Jack Burke in a military uniform, arrives home for leave to the delight of his blonde lover, Scott Anderson – in Brentwood’s Homecoming

of course, one of my favorite scenes with Scott is the one with Clint Lockner, from Face To Face
Jack Burke in a military uniform, arrives home for leave to the delight of his blonde lover, Scott Anderson – in Brentwood’s Homecoming
of course, one of my favorite scenes with Scott is the one with Clint Lockner, from Face To Face
14 replies on “The Homecoming”
Look at the SIZE of that Crotch!
Whoa! Thank you so much for this, BJ! Wow, Brentwood really was a studio to be reckoned with. It’s interesting, that a number of their loops were sold to Falcon.
It’s fascinating that like mainstream stars, porn performers seem locked in time. To me, both Jack Burke and Scott Anderson will always be youthful, in my mind.
Did “The Homecoming” really come out in 1978? To think that both stars, were not only real lovers in life, but were actually older than I am! It must have been their first porn film, for each.
I’m now about to delve into one of my lengthy, porn dissertations. My BA degree in BS! I can’t resist! I should have brought this up, during a February holiday. But what the hell!
As I’ve said before, with his extreme fair skin, pouty full mouth, curly blond hair, and youthful appearance; Scott Anderson, really did qualify as my description, of a “Porn Cupid”! All he needed was the bow and arrow!
(I hope these links work!)
No doubt, he must have had a number of fans. Queers are notorious, for worshipping youthful, androgynous, blond pretty boys.
Look at the gay following of actors like Ryan Phillipe, the young, Leonardo DiCaprio, Christopher Atkins, Ricky Schroder, and the late, River Phoenix.
I love making lists! Scott Anderson was a “Porn Cupid”, but he certainly wasn’t the only one!
In no particular order, here are some others, who also had fair skin, pouty full mouths, thick blond hair, and a youthful appearance! This type is very popular!
They all had a Marilyn Monroe appeal: slightly infantile, lascivious, polymorphously perverse, cute, cuddly, and a corrupt innocence – plus, an angel food cake, scrumptiousness! : P
I know lots, who adore Kurt Marshall – sad story:
Brian Hawkes aka Shawn McIvan was a good performer, but not a natural blond:
Porn director Steven Scarborough, described Troy Mackenzie, as a vixen! : )
Billy Brandt was cute at first, but he didn’t age well. : (
Chris Williams is not to be confused, with Kevin Williams! He really wasn’t muscular, but I still considered him to be a stud-muffin. His body was more downy and cushiony, like porn bottom, Gabriel Cross – delicious!
I disputed if whether I should have included Drew Peters. I ultimately relented. Unlike the others listed here, he definitely doesn’t suggest, any type of innocence! Quite the opposite! : (
He reminds me of the angel Lucifer, before the fall!
He always seems to be sneering – decadent, jaded, and just plain nasty! He was too kinky for my taste! I didn’t care for his fisting, and “rosebud” exposing! Yikes! Yuke! : /
But I have enjoyed him in his more, “vanilla” scenes. He does have a corrupt cuteness, like rapper, Eminem. I think of him as a “Punk Cupid”, like singer, Billy Idol! This bad boy needs a good spanking!
I saved my favorite “Cupid” for last! : )
I though Rod Phillips was just terrific! Without reservation, he definitely was a stud-muffin – delicious! When you check out his bush and eyebrows, it’s clear, he’s a natural blond! : 0
I love the fact that despite his cute, angelic looks, he still had a devilishly, long dick – wicked! : )
His ass wasn’t bad either! But unlike a number of these listed, golden hotties; he wasn’t a bottom. Such a cuttie – that full mouth and cleft chin! : 0
He actually got better looking, as he matured! He shares the same dynamic with Scott Anderson. His boyfriend, Lee Ryder, was also a porn star! Both of them were well-hung! That’s quite a sword fight!
Scott Anderson and Jack Burke; also shared the same appealing contrast, with Lee Ryder and Rod Phillips! One brunet, one blonde, one taller, one shorter! : )
Yes, I know I’m playing favorites! But can you blame me? I mean, just look at him – adorable!
Long live porn angels AND devils! : )
Yes, I know this is belated, but…
; )
Thanks for the Rod Phillips pics, Obsessed!
Like obsessed I too had a bit of a crush / fascination with Chris Williams. In many ways he seemed like the antithesis of what BJ usually spotlights here, but since obsessed mentioned him in his countdown of blond studs I don’t feel like I’m changing the subject -too- much.
A guy I dated for a while in the 80s and I watched porn films together, I mentioned how much I liked Chris and he unleashed such a torrent of hate and negativity I wondered where it came from. What, did Chris come and piss in your wheaties? I think I asked him.
That dislike of Chris actually was pretty widespread in certain circles of the gay community then, since he managed to be notable even outside of his porn work, and not for the best of reasons. I try to remember how these sorts of rumors and innuendo spread pre-internet, much slower for one thing, but also magazine articles and the gay press, plus word of mouth.
This blog post has a comment left by someone, somewhere online in 2006, it’s a long read but covers what I think was at the core of how Chris was seen as turning on his gay brothers at the time, if BJ or anyone here in interested:
Whoa, zephyr – my breath of fresh air! This time, you released a mini tornado! : )
Thank you so much for the link! I had no idea there was so many great pictures and information, about Chris Williams! He’s not to be confused with Kevin Williams! Porn fans; please FOCUS, like a laser beam! : )
Wow, how did I miss this? To think I used “Male Models …” as a guide for Rod Phillips! I’m glad you appreciate Rod and his rod also, Johnny-My Pet-Llama! You’re more than welcome! : )
I really need to use “MMFTP” more often, as a search engine! I’m always surprised when the owner, Jeff Donnell; cover models that aren’t as vintage. Kudos to Jeff!
Wasn’t Chris adorable, zephyr? As with Kurt Williams (‘80s), I’m glad you also appreciate him – irresistible! I’m always delighted to discover porn fans; that are on my same wavelength – kindred spirits!
(Wow, so many “Williams(s)” – don’t even bring up, the Williams sisters!) : 0
For the record, I’m certain that BJ also likes “hotties” and “stud-muffins”! Maybe, he even likes “Porn Cupids”! LOL!
I’ve come to realize; that he has to unequivocally profess loyalty and preference, to his “werewolves”! LOL!
I was delighted when he described Chris Gray “Big Guns (1987)”, as a “cutie-pie”! : )
It’s no surprise that Chris Williams wasn’t a natural blond. But then again, neither was Marilyn Monroe – same appeal! “If Marilyn Monroe had a dick…” LOL! Another kindred spirit! : )
“Baby smooth all over with a California tan…” – Ah, he really was a cherub! Whew, it’s a relief, that he DID look legal! : /
It’s uncanny how much he looks like child actors, Corey Haim and Sean Astin; in his younger, twinkish photos! I’m certain his looks would have even IMPROVED, if he was given the chance to mature! : (
*SIGH* – yet, another sad, tragic story; involving a gay porn star! One can’t deny that porn; does have a dark, unsavory side. For that matter, so does Hollywood! Exploitation seems inevitable, with the easy money. : /
If this report is true, the author still makes the mistake of confusing him with his colleague, Kevin Williams. Being a “pornoisseur”, I’m sure you’ll know where; so I won’t point it out. : )
Both of them were featured in two films together, so the confusion was probably inevitable.
It’s always a mistake to use porn, as one’s only livelihood. I always appreciate performers who only use it, as a stepping stone to something better. As you know, Kevin Williams got into real estate. : )
According to GEVI, Catalina only used Chris as a top; while Falcon only used him as a bottom. Either way, the camera loved him! He always seemed so playfully, nasty! Not grossly nasty, like Drew Peters!
How I love tan-lines! That big, bodacious booty! Such a butt-slut! He was absolutely scrumptious! : P
As I’ve said before…
There are a number of cute, stud-muffins like Carlos Morales, Bruce Craig, Kyle King, early Matt Cole, Fred Goldsmith, and of course, the “Williams brothers” etc.; that look so ripe, luscious and creamy – that I feel like I could “snarf” them, in a single gulp – delicious! : P
I turn into the Cookie Monster, “nom- nom- nom- nom-nom”! It’s sinful! Burp! LOL!
They make me feel as aggressive and relentless, as a dog with a squeeze toy! It wouldn’t surprise me if Chris Williams’ ass, made the same kind of noise! Grrrr! Woof! LOL!
I’m glad you at least appreciated Scott Anderson, in his first appearance, Johnny-My Pet-Llama! Don’t feel guilty about rambling! I certainly don’t! Neither does BJ, hence the name of his website! : )
I know many will think of Scott Anderson as a twink. But I don’t. I think of him as “hottie”, not a stud-muffin. He DOES look legal – whew! : 0
Young men, can get away without having a lot of muscles at first; because their natural bodies, are already taunt and ripe. Though, they better start working out harder; once they hit their late 20’s. Otherwise, it’s sagging and dragging! LOL! : (
According to William Higgins, Scott later got fat! Oh well, different stars, have different shelf lives! : /
Thanks once again for the link, zephyr! I’m going to commend you again later, in another post where you replied! Stay cool and breezy! : )
Please forgive me for the non-sequitar, BJ. I couldn’t resist! : (
So many great posts! So little time! : 0
; )
Obsessed, the most creative thing I can think to say in regards to your user name is to quote Animotion: “Like a butterfly / a wild butterfly / I will collect you and capture you” ;) But I’ll be careful with the pins lol.
That blog ‘vintage male models of the past’ is relatively new, I pointed BJ to it a few months back and like me, he wondered how the guy could have made so many posts in such a short time. He must have access to a whole trove of pics and decided to share them, which is always nice. I have to admit that blogs like his, where you can look up a name from a huge list along the side of the page, is great for using as a reference, as retro studs, brutos eros and some others also do. Though I also get how blogs like this one, would rather not have a massive list of tags to constantly adjust and tweak.
But if you click on the Chris Williams tag at his blog, he’s got dozens of pics of Chris there, including some from his more twink (but hopefully legal!) phase before he became even blonder.
I think the guy I had watched porn with had heard the rumors about Chris testifying against the guys who hired him as a hooker when he was underage, and that was what fed the anger towards him at the time. I understand that to a point, some gay guys likely felt betrayed by someone who had made money stripping and filming porn scenes, which fed the backlash before Chris got sick and died.
But the fact that he was denied any kind of legal advice and convinced by the feds that that was his only possible way to avoid legal jeopardy himself, that’s rotten. And common for the kinds of things that happen when republicans have too much unchecked power. Anybody remember the Johnny Cash buses after Nixon was reelected, or hearing about those?
I’m glad Chris renounced his testimony before he died and (if the blog post was right about this) led to greater protections for porn performers and sex workers in the years that followed.
That long post from 2006, quoted at the link I left above, seemed to have been written by someone who knew Chris but they did get a few details wrong:
For one thing Chris wasn’t in New Zealand Undercovers (another film I reviewed at reddit), the only Americans in that movie were Jim Bentley, Tim Kramer and Leo Ford, in what might have been Leo’s final porn film. There was a Kiwi actor who used the name Kris Williams but it was a different guy.
Also that post indicated the Chris who stripped in DC was in films for Bijou called Making It Big and Steal My Stuff, but that was a black porn actor also named Chris Williams:
So that makes me think it might be suspect, though I do remember the backlash to the Chris from Young Cadets and Out Of Bounds having to do with his arrest and testimony. Not sure what to make of that.
You alluded to a confusion with Kevin Williams, not sure I caught that ir know what you mean? Anyway always nice to speak with you through poor BJ’s blog comments, I can just see his eyes glazing over when one (or both) of us type so many words here :D
Okay, this is going to be my last word(s) on Chris Williams. Sorry, BJ! You know I don’t like to highjack your posts; at least, not too much! LOL! : )
But I insist on setting the record straight! We queers can be so anal, in more ways than one! LOL!
Sorry zephyr. I just assumed you would catch the glaring mistakes; by the author of this Sept. 17, 2006 memoriam – originally posted on tim1965.livejournal, apparently. : )
For one thing, Chris and Kevin Williams never shared a scene together. The three-way in “Spokes II: The Graduation (1988)”, was with JIM BENTLEY and Casey Jordan. And Chris wasn’t double penetrated! Did he even see this film? : /
I’m not exactly a fan of either Jim Bentley or Casey Jordan, but Chris Williams provides the heat!
He also claims that Chris gets fucked by Jim Pulver in “Bare Tales (1988)”. No, that was Kevin Williams again with Pulver, for the second time. Chris shared a flip-flop with Brian Estevez, listed here as Michael Wayne. I can’t believe that Estevez was in the Marines. He seemed so tiny. : (
I agree that ex-Marine Jim Pulver, wasn’t a good actor. BUT WHO THE FUCK CARES?! LOL! : )
Kevin Williams and Chris Williams; both appeared in “Out of Bounds (1987)” and “Bare Tales (1988)”.
Yes, I did see all the previous pictures of Chris Williams on “Male Models…” That was how I was able to post the publicity butt-shot, from “The Young Cadets (1988)”. That’s also where I got the “Marilyn Monroe with a dick” reference, above.
As I said before, maneuvering “MMFTP” can be a bit tricky! It’s best to post the name, in the search engine, top left. As you’ve stated.
“MMFTP” isn’t actually all that new. It used to be a porn Tumblr site, before Google shut it down. : (
The owner had so many pictures, that he started a second website called “MMFTP Part Two”! He used to post new pictures almost every day! Now it looks like he’s just, starting over with new material!
Once again, kudos to Jeff Donnell! : )
I’m going to mention “MMFTP” in a future post, thanks to you! : D
Once again, thanks for all the information, zephyr! Chris Williams, will remain in both our hearts (and loins)! : )
Stay cool and breezy! ; )
tim1965, wow there’s a blog I first discovered years ago. Another long timer, as with our friend BJ! I guess he dates back to the 00s then too, if what vmmftp reposted was dated 2006. He wrote a sweet and informative tribute to Lon Flexx that I have bookmarked I think, either that or I snipped an image of it. So it’s good to know where that came from, thanks for the i.d.
But it does seem that tim had some wires crossed then, since I had noticed a few discrepancies in what he wrote about Chris, as did you. Perhaps he just confused Chris with Kevin and/or Jim Bentley due to all of them being blond? Hard to say. But thank you for reminding me of the correct scene partners, had I delved into it more I may have found that, but it’s nice that you explained it for me, thank you sir.
I first noticed Chris in Out Of Bounds when he was lying in the woods jacking off, and Vladimir Correa as the ranger comes along and sees him. I was blown away at how hot he was, as you said above his look worked for me, especially his fit body, big dick and shapely butt. Not as much BJ’s type I’m sure, at least in part due to his hair color and lack of chest hair, but he certainly had attributes that made some of us notice him right from the start.
You’re welcome for the info about Chris and thanks for what you provided as well, between us I think we set the record a bit straighter.
How did I miss this one?
I enjoy Jack Burke, but I’ve never really been a Scott Anderson fan. I remember his (IMO) lame B-reel acting in Face to Face and I really didn’t think he was a good match for the scorching JW King. I’m trying to remember the Clint Lockner scene- was it in an alley? Clint was a cop, as per usual. I should watch it again.
My absolute fave scene from Face to Face was the awesome 3-way between Mickey Squires, Will Seagers & Miles Mitchell.
Anyway, *rambling* I think Scott looks really good in “The Homecoming.” Did something happen in between the filming of that one and “Face” that made him somehow less? He’s so cute above and somehow not as cute later. Is it the haircut? Who knows? Who cares? Not anyone reading this I’m sure! Haha!
Thanks for another great video clip! And the trip down memory lane. It’s a place where I’m getting lost more and more in one way or another! When it’s pleasant memories like this, it’s great. When I can’t find my glasses and then they’re in my hand, not so great.
Hahaha. I’m very far-sighted so am fortunate enough not to need glasses except for reading, but much worse than your malady, I occasionally think I can’t find my glasses while I’m wearing them!
no one – not even me noticed/mentioned the misspelled title
Thank you so much for this offering. I have only recently discovered the likes of Jack Burke on my journey into what I’ve dubbed vintage “edge” (I prefer edge over porn). And Jack is truly a revelation. A girthy stud was he, who apparently very much enjoyed bottoming. What a lovely clip, BJ, with heavy romanticism particularly at the beginning and end of the clip.