print porn models

uncut two

very very familiar young man, but can’t place him. From a publication called UNCUT TWO, (1981) – from Le Salon, so likely a hodgepodge of photographers and original sources

9 replies on “uncut two”

Honestly, BJ! Do I need to tell you everything? Do you think I respond, because I like to show off? (Actually, I do.) : )

You’re quite familiar with William Higgins, Nova Films, and Brentwood Studio. So how can you not recognize, Jack Burke?! : /

As I’ve said before, by default, all stud-muffins are hotties. But not all hotties, are stud-muffins. : (

Stud-muffins are muscular. Porn stars like Burke, his boyfriend, the Cupid looking, Scott Andersen, and Bobby Madison; were all too slight in build, for me to call them “stud-muffins”. I love to set the terms – my way, or the highway! : )

Woody from GEVI; makes a glaring mistake! He lists Jack’s birth year as circa 1975. Most of his films were released in 1981! That would have made him six years old, when he was in the spotlight! : /

Hey, Johnny-My Pet-Llama! Maybe you should let Woody know this, since I won’t! : (

I love his beach scene in “Pacific Coast Highway (1981)” with Scott Andersen and Jeff Hunter.

The “appropriated” (i.e. stolen) 1980 disco hit; from Young & Co.: “I Like What You’re Doing to Me”, was used to score this sequence. Remember, when I mentioned this, zephyr? : )

This sequence spawned this rather famous porn publication:

Of course, you also knew that this picture below; became quite popular on Tumblr, right? Don’t you just love – how I expect you to know these things? : )

And of course, his scene with the divine, Giorgio Canali; from “Brothers Should Do It (1981)”, was also unforgettable! Don’t you agree? You better!

Let me help you with your memory. Oh, the things I do for you! As a porn pupil, you should also pay attention, Johnny-My Pet-Llama! : )

Keep scrolling to the very end – two, long, endless pages!

You’re welcome! I know this won’t be the last time! My work is NEVER done!

Remember, take notes! – “Nag, nag, nag, and nag!” : )

; )

Well, you beat me to the punch!

I think you can’t really blame BJ for forgetting this pup’s name because we tend to remember our favorites (or favorite types) best. As you said, he’s a tiny bit twinkish.

Still he’s a beauty with that tight body and uncut dick. The curl of his lips in that first pic and the fierce look in his eyes in the last pic- well, they make me shiver! He’s coiled like a snake about to strike in that last pic.

Woody does appreciate the corrections, as he is well aware that there are lots of little mistakes on GEVI. Often it’s just an accidental key stroke. I’m amazed at what he accomplishes, wading through soooo much porn.

We all make mistakes and I know I have constant lapses in memory. Very frustrating! Now, why did I come into this room?

I just brought up my spreadsheet of porn music, that is so confusing even I have a hard time making heads or tails of it, and for Pacific Coast Highway I’ve got three songs listed:

– Walter Murphy, Bolero (around 51:50 to 53:50)
– Young & Co., I Like What You’re Doing (76:10 to 80:55)
– Rod Stewart, Passion (only in the preview?)

It’s been ages since I’ve seen PCH, I’ve been meaning to watch it again soon, but I’m guessing that I did get the i.d. of the Young & Co. song from you, so thank you sir. And yes, this does seem to be Jack Burke (who I remember mostly from These Bases Are Loaded but other films too), good eye. And what a beautiful uncut dick and body he had in his prime.

Oh, and that photo with Giorgio, one of the most gorgeous men who ever lived! Just fabulous to think of exquisitely perfect Jack Burke with all those *features* and his Ass full of Giorgio’s incredible Prick–and that shot is also amazing, because I’ve never seen Giorgio’s Ass look that much like some Ultimate Sculpture; then again, his whole Body is a True Sculpture. I’m sure Jack thought, while getting fucked by Giorgio, that he was the most Pleasured Man in the World. There’s nothing more beautiful than a bottom who looks like Jack Burke: He’s the Man with Everything.

Oh, do I owe you, this site and B.J., for so many things including this. I had never even heard of Jack Burke before, much less seen such the incredible American Beauty that he is.

ahhhhh – nice research –

I would say Western Man’s PARAGON and ETALON (with Giorgio Canali) are the two I would pursue finding – seem to have the better quality photographs; IN TOUCH cover issue, maybe.

honestly! – in all seriousness, I don’t recall seeing him presented quite so well – certainly not in any Higgins production!

P.S.: Just to let everyone know, clicking on my last link from “Vintage Male Models from the Past”, above; may be a little tricky. You may need to click in, then back-tab, all the way out; then click on my posted link again – to open the post on Jack Burke, dated February 10, 2021.

If it still just brings you to the home page; you may also type in “Jack Burke” in the Search section, located at the very top, left corner. Remember, it’s a very long post – endless, with lots of pictures! There’s a long interruption with model Danny Albert; so keep on going to the very end – featuring the full magazine “California Cock”!

Whew! That was convoluted! Glad to see, that BJ figured it out! : )

I’m delighted that my favorites here, also appreciate Jack Burke! Leave it to me, to open the flood-gate of interest! : )

As I’ve said before, I’m partial to macho bull-studs, daddies, and muscle hunks, in all-male porn. But I also have a soft spot for “hotties” and “stud-muffins”! : P

It’s clear that BJ does also, though his preference is with hairy guys and facial hair – werewolf fetish! : )

I’m also delighted to learn that Johnny-My Pet-Llama; also uses the description, “Porn Pup” as do I, to discuss such cutties! Their main selling points are warmth and charm! : )

Falcon Studios, Nova Films, and William Higgins, used quite a number of these memorable, frisky little critters, in their porn repertoire – playful!

Just to be clear though, William Higgins, did also sometimes use models; that were more mature looking like Michael Christopher, J.W. King, Nick Rodgers, Brad Peters, and the divine, Giorgio Canali!

Parisian, I’m rather surprised to learn that you weren’t aware, of Canali’s work in “Brothers Should Do It (1981)”. I believe it may have been his first film for Higgins.

zephyr, on that same note; did you remember the music reference that Jack Burke makes, at the end of their porn scene together? His last spoken line is “It never rains in Southern California”, quoting the 1972 song hit, by Albert Hammond. But of course, you knew that, right? The passage of time is no excuse! ; )

I tweak BJ constantly, for his memory lapses! But he knows, I’m just kidding! As Johnny-My Pet-Llama says, we all make mistakes! I have to admit, my memory isn’t as steel-trapped, as it used to be! : (

In listing the “hotties “that weren’t “stud-muffins”, I actually forgot to mention the most famous of them all, Leo Ford – great cocksucker! How could I’ve done that? I made a mental note, not to forget! I could kick myself in the head! : /

I should have also mentioned, the enthusiastic, Aaron Gage – adorable! Thank you, Vint 70’s – Lvr! : )

(Hope these links work!)×300.jpg

Notice his watch tan-line, in this picture with Bill Henson, from Falcon’s “Winner Takes All (1983)”:

Dads and Lads, they’re all great! : P

; )

I didn’t remember Jack’s line matching the song title, though that’s an expansion of my original interest in the music that’s actually heard in porn films. Not that that wouldn’t be a fun game to play as well, there would be possible connections to be made in almost any film where we get to hear the guys talk. Of course I remember the original It Never Rains tune from the 70s but now when I see that title my mind stops first at Tony! Toni! Toné! and their 1990 R&B hit, differentiated only by the parentheses:

Although this later example couldn’t have inspired Jack using the phrase as it already existed, it is a terrific song though. Still that’s great that you associate me with porn music, both the soundtracks and even lyrics challenges! I’m flattered.

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