this is what I wrote when I sold a copy of The Best of Colt Films – Part 4 LT-63 – “BRUCE CRAIG invites the census-taker RALPH WHITAKER to relax by the pool”
but the promo materials from COLT – “When BRUCE CRAIG leaves his party by the pool to answer the door, he has no idea a tall, dark, stranger is about to make his day. RALPH WHITAKER works for the government but finds it hard to keep his mind on taking the census with so many naked men around. Once he exposes his credentials however, it’s evident the party isn’t over.”
Don’t get me wrong, the two of them are super hot – but this description would make me think there are more than 2 men in the film! And why oh why oh why are there no good pics of gorgeously hung Ralph Whitaker! Bruce Craig, yes, lovely man, and he’s in SPURS 2 (w/George Payne) & 18 (1 pic!), and COLT STUDIO PRESENTS 8 (1 faceless pic with Karl Mann, I think); clearly not enough of either of these hot men.
7 replies on “I’m from the government”
Oh my God, BJ! You’re killing me! Bruce Craig, first thing in the morning! I’ve already had “morning wood”, now this! (Ralph Whitaker is hot too, but hey!) : )
#5 – Jesus Christ! God was he beautiful! One of the most gorgeous men, ever presented in all-male porn – so creamy and luscious! Not to mention, cute! Notice, how long his eye lashes are! Why or why, did he only do two loops; both released in 1979?!
He should have been groomed for stardom – a diamond stud; a golden nugget! : 0
I only wish that “The Senses Taker” and “Grease Monkeys” were more explicit! During this time; Colt still was making films that were, “semi-hardcore”. : (
I always thought it was to avoid penalties; mailing porn to different states. But others have pointed out, that it was the personal preference of Jim French. He thought showing too much explicit, clinical detail, was vulgar. Go figure. He changed, later on. : )
#6 & 7: Thank you so much for posting these photos of Ralph, rimming Bruce!
I see that you cropped off the Colt logo, located on the bottom, right edge. My regret though, is that you also cut off; some of the physical detail of these two images, I provided you. But hey, no worries! Readers can still view the complete pictures, from my previous reply!
: ( : )
For the record, there ARE two other men, in this loop. : )
They’re seen fucking within the reflection, of the glass sliding door. They’re not viewed directly – oblivious to anyone else. The implication is that Ralph interrupted a pool side three-way, involving these two with Bruce. Notice Ralph touches his hard-on, when he notices the two, nude dudes.
Also for the record, I’m certain that there are more pictures of Bruce Craig with Karl Mann; other than the faceless one, you described above.
I wonder though, if whether they’re available. I’m dying to see them! How many are there? Maybe they’re locked away in a “Colt Vault”. Evidently, they’re contained within a magazine slide set. Rats – what a disappointment! : (
Here’s a least one photo of them, together. Scroll down to the middle, where it lists, “Mann and Craig – Magazine Slide Set: MS 8”. It looks hot. I wonder how far they go.
Yes, I know that I’ve also previously posted this picture, below! But I can’t help it! Bruce Craig is like a drug! He’s in my blood! As I’ve said before, even his asshole is pretty! : 0
(You can enlarge!) : P
BRUCE CRAIG IS FOREVER! (Ralph Whitaker is nice too!) : )
Yes, I agree. There aren’t enough pictures, of these hot two!
Thank you so much for this indulgence, BJ honey!
So many great posts! So little time! : )
; )
even his asshole is pretty!
Obsessed, you need therapy…I’ve seen so many gorgeous assholes I can’t even begin to count. As long as they’re just well-rounded and firm, not too-too tight and never-loose (I can’t bear fisted assholes), I mean…I mean…an Ass of Beauty Is a Joy Forever.
Don’t deny yourself all the profane things God gave us to suck and fuck.
“Obsessed, you need therapy…”
OBSESSION – “If being crazy about Bruce Craig is a crime of insanity; then YES, let me be GUILTY!” : I
Love ya, Parisian! Mean it! : )
I don’t think I was quite clear: Of course Bruce Craig’s ASS is gorgeous, I thought maybe by the use of “even” you meant ASSES are not always–and that’s true, but I have seen and fucked and sucked many masterpieces of ASS CULTURE.
“For the record, there ARE two other men, in this loop. : )”
oh gosh yes – THE REFLECTION!!! I forgot that, and remember the first time I noticed it – how frustratingly clever!!!
and I will always stand by my cropping out LOGOs – I know why they do it, but aesthetically, its awful to see big old LETTERS interfering with a my view
It is quite easy to understand an obsession over these two. Both incredibly hot, and it keeps me wanting to see more. Hard to beat a hot day by a pool.
Yeah, I remember one of the most frustrating things about this film was that you never get a clear look at the other couple fucking around in the background. It drove me crazy, in a good way. Like you said- frustratingly clever. I think that was the genius of Jim French.
This is one of my favorite scenes. I particularly remember the rimming, that you guys mentioned above, was just so unbelievably hot.
BJ, I share your frustration about the lack of photos of Ralph Whitaker. People tend to see Bruce Craig as the hotter one and that’s fine, but I never thought of them like that. I just saw them as two different types, but pretty much on the same level of sexual power and attraction. I could write an essay comparing the two, but I don’t need to because thanks to BJ, we can just look at the clip. But I do think it’s sad that there aren’t more photos of Ralph Whitaker. He had a lot to offer.
I am finding that there are a few men, very sexy men, who for no apparent reason just barely seem to exist in the world of what Jim French left behind. Makes me want to jump in a time machine, go back and say, “take more pics of that one!”
Now, I’m gonna’ go watch this clip because I haven’t seen this in so long!!
Thanks so much BJ!