This must be photographer Jean-Daniel Cadinot, no? At one point in my drafts folder I had a list of many of his magazines, and some where his photography was prominent, if not the entire publication. Somehow it got deleted. These look very familiar, but are uncredited, and I found in a magazine called Latin Studs. Any insights into who these men are, if I am correct, and any magazine of film attribution for them would be awesome, thanks.

update definitely Cadinot, originally from a magazine called TRANSIT STOP
13 replies on “cadinot?”
Gorgeous photography! That 2nd photo. Sultry. Those eyelashes!
I’m sorry I can’t help. I mean, I tend to agree, but with very little certainty. This looks like it could be his style.
I suppose I am less familiar than I should be with Cadinot’s work as a photographer. I’m also not really an expert when it comes to his films. I should set myself up in a self-taught Cadinot tutorial. Sounds fun. Oh! Or I could just read BJ’s wonderful blog! Yay!
I was introduced to his work in the adult porno theatres, of course. His usual young men theme wasn’t a turn on for me, so I didn’t explore. Many years later, when I discovered he started out as a photographer, and I found a different range of men, I became intrigued. I found my draft of magazines, and while I have a decent list of maybe 15, publication years, and anything beyond the covers are hard to find. but, slowly working on it…
The search continues!!
2nd photo lovely, but it’s the top one that is Gallic severity and “you’ll know when to touch or not–so watch it”. I don’t nearly always mind when a boy knows he’s just as beautiful as he really is. I can’t find an obvious imperfection, although I say that sometimes about others (recently, as with the guy sucking himself off so well in the shirt.)
I was scrolling through a blog that has scans of many pages of older gay mags, I landed on the March 1986 issue of Inches:
There are a few nice pics of Justin Cade which I’d seen before (Justin’s Beach) but the reason I’m commenting here is because of what I saw on the fourth image down, which was page 7 of that issue. The two pics on the top of the page were taken by JD Cadinot, and the text reads “Diffusion French Art has a series of erotic notecards from the albums of gayporn filmmaker [Cadinot] … made to look like vintage cabinet-cards, and featuring some of the hottest men France has to offer.”
I would link to that specific image but it has this ridiculously long url, blogger dot google user content dot com + about a thousand characters dot jpg, and it might trigger your built in spam guards, and we don’t want that. So you just have to find it yourself.
It’s a nice big image though, the pic to the left has a guy resting the bottom of his pool cue on the table, which could be from a similar set of pics you’ve posted here before. And the guy in the other pic has his face obscured by smoke. I thought they were cool, and didn’t know if you knew about this set of Cadinot cards that were out in the 80s, I assume drawing from his photography and not the films he was already making by that time.
This is one of the reasons I’d rather look at every page of an older mag if I have the choice, sometimes the articles, stories, ads and little tidbits like this are as interesting as the photo spreads. Like the way Cowboy Frank does it with his collections of Drummer, Honcho and the other issues he took the time to scan from start to finish. Let me decide what’s interesting, instead of having someone else decide for me. But that takes a lot more time and probably more bandwidth that way. I mean I’m always grateful for you curating pics you choose to leave here (which of course you do splendidly), but I do enjoy the longer posts you’ve started working into the mix as well, where there’s more than just one or two images like a lot of your posts used to be.
great find! thanks! just to be clear, the “spam filter” for the comments only puts suspected spam comments into a holding queue – based on # of links, not the length of the URL; i think we’ve had trouble with lengthy URL’s in that they didn’t immediately go to the page, but you had to cut and paste from the comment into the browser, if I remember correctly – in any case – always a pleasure to have input from you – thanks!
and the Cade pics are getting downloaded if I don’t already have them!
Good to know what sets off your spam alerts, that it’s usually the number of links and not the length of the url. I would imagine that the piping of links, as you did to Cadinot’s name in the first sentence, is reserved for the blog master, and we servant commenters have to leave naked links. I don’t blame you if that’s your choice, you can never tell what someone might try to pull if you allowed anybody to do that. But it might even be designed to only grant that power to the blogger.
There are three pics of Justin at the link above, and as I said they’re nice and big, as Justin’s cock was too when he had it wrapped up like that. So let’s test your theory about the lengths of the url’s, if that’s OK? From the same blog, this is pages 18 and 19 of the August 1985 Inches, with a lovely pic of Mark Rutter and (I think) Max Montoya sitting poolside with their feet in the water, and their dicks out:
Did that work for you? There’s another pic of Mark wearing leather and standing next to the pool on an earlier page of that issue, which you can find through the navigation on the right side (choose ‘year’ and then the month option becomes available).
I can see the image, and WOW its Max indeed, hard to find pics of him. But it’s q link to the image alone,so there is no option to pic a year, etc. I can only tell that it’s from INCHES from what the image shows pages 18 and 19.
edit/update – wow, did some quick sleuthing – INCHES August 1985 – and I can see the article and 3 images – WOW WOW WOW – MAX and MARK!!!
Yeah you had a post a few years back that I found by searching the word ‘montoya’ here, talking about that film Modern Men… (which looks pretty interesting). It had a much smaller version of the clothed in leather shot of Mark standing up than what ran in that issue of Inches, where it was a full page. Good, I was going to say ‘go to the blog itself that I linked in my first comment’ and then you have the list of years, magazine titles and performer tags along the side but you must have figured that out.
The longer url link was to test if it would work on just one image at a time when it’s got that many characters. I think it was obsessed or someone else who tried to do that. Though if any url has a parenthesis or some other punctuation mark it can mess up the link that appears when copying them. I know that from piping links on reddit mostly, that sometimes you have to insert other marks to make links work, but glad this one did.
I absolutely LOVED the expression on Mark’s face as he sat near the pool with Max in that image, and just the hint of his cockhead peeping out of his foreskin. He was truly a stunner. That pic of him wearing all the leather is great too of course. And yeah, Max might be worthy of a deeper dive for you someday, as many of the hits that came back when I searched his name here had to do with Gayracula, he had a tasty looking piece of meat himself.
agreed they are great pics, all 3 – not as sharp an image as I would like, but Mark looks a bit beefier (YUM!) and his big cock, relaxed, yet thick and inviting! Max, oh, yes, I do need a videography post on him!
One more super long url link from the same blog, this pic of Max is from Inches, June 86 (and there was another one too). Just in case you decide to do another post for him someday, since you said pics of him are scarce to you:
excellent – BUT – you know my aesthetic, anyone know photoshop or its imitators to eliminate the WORDS in the pic?
You said you usually trim images, yes? I just saved the one I linked above and was able to trim the faded coloring on the far left, and all the words on the right. Which just left me with a tall but thin image, 900 by 2500 or so (you could even chop him off just above the knee abd make it a little bit fuller, if you know what I mean). I don’t know what you use, I have an old version of Paint that does fine, and Paint.net that I downloaded in case I want to brighten/darken, sharpen, and especially if I want to rotate something just a few degrees instead of 90 or 180, which is all Paint can do.
My photoshop is very primitive, I showed an example to you of what I did with Eduardo that one time (hope this imgur link works):
The original one had words but I just copied a section that didn’t and pasted it over the part that did.
Or you could just call your upcoming Max post The Return of Max Montoya since that’s what the text says, in a sort of Raiders of the Lost Ark-looking font.