is it wrong to cut off their faces? I dunno, but sometimes the dyed hair, the funky faces, or other distractions are, well, distracting!
I had no idea Paul has only been in one film – Intruders – I think I got that right. But it’s a nice 3-way with Bill Harlen and Jimmy Metz, so if you’re doing only one…. Also, badly trimmed crotch hairs… this top photo nicely takes care of that with the shower’s water blurring that awful chop chop line too often above a pornstars goods. The one below, well the arm and quite lovely hardon take care of keeping that chop chop line from being seen.

more from Intruders on BJland
8 replies on “intruder”
When Jimmy Metz (clean-shaven, as opposed to his earlier scene) peeks in the door of the cabin in Intruders, and Paul is sitting there smoking a cigarette, Paul looks so damn fine it almost takes my breath away. He gives this vulnerable, half-smile, inviting Jimmy inside yet his chest, body and (to me) face is sublime. He actually disappoints a bit in the threeway, he seems to fade into the background as most of the actual sex takes place between Jimmy and Bill Harlen. It is kind of surprising this was his only film, the Intruders scenes that were shot on film were done so well and still hold up. Still wish I knew whether there was any Cowley music in some of the first VHS / Betamax tapes because the 1988 copyright version with oily Keith is definitely not Cowley.
So is that Paul Becker with and without upper body? If so, there’s no accounting for tastes as they always correctly say, because I think he’s a knockout and am just not a connoisseur like some of you fellows to care if his pubic hair is perfect or not. The shower one is gorgeous, and the last one (if that’s the same one) has an uncanny resemblance to Michael York, one of my favourite actors–always a smoothie.
Plus that picture of his back and masterpiece of an ASS: I’m not sure I ever saw a more perfect one.
I guess you just don’t like blondes too much. I like blondes a lot unless it’s tackily dyed, which one of the ones I saw mentioned when catching upt. That is very “faggy” from the early 60s and 70s at the Continental Baths, before butch looks took over.
All of the pics on this post are of Paul Becker, with and without his face. I agree with you, he was definitely my type too. As to BJ’s hair preferences I’d say you’re right, just based on his previous posts and comments to that effect. He also digs furrier guys as opposed to those who are less hairy.
well – he’s certainly handsome, BUT some of the pics, the hair is awful, and the pubes are awful, so I started with a few pics where that wasn’t the case – to draw you into what IS good – like his cock looks nice wet, and his wet pubes hide the awful barber line above the equipment that you can see in a latter pic – but I had to go through a lot of pics to find these very good ones –
check out the last one – handsome face and the bad hair is hidden by the hat, and the package looks wonderful with no bad “pube line” interfering with your enjoyment of the view!
Some of his later magazine spreads his face was starting to look a bit more haggard, I guess I can see how you’d categorize that as distracting. But the close-ups of him in Intruders before Jimmy comes in, exhaling his smoke, like I said that just gets me tingly. So. damn. fine. He’s pretty clearly of the steroid look as many of the guys from Fox scenes display, like Tom LeDuc especially. Maybe he was gay for pay for that one scene and that’s why he didn’t participate more in the sex or do any others. Somebody should have just cut him a big check so we could have seen him in action more.
When I saw the top picture, I thought for a moment it was Tom Leduc.
What info do you have on him?
good starting point is here – Tom Leduc – and there’s a search button somewhere near the top right to look for more
I’m more familiar with the mag “Intruders” than the film. If I did see it, it was so long ago that I’ve forgotten. But these pics aren’t from that mag, are they? He was in the film though, which is where you got your post title I imagine.
For the most part, I agree with you about Paul Becker. His best features are his dick and muscles. Although I can’t deny that he’s handsome. I just like a guy to have a little face or body fur. His hair in Intruders was truly awful. Just a bad haircut. I still wouldn’t kick him out of bed.
I used to date a guy who had truly terrible hair. It wasn’t his fault, he just had really course, really straight hair and it would stand up all over the place. He used to wear all this gel, so his hair would be all crunchy if you touched it. I hated that. But he was super good in bed, one of the best I’ve ever had. Ah, memories!
Thanks BJ!