Al Parker

potted plant

8 replies on “potted plant”

The gentleman on top looks familiar, but I can’t place him. And who is the unseen friend? Inquiring minds want to know! Aside from that I love the set decor!

The gentleman on top is Kirk Mannheim. The unseen friend is Al Parker. This a still from Surge Studio’s very first film Flashback, released 1981. The colour of the room, the pot plant and that cushioned chair are all the clues I needed! It’s a very hot scene. I’ve seen it a gazillion times! Oh to be Kirk!

Thanks for the identification! I was never a fan of his work which is why I didn’t recognize him. Al Parker never did it for me either I have to say. Put Bruno or Kyle Hazard in a scene and I am in!

move me to a bigger pot, my roots are strangling each other?

or…… please don’t do a Weinstein!

That plant is funny, sort of like the kind you are trying to grow when 18 or 19 and don’t know that plants need something to help their iron-deficiency anemia too. Plus, you’re trying to be all “green” and not notice how wasted-looking the pot is–it’s all about the plant, you know– but even at that age I don’t know I’d have used one that careworn as a prop, especially since the chair, floor and rug look in mint condition.

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