairstyle, or dye job. Like Hollywood starlets, all the light brunets and dark blonds in all-male porn, will inevitably, bleach their hair. : (

BELOW – He manages to look much better here, with his natural hair color. : D

#2 – Yes, I agree. Despite his short stature, his ass and thighs; are most impressive! Here’s another good, butt-shot! (Jesus, what’s with that hair and facial expression?) : /

Now, to be fair, he does at times; half-heartily attempt, to show some emotion. But it isn’t the least bit convincing – insincere! He just can’t bring himself, to fully kiss someone on the mouth, or fully embrace their body. Only in “Manhattan Skyline (1995)”, does he barely sucks a dick – Christian Fox.

Mostly “trade” – he’s only into receiving and fucking – selfish and nasty! Here’s a typical screenshot of him fucking, from “Greased Up (1995)”! Jake Andrews was wonderful – a genuine Porn Divo!

Scott is hot, but he’s also cold! It’s curious that despite his detachment, all his scenes seem to satisfy, on a certain level. So for that reason, I don’t dislike him, to the degree that I do with Jeff Stryker.

Both Matt Ramsey and Scott Randsome; had sensual bodies – no tattoos! Since Ramsey was also anally receptive, I can easily fantasize; fucking him, though it wouldn’t involve kissing or hugging – “Wham bam, thank you man!” That’s not the case with Randsome. His pinched face, attitude, and demeanor, get in the way. : |

The closest I could get to him physically; would probably be, “observing” him in action, through a peephole – voyeur! LOL! : P

He has genuinely erotic moments, with not just Jake Andrews and Christian Fox, but also with Trent Reed, Tom Katt, Sean Diamond, Donnie Russo, Scott Russell, Johnny Rey, Jesse Skylar, Gianfranco, Chad Connors, and Phil Bradley – hot and satisfying, even with all the rubbers!

I have to say though, my absolute favorite scene involving Scott, has to be the first one in “Total Corruption 2: One Night in Jail (1995)”. I keep returning to it! The marvelous, beefy Karl Bruno; was so underrated and hot – unheralded! : P

Randsome also shares a hot scene with Karl Bruno in “Riptide (1996)”. Karl was so wonderful! He should have been groomed as a star – great presence! But then, nobody ever said life was fair, especially in gay porn!

The tops get all the attention. Jeff Stryker is a bigger star than Jeff Converse, though the later, deserves more credit! The “bottoms” do most of the work, and have to endure the difficult effort! : (

BELOW – Yeah, this photo of Karl Bruno has obviously been air-brushed, but it’s still flattering and hot!

I’m guessing he was probably East European. Love his blue eyes, blond hair, brawny build, protruding nips, full lips, and pretty dick – nice! He first appeared on the scene in 1995. : P



And of course, no one can forget, Karl Bruno’s bodacious butt! Tan-lines are forever! At the time, he was one of those rare birds in gay porn – a ruggedly handsome, masculine, mature “bottom”!

The only time he fucked a guy onscreen, was when he and Jake Andrews, shared a “flip-flop”, in “In Man’s Country (1996)” – great! His ass is huge, like a horse! : 0

Here’s a screenshot of Carnal Karl, performing his specialty in “Greased Up (1995)”.

Buck Yeager has a nice body and cock. But sadly, his face is rather generic and bland. That’s okay; Bruno provides the sizzle, as usual! Notice Karl is hard, as he’s being penetrated – fabulous! : D

Most performers, recognized as famous “power bottoms”, tend to be younger and shorter. We’re talking twinks, twunks, hotties, and stud-muffins – pups like Kevin Williams, Jon King, Joey Stefano, Luke Adams, Nick Sterling, Michael Boston, Tristan Paris, and Johnny Rapid, among many others.

The beautifully cute Carlos Morales and Brad Mitchell; were classified as “bottoms”, though both of them were also, well-hung – scrumptious! : )

Now for the record, you’ve always had rugged, muscular, “seasoned” performers, in early all-male porn; who were “versatile”. One can easily recall real MEN, like Jim Cassidy, Ledermeister, Dakota aka Ken Sprague, Richard Locke, and Joe Markham, among others.

But it wasn’t until a little later in the era, that you had mature men, who seem to specialize in this “position.” Throughout the years, the stigma of bottoming seemed to die down. I applaud this loosening of the standards! Now, it’s not as lock-tight as it once was, especially during the 80s – refreshing!

Scott Randsome, seemed to represent the strict rules, from the narrow past – “gay for pay”, “trade”, “straight fetish” – selfish. While Karl Bruno, headed toward the future and today – more sensual, fluid, open, expressive, and uninhibited! : )

That’s why I tend to fight the urge, in being overly nostalgic, about vintage porn. Yeah, we lost some qualities, but we also gained some as well. : )

Hope you don’t mind me hijacking this post, BJ honey, in favor of celebrating Karl Bruno! Your wonderful posts; always stimulate my memory and imagination, thus making it easy to segue!

With your permission, I want to further celebrate, some more “butch bottoms” or “muscle mounds” – rugged, mature, manly, porn performers; who specialized in getting fucked, throughout the years!

“Push, push in the tush!” LOL! : )

You know I’m all about lists! I really want to honor them. A commendation is long overdue! They helped break down barriers, and provided some well needed variety! Let me visually, fully celebrate their ASSets! These bottoms are tops, in my book – Bravo!

I’m going to list them in the chronological order, of when they made their first porn film. But don’t quote me! We all know that both Cock Suckers Guide and GEVI; aren’t always accurate. : |

1. Butch McAlister aka John Towers (1978) – Thanks to BJ and MOI, we now know this Marine veteran, made four porn loops – three with Clay Russell. Were they lovers or fuck-buddies? One of the earliest “Butch Bottoms”!

I believe he first posed for Colt Studios earlier, under the name Stash Pulaski; though he wasn’t a highlighted model. He’s not on the website, or was featured in any of the famous publications.

I wish this B & W Colt picture, wasn’t watermarked for an eBay sale, but it still makes for a hot image! Let me thank Doug Dwyer from Gay Porn Obsession! I know that you especially liked him, zephyr! ; )

2. Paul Carrigan (1991) – Mercy, this icon’s resume is endless! My only gripe against him is that he was overexposed! Plus the fact that he was way too uninhibited, for my taste – a raging bisexual! In some videos, he actually lets pre-op transsexuals; fuck him – chicks with dick! Ewww! : /

That being said, he was very likable! He had a doofus charm! Joe Gage liked his deadpan expression. I’ve always enjoyed this picture – cute roly-poly!

3. Kent Larson (1995) – This tall stud, was especially slutty – a great, satisfying performer! LOL!

Notice the logo on the right, bottom corner. Another great thing about this period, BJ, was the emergence and evolution; of various studios that specialized in virile MEN, as opposed to twinks – Hot House, Titan, Studio 2000, etc.

Big Blue Productions wasn’t great, but it was interesting – muscles! Fox Studio was still hanging on. While Raging Stallion actually surpassed Colt in quality! : 0

4. Dean Coulter (1996) – Ah, this teddy bear, had some of the same charm as Mickey Squires – rugged and masculine, yet still cute and cuddly! That ass! *SMOOCH!* : D

I think he has a slight resemblance, to British comedian, Ricky Gervais!



“Butt-load”, you say? YEAH, I’ll give ya a “BUTT-LOAD! LOL! : D

All these backdoor studs, in my opinion; were so appealing and desirable! I could definitely get behind all of them, both figuratively and literally! LOL!

5. Ray Harley (1997) – Wasn’t he endearing – manly yet friendly! I usually associate Catalina Video with the 80s, because of William Higgins and his young hotties. But they did have quite a variety of men, throughout the years. Were there any other “daddies” that were exclusives, with that studio?

He had the same kind of warm appeal of Colt model, Steve Kelso – accessible, not intimidating. Receding hairline, but still hirsute!

His ass wasn’t perfect, but it was still fuckable! : P

6. Haus Weston (1999) – Sadly, he died young. : (
His posterior was hemispheric!

7. Vince Ferelli (2008) – Ah, I just adore him – beautiful dark eyes; great stocky body! And he was uninhibited – so cute!

8. Alex Marte (2009) – Wow, like a lot of Italians, he seems so imperious and daunting – doesn’t give a damn! Despite his tattoos, he still looks glamorous and sensual! Plus, he was tall!

Once again, notice the logo. With the advent of the foreign market, we got even more virile, porn performers, during this period!

Many thanks to studios like Kristen Bjorn, Lucas Kazan, Men at Play, Lucas Entertainment, Tim Tales, Pacific Sun Entertainment, Diamond Pictures, and the second phase of William Higgins’ Czech career, etc. – foreign relations!

9. Craig Reynolds (2009) – Yeah, his manner is rather nelly. But at least, he looked masculine – amazing body! This Hot House exclusive, was exclusively a bottom!

10. Ben Stone (2010) – I have a soft spot, for this mature stud! He gets me hard! He’s like a throwback to the seasoned models, which you would find in Colt and Target!

Rugged and masculine, but his round forehead, gives him some warmth! Joe Gage used him repeatedly.



Some more “killer keisters”! As they say, “More cakes, than Duncan Hines!” : )

11. Seven Dixon (2013) – Of course, I hate his tattoos! But damn, the rest of him – those hams and muscles! Some of his scenes leave me exhausted – scorching! He quit too soon – boulder butt! : P

12. Mike Dozer (2013) – Okay, I realize this choice is controversial. I absolutely do NOT, condone his behavior! He thoroughly deserved his prison sentence! : |

I can’t deny though, that I DID enjoy his work. Forgive me! But I think this publicity picture for “Hung Americans 2 (2013)” is so hot and raunchy! Dozer shares a frantic, alley scene with Trenton Ducati, which absolutely sizzled! It’s appropriate that he poses on top of a trash bin. : (

He has a simian face, like actor, Oliver Reed. He also has an uncanny resemblance to another British actor – Brian Blessed, when he was young. : 0

13. Johnny V. (2014) – Yeah, the name is silly. But he’s mostly fantastic – cute and tough looking! Despite his youth, I still consider him a “beast” – so vivid and virile!

Not to mention, super-blond – even his bush and eyebrows! A golden Italian! Also love his pink nips, dick, and anus! His cleft chin, six-pack, and door-knob navel; also deserves mentioning! He reminds me of actor, Scott Caan – son of James Caan.

From his facial expression, you can tell he’s playful – great smile! He gets rowdy with his rump! : P

The only beef I have about him; is that he has to tone down his enthusiasm. He gets too loud and rambunctious! (“Oh…oh…oh! Aah…aah…aah!”) – Shut up! LOL! : D

14. Derek Bolt (2016) – Ah, another huggable hunk – warm and charming! Those dreamy eye lashes! Everything about him seems so well-rounded: head, face, muscles, eyes, and ass! He practically bounces! I even like his round, pig-snout! Oink, oink! LOL!

BELOW: I love coy, over the shoulder, bum shots like these – so naughty and knowing! Derek seems to smile at you twice – cheeky!

15. Michael Roman (2017) – I detest tanned hides, and tattoos! But I’ll tolerate them, if the performer is unmistakably, masculine – manly and crude! He has a “rural”, “blue collar”, “redneck”, “white-trash”, “yokel”, appeal. Johnny-My Pet-Llama, would probably describe his as a “rough diamond”. : )

He has some mileage on him, but he’s still hot – muscular, but not ripped. His teeth are toilet-bowl white! So I’m guessing they’re veneers – meth damage? : |

16. Riley Mitchel(l) (2018) – This short, stocky guy isn’t even attractive, yet I still find him hot! He looks like a hobbit, or a garden gnome! He covers a lot of same ground as Michael Roman. Beefy, but he still keeps his body, and especially his ass, in shape – enthusiastic performer!


(Rats, the Johnny V. link broke! But you can still see it, by opening another tab, on the top menu bar. Select the link, and then press enter. Keep the first tab open. I mentioned this before.)


Heinies haunt me! : P

As you can tell, I’ve developed quite an appreciation for hot haunches, or gorgeous glutes! It’s imperative that gay porn stars, do their squat exercises; regardless if they bottom or not – the optics!

But aside from that, porn is always in desperate need of some personality! These studs I’ve assembled here, also have a distinct charm, and not just of the callipygian variety! : D

17. Collin Simpson (2020) – It’s a shame how this nude dude, let himself go physically – fat with acne! Drugs will do that to you! Initially, he used to be so beautiful and buff – white, ivory smooth skin! : (

18. Isaac X (2020) – Yet another guy I enjoy, despite his trashiness and dumb name – slutty!

Just look at his expression! Oy – the endless tattoos, even on his hands! Sometimes, he even wears a nose ring – mercy! But he still delivers – guilty pleasure! He can even act! You enjoy what you can.

Strange dichotomy – he looks and acts tough, but does so with a lisp – disappointing! : |×1350.jpg

19. Beau Butler (2021) – Appropriate first name – cute and hot! I just wish he wouldn’t have the same, pleading, facial expression; as he’s being fucked – diversify! : |

20. Davin Strong (2022) – Oy, I only wish he kept his initial figure, when he was a fitness model – gorgeous! The same thing happened, to Colt model, Buck Hayes aka Rex Morgan! : (

I’m willing to enjoy, “fit-fat” porn stars, as long as their waists; aren’t bigger than their chests! : |

Masculinity goes a long way with me – Alpha Hunter aka Androphile! So yes, I’ll tolerate his rather dopey eyes, tattoos, and excess weight. I find many of these types (convicts?), to still be so powerful and desirable!

Davin Strong’s appearances; look better, on different occasions – luck of the draw. He shouldn’t wear glasses! So I cut him, a lot of slack – macho rules! LOL! : 0

21. Nick Cranston (2022) – This guy pretty much covers the same ground, as Davin Strong above. They both have no inhibitions, engaging in sodomy – genuine, Butch Bottoms! : )

As long as their chests, muscles, and assess, have shape, I’ll enjoy beefy performers – must be well rounded!

22. Presley Scott (2023) – Wow! Are any of you guys, familiar with this handsome hunk? Yet another, French-Canadian performer! His body could use some toning, but it’s still scrumptious enough!

But dear God! Don’t tan the hide! Let the moon shine! LOL! : )

“Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a … porn star?” Yikes! How cool is his resemblance, to actor, Henry Cavill, “Man of Steel (2013)” – Clark Kent/Superman?! : 0

I still get amazed at how beautiful; gay porn stars have become, throughout the years! Ruggedly handsome, masculine and versatile! Can you beat that?! : D

Thank you for this shameless indulgence, BJ honey! Don’t ever hesitate to tell me, to cut down on the “mooching”! Your generosity and graciousness; can never be underestimated!

For now, this is the END, in both sense of the word! : D

Ah, BJ! So many great posts – fun buns! : )

So little time – leading from the rear! : (

; )

What a massive list of butch / power bottoms, Obsessed! Even by including 90s guys you’ve latched onto the tail end (see what I did there?) of the area of focus and expertise of dear BJ’s blog, and sailed right past it with many of the later guys you brought up. Methinks perhaps you’re horny, and in need of the services of one of today’s rump-ians?

I had thoughts about some of the guys you mentioned, and a few you didn’t. Starting with Butch McAllister / Stash etc., yes indeed I quite enjoyed seeing him. Especially in print, his butt looked fantastic when photographed well, though the cameramen of the scenes he made didn’t always show off his best ass-et (!) as they could have. Quite a fine specimen though.

Flash forwarding through a lot of great 80s examples – Eric Stryker was a great one too, and Buster gave as good as he got in his porn years, I always enjoyed his films. Anyone who could ride OG Johnson like he did in the lavatory in Night Flight deserves commendation.

You mentioned Total Corruption 2, and the pairing of Karl Bruno and Scott, the subject of this post. Along with Blade Thompson earlier, and his somewhat awkward-looking face. I quite enjoyed Blade’s scene with Jordan Young in TC 2, at the glory holes with Blade looking very hot in his tight cutoffs sauntering up to the hole. And when they step outside and Blade flashes his badge, Jordan’s ‘hey no fair, that’s entrapment!’ feels authentic. I’m not sure how often Blade bottomed, maybe a few times on film? Maybe you know, he seemed mostly top to me.

But back to the back door bruisers, I definitely agree about Kent Larson and liked his scenes, even as his hair disappeared. Also two you didn’t mention, Lane Fuller (though he was a shorter guy but powerfully built) and of course, the legendary Joey S. He’s taken on a kind of James Dean-like mythology since he died so young, and had an attitude that conveyed on the screen – and no doubt in real life too. The book about Joey, called Wonder Bread and Ecstasy, it very enlightening about him, though I know not everyone shares the interest in him.

Kyle McKenna seems to meet the criteria for butch bottoms though, he was a great one who also died before his time. Kyle was mostly bottom and clearly enjoyed the attention, and the view from behind him was as good (if not even better) than up front.

Finally you mentioned Ray Harley, who I also liked a lot. I know I reviewed Score, he was good in that one. Gevi shows his earliest porn scene in 1997, and if the year of birth is accurate he would have been around 30 then. Speaking of my reviews I did a non-porn gay soap recently, Secret Passions which appears to have been made in 1990, and has a porn connection in that trade David Burrill was in it. I found the first three episodes on youtube, it’s not as polished as The Bold and the Beautiful or anything but I actually enjoyed it. There’s also a guy credited as Bart Story who was n it, and I see a definite resemblance to what Ray Harley would look like a few years later. Not sure if this pic link will work (hope so!), it’s a few screen grabs of Bart from this soap, if it does I’d be curious if anyone else sees a similarity between Bart and Ray:

My comment is scattered and not as organized as yours but nice to see your thoughts on this all-important topic friend, and your call outs too. I do remember that you’re not the Obsession blogger now lol, and wish he would come back too as he seemed more into the 90s guys when he was active. Cheers.

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